/ / "Smecta" for the newborn: instructions and references

"Smecta" for the newborn: instruction and feedback

To solve various problems with digestionadsorbing preparations are used. If the pathology occurs in children, it is often recommended "Smecta". For a newborn, it is not dangerous if you strictly follow the instructions and follow the recommendations of your doctor. The drug is manufactured by a French pharmaceutical company, and you can choose a powder that must be diluted with water, or a ready-made suspension.

Features of the tool

To carefully remove harmful substances from theintestine of the child, is used "Smecta". For newborns, the instruction involves taking up to two packets per day. The preparation is made from specially prepared white clay, which is mined on the island of Sardinia. The agent draws in itself pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances and keeps them within itself. After that, the powder is extracted naturally outward along with unnecessary toxins. In this case, "Smecta" has a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines, enveloping the mucous membranes. As a result, a protective barrier is formed and recovery functions are provided.

Parents often note in their responses that taking the drug does not cause negative consequences, the microflora is not disturbed, and the effect can be observed after a short period of time.

We study the composition

"Smecta" for the newborn involves twoforms of release. For convenience of reception it is possible to get ready suspension. It is basically a dioctahedral smectite. As auxiliary tools are used:

  • flavoring;
  • gum;
  • lemon and ascorbic acid;
  • sucralose;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • purified water.

However, many choose the more familiar option inform of powder, where also the main substance is dioctahedral smectite. But there are fewer auxiliary substances, which, according to some experts, is much better. The composition includes:

  • glucose;
  • vanillin;
  • sodium saccharin.

Admission of newborns

Often parents are interested in whether it is possible to "Smektu"newborn with various problems with digestion. Doctors confirm that the remedy is safe and can be used to treat the youngest patients. Particular attention is focused on the fact that the substance is retained in the intestine and is completely excreted unchanged. However, in some reviews, one can find references to the occurrence of an allergic reaction. There are also cases of constipation in toddlers. But the symptoms go away quickly if the dosage is reduced.

It can be unequivocally asserted that it is possible for "Smecta" to a newborn. It is used in the following cases:

  • with bloating and colic;
  • for the removal of symptoms of diarrhea, which was caused by poor-quality food, medication or allergy.
Smecta for colic

Ways of reception

Before use, read ininstructions how to breed "Smektu" for a newborn. In this case, the dosage is always the same, regardless of the form of the release. The amount of active ingredient in both cases is the same.

If powder is used, then all contentsOne packet is thoroughly mixed in 50 ml of warm water. You can use the usual mixture or mother's milk. The reception is carried out with a spoon, but it is permissible to give the baby from a bottle. If the child is already eating a lure, then it is possible to dilute the powder in the broth.

When using a liquid form, a sachetthe slurry is pre-kneaded well. This is necessary in order for the content to become completely homogeneous. Next, the solution is poured into a spoon or also mixed into the milk mixture.

Smecta for newborns

Dosing regimen

The application of Smecta for newborns has its ownfeatures. You can not use the drug uncontrolled, because you can cause significant harm to the digestive system. Admission depends on age and indications.

  1. With diarrheal syndrome, children under one year of ageto offer in a period of acute exacerbation two packets a day, but not more than three days. Then one packet is taken. After a year in the first three days, four sachets are used, then two drinks are drunk.
  2. For other symptoms, children up to one year may consume one packet per day. From year to two, a couple of sachets are acceptable. After two years - three sachets.

It is forbidden to store the prepared solution for a long time. It is always advisable to drink only freshly prepared. Keep cool in the refrigerator, but no more than 16 hours.

Specific instruction instructions

With diarrhea, indigestion and poisoningrecommended Smecta newborn. How to give the drug in each case, the doctor can tell. But it is worthwhile to understand that simultaneous reception of the drug with other medicines reduces their effectiveness. This is due to adsorption properties and the ability to remove not only harmful toxins, but also useful substances.

If there is a need to receive otherdrugs, it is important to withstand the time interval. If the child drank the medicine, then "Smektu" can be taken after 1-2 hours. Also, do not give the drug immediately after eating. The active substance is able to bind and remove from the body all the beneficial substances that come with the products.

It should be remembered that the baby can not give powder for more than a week. If after this time the symptoms do not pass, the child should be shown to the doctor.

You can

Are there any side effects?

Often parents give their feedback on admissionSmecta. Very rarely, negative opinions are identified, so the drug is recommended for use in newborns. But nevertheless it is necessary to know about possible consequences, which remind instruction:

  • constipation may occur;
  • sometimes increases flatulence;
  • with individual sensitivity, vomiting is opened;
  • the powder contains glucose, therefore, reception with diabetes should be agreed with the doctor;
  • allergic reactions are extremely rare, but not excluded.

Sometimes parents in their reviews indicatechanges in stool color. But this phenomenon is not due to the action of the drug, because in itself it does not have a color, does not interact with the contents of the stomach and displays it unchanged. Therefore, the appearance in the stool of mucus or fixation of diarrhea with a greenish tinge indicates the presence of another problem.

In what cases is reception necessary?

To solve a variety of problems with digestionrecommended Smecta newborn. You can give it with diarrhea, jaundice, colic, vomiting, poisoning, dysbiosis, meteorism, allergy and rotavirus.

Most often the drug is used for diarrhea. However, in this case it is important to conduct rehydration therapy in parallel in order to avoid dehydration.

To eliminate colic

"Smecta" for the newborn is often used to relieve unpleasant symptoms of bloating. This state is well known to many mothers, when the baby experiences intestinal pain and constantly cries.

The flatulence arises from the entry of air into thestomach or an improper diet of a nursing mother. From the menu it is important to exclude all products that enhance gas generation. It is necessary to eliminate the pathological causes of colic, before using Smecta.

Poisoning intake

For the treatment of infectious diseasesThe gastrointestinal tract is often used "Smecta" for newborns. Instruction for use says that due to adsorption properties the drug effectively removes pathogens from the stomach and intestines of the baby. The dosing regimen in this case is the same as for diarrhea syndrome. However, vomiting can be provoked. In this case, the reception should be repeated. But it is important to establish precisely the cause of such a state. It is known that vomiting can be caused by head trauma, nervous disorders and accompanied by fever. In this case, the treatment of Smecta is unreasonable.

Help with allergies

Properties of the drug allow him not onlyto remove from the intestine harmful substances, toxins and bacteria. "Smecta" is able to bind and remove allergens. And the work begins in the stomach and continues in the small and large intestine. Pancreatic and liver secretions are included in the spectrum of exposure.

But experts recommend using Smecta to eliminate an allergic reaction if the patient is predicting diarrhea. With propensities to diarrhea, it is better to use Enterosgel or Polysorb.

Maintenance therapy with rotavirus

If a newborn is diagnosed with rotavirus,then the administration of the drug is justified. It is able to bind and gently bring out the products of the vital activity of bacteria and viruses. Of course, the remedy is not a cure for pathology, but it significantly alleviates the condition. The drug is recommended as part of complex therapy.

Feedback on the use of the drug

"Smecta" is a fairly popular toolto eliminate diarrhea in newborns. It is noted that the reception does not cause side effects, the drug is well tolerated by the smallest patients. Parents trust this tool and often hear approving responses from their attending physician.

Many note the convenience of use.You can buy a ready-made suspension, but the powder does not require complicated preparation. Children usually drink well the proposed medicine, because it has a mild vanilla taste. In addition, it is possible to mix the solution into the milk mixture, which does not affect the quality of the treatment and its effectiveness.

Powder does not require special storage conditions,so many have it in their home medicine chest. If there is a violation in the diet, colic or poisoning, it is always possible to quickly provide first aid to the baby and all members of the family. Doctors confirm, "Smecta" for the newborn not only gently removes all harmful substances from the intestine, but also preserves the beneficial microflora. However, prolonged use can trigger dysbacteriosis. Therefore, the reception should be strictly limited and comply with the recommendations specified in the instruction.

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