/ / Immunomodulator drug "Bion 3": reviews and indications for use

Immunomodulator drug "Bion 3": reviews and indications for use

As is known, the intestine is the mainan assistant in the protection of the body's immunity, if he is healthy, and the main culprit of all chronic diseases, when he is filled with a pathogenic microflora. It is in the intestine that most of the immunity of an adult is created, and its purity and normal functioning should be paid close attention.

Bion 3 reviews
The weakening of the functions of the digestive tract is facilitated by manyfactors, one of which is antibiotic treatment. To help the body to restore immunity are capable of dietary supplements from a series of probiotics, which are the vitamins "Bion 3". This natural preparation is produced in Germany by Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH in three types of packaging: 10, 30 and 60 capsules.

The composition of the drug "Bion 3": reviews and indications for use

This biological supplement contains twoa kind of bifidobacteria and one kind of lactobacillus, which gives it the title of probiotic. To strengthen the recovery properties of the body, the manufacturer supplemented the formula with a group of vitamins, acids and minerals. The composition of the drug includes the following substances:

  • vitamins D3, E, B12, C, B1, A, B6, B2, biotin;
  • minerals - calcium, selenium, chromium, iron, magnesium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum and zinc;
  • acid - pantothenic, folic, nicotinamide.

Approximate cost of packing in 30 tabletsis about 600 rubles. One package is enough for a month. In case of problems with immunity, frequent illnesses and after drug treatment, this drug is recommended to consume 1 capsule per day for 6-12 months, with a glass of warm water.

Bion 3 description
Supplements "Bion 3": description

The drug has such a pharmacological action:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • restoration and strengthening of immunity;
  • normalization of water-electrolyte balance in the body;
  • replenishment of minerals and vitamins deficiency in the body;
  • the removal of stress and the restoration of organs after antibiotic therapy;
  • Used in the treatment of antibiotics for combined effects to remove side effects.

Method of application of "Bion 3": reviews, dosage

Use daily one capsule per day, at the time of eating, without sniffing, drinking 1 glass of water.

When taking antibiotics, it is recommendedsimultaneously use the drug "Bion 3". Comments of consumers: to enhance the effect and remove side effects, use the drug daily for 1 tablet, 2 hours after taking the antibiotic. The use of "Bion 3" continues two months after the end of treatment with pharmacological drugs.

Contraindications and features of the use of the drug "Bion 3": reviews of doctors

This probiotic is an excellent preventive for complex effects on the body. It is able to improve well-being and strengthen immunity, to saturate the body with microelements.

Vitamin Bion 3
Contraindications are not revealed, exceptintolerance of the components of the formula of the drug. Doctors do not recommend exceeding this dosage or not adhering to mandatory intake conditions, such as large amounts of water and the use of capsules in conjunction with food.

Also doctors remind, that before the beginning of receptionSupplements should consult with the attending physician and do not replace the necessary pharmacological treatment with herbal and vitamin based products. Remember that serious diseases can only be cured with the help of qualified medical personnel, and biologically active supplements and vitamins are mandatory support during medical treatment, but not a substitute for it.

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