Frequent catarrhal, some chronic,virus diseases and fungal lesions - all this affects the human immune system. Currently, there are medicines that promote the increase of natural defenses, which makes it easier to tolerate and faster disease. These drugs include the drug "Derinat" (drops), the instruction for application to which describes them as an immunomodulator.
The action of the drug is aimed at increasingimmunity. In addition, it is characterized by anti-inflammatory effect, as well as stimulation of complete restoration of damaged tissues. In connection with this, it is sometimes recommended that wounds and burns be treated with this medication for faster healing. The drug is produced in the form of drops, but the agent can be found in the form of a solution that is applied externally or for injections.
Drops "Derinat" instruction recommends in ARVI,rhinitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, other colds and viral diseases that can result from low immunity. In addition, use the agent for inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa (eg, stomatitis), eye diseases.
This drug is in most cases goodis transferred, which is explained by its natural basis. However, the drug "Derinat" (drop) during pregnancy is prescribed, if only there are vital indications. This is due to the fact that in-depth studies on tolerability and adverse effects on this group of patients have not been carried out. With caution the agent is used in the presence of autoimmune diseases. Do not use drops if there is an increased sensitivity to the components contained in the preparation.
Drug "Derinat" (drops) instruction onadvises use as a means of monotherapy, and for use in complex treatment. It blends well with virtually all antibacterial and antiviral agents. However, before using it is necessary to discuss all the moments of joint application with other medications with the doctor who is carrying out the treatment. This medication is not applied externally at the same time as hydrogen peroxide and ointments, in which the fat base.
As a preventive tool "Derinat"Bury 2 drops in each of the nostrils. Use the medication 2-4 times a day for 2 weeks. It can be used to treat children from their birth. For ARVI therapy at the very beginning of the disease, it is necessary to increase the dosage and use the remedy during the first day every 2 hours. Sometimes the treatment can last up to a month.
The drug "Derinat" (drops) instruction onapplication allows to use in the fight against inflammatory dystrophic processes of the eye. In this case, the drug is instilled in 2-3 doses several times a day. A more precise treatment regimen should be appointed by a specialist. Drug is injected directly into the eye.
Feedback from therapists and consumers about thisimmunomodulator are diverse, but, for the most part, all mark its effectiveness. The most effective remedy is if it is used at the time when the first signs of the disease appear. In this case, those who applied the medicine, note that the disease lasts less and runs much easier than usual. The advantage of this drug is a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
Means "Derinat" (drops) instruction onuse recommends from the earliest age. This medicine helps to increase the natural defenses of the body, which reduces the number of diseases in children and adults. Despite the fact that the drug is relatively new, it has already established itself as an effective tool, which explains its high popularity.