/ / Means "Voltaren" (candles). Instructions

Means "Voltaren" (candles). Instructions

The drug "Voltaren" has antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient is diclofenac.

When applying the tablet form of the preparationthere is a rapid absorption of the active substance into the bloodstream. In this case, the effect is noted after a while, since the tablets have an enteric coating. For two hours after ingestion, a maximum level of diclofenac in the plasma is observed. When using a prolonged-action drug (prolonged), the release of the active substance takes place even more slowly. The maximum content of diclofenac in the plasma is noted within four hours. However, the duration of the drug remains (after a single dose) for twenty-four hours.

When using suppositories suction means is carried out for less time, but the absorption rate (compared to the tablet form) is smaller.

The drug "Voltaren" (candles) instructionrecommends in spondyloarthritis, osteoarthritis, pain in the spine. The agent is indicated for inflammation, pain, swelling of the joints and soft tissues associated with injuries; with primary dysmenorrhea and other gynecological pathologies complicated by pain or inflammation. Suppositories are also used for diseases in extraarticular tissues of rheumatic nature.

Voltaren (candles) instructionrecommends the use of a prescribed in the prescribed dosage. Duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor and depends on the nature of the pathology and condition of the patient.

As a rule, the initial dosage is 100-150 mg inday. It is usually recommended to divide the amount of the drug into two or three doses. In combination with other dosage forms, the "Voltaren" (candle) remedy is recommended for use before bedtime. Do not exceed the recommended dose of 150 mg per day.

To ease the condition in painful menstruation, usually prescribed from 50 to 100 mg, according to the individual characteristics of women and the severity of pain.

The preparation "Voltaren" in the form of suppositoriesIt is also recommended for relief of migraine attacks. Dosage at the same time is 100 mg per day. If necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, the dose may be increased to 150 mg.

To adverse manifestations with the use of the drug"Voltaren" (candles) instruction refers to disorders of the digestive system (stool, stomach pain, vomiting and others), the development of inflammation in the pharynx and oral cavity (glossitis, stomatitis and others), hepatitis. As negative reactions, pain in the chest, tachycardia, hypertension, headaches, trembling of the limbs, sleep disorder, fatigue, taste change, skin rash are possible. The use of suppositories "Voltaren" can provoke local reactions of irritation, including, in the form of hemorrhoids.

The effect of the drug on the psychomotor reactions of a person is not noted.

If any adverse reactions occur, the doctor should be contacted immediately.

The preparation "Voltaren" in the form of suppositoriescontraindicated in hypersensitivity, in the third trimester of pregnancy, disorders of functioning in the hemopoietic system of an unclear nature, ulcerative lesions in the duodenum and stomach, gastritis (erosive, including), colitis.

It is not recommended to use candles for proctitis,hemorrhoids, bleeding from the rectum. In such cases it is possible to use the drug in the form of tablets or "Voltaren Rapid" powder on the recommendation of a specialist.

Before using the drug (regardless of the form of release), you should consult a doctor and carefully read the annotation.

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