/ / The drug "Bystrumgel": analogues and application features

The drug "Bystrumgel": analogues and application features

"Bystrumgel" - non-steroidalAnti-inflammatory agent in the form of an almost transparent gel with a characteristic odor. The drug is intended for external use and has a complex effect on inflammatory or traumatic injuries of joints, various muscle groups, tendons, sprains and ligament ruptures, sprains and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Of the large number of drugs for the treatment of such pathologies, the most commonly used is Bystrumgel. Analogues can be cheaper or more expensive, but the effect is almost the same.

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Properties of the preparation

The use of the gel is very effective whenpain in the joints and muscles of any etiology. By its medicinal properties, "Bystrumgel" is obliged to ketoprofen as the main active substance of the drug. It has such an effect:

  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • removes swelling;
  • normalizes the work of vessels and strengthens their walls;
  • eliminates the stiffness of the joints, increases their mobility.

It is thanks to the properties of ketoprofen,which allows you to quickly remove pain, so often used "Bystrumgel." Analogues of this drug also received recognition and wide dissemination. Some of them are just as popular as the drug itself.

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"Bystrumgel": instructions for use

Аналоги этого препарата обладают похожими properties, but not all have the same consistency. It is thanks to the fact that "Bystrumgel" is produced in the form of a gel, it is easy to apply, and it is absorbed faster. The drug is applied externally, by applying and evenly rubbing it into the skin in places of pain concentration until it is completely absorbed.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment at the top,apply a warming bandage. Use of the drug should be limited to two applications within a day, the duration of use should not exceed two weeks.

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Contraindications and side effects

Do not apply to damaged skin, areas,covered with a rash, drug "Bystrumgel". Analogues of it, like all products based on ketoprofen, are not used to treat children and during pregnancy. Special side effects "Bystrumgel" does not have, but with excessive use of the drug, allergies to the skin are possible. There is also a burning sensation, redness, rashes or swelling.

"Bystrumgel": analogues

Ввиду хороших лечебных показателей, небольшого a list of contraindications for use and rare manifestations of side effects, this drug is very popular. Both the gel and its analogs are meant for the treatment of the same diseases and may well be replaced if necessary. However, it is better to consult with a doctor. Altogether there are about 150 analogues of the drug, but the most common of them are "Artrozilen", "Ketoprofen", "Fastum gel", "Fleksen gel", "Valusal", "Ketonal". Combines "Bystrumgel" and its analogues the presence of an active substance - ketoprofen.

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The best analog of the drug

When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to focus on the characteristics of the body, the severity of the disease. And of course, you should not choose an analogue without consulting a doctor.

  • "Ketoprofen" - an analog of "Bystrumgel" is cheap andalmost the same effective in treatment. The content of the active substance in both preparations is exactly the same. "Ketoprpen" is slightly cheaper than the original, but the difference in price between them is negligible.
  • "Флексен" выпускается как в виде геля, так и в form of capsules for internal use. Differs quite low price. The disadvantages of Flexan include more contraindications, especially on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, and a weaker therapeutic effect.
  • "Fastum gel" is an analogue of Bystrummgel ointment.It is widely used as a means to relieve pain syndromes and inflammations in joint diseases. The disadvantages of “Fastum gel” include a rather high price and the fact that it helps only with moderate pain.
  • "Artrozilen" is also popular.Among its advantages is the rapid healing effect. The disadvantages of "Artrozilen" include a fairly high price and the absence of a long-lasting effect in its application.
  • "Valusal".This analogue of "Bystrumgelya" is also popular among both doctors and patients. The drug has good analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic properties. Among the advantages of "Valusal" can be attributed to its very good anti-edema effect and a fairly low price. The disadvantages of the use of "Valusal" are the short-term effect of its use and a number of contraindications.

What drug to choose, if for somereasons can not use "Bystrummgel"? Analogs have its advantages and disadvantages. The decision to use in the treatment of the original drug or its substitutes must be taken in each case individually, based on the characteristics of the body, its own preferences in the choice of drugs and financial situation. And of course, in any case, medical advice is needed.

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