/ / Allocations after removal of the uterus: treatment. Uterine removal after 50 years: consequences

Discharge after removal of the uterus: treatment. Uterine removal after 50 years: consequences

Discharge from the genital tract is commonphenomenon for women. They can arise both in the norm and testify about the development of diseases. Allocations are observed during the rejection of the endometrium during menstruation, and also accompany ovulation. Pathological secret appears due to infection with venereal pathologies, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, oncological diseases. However, excretions can also bother women who have undergone a hysterectomy. In this case, you need to establish their source. If you have a pathological secret, you should consult a doctor.

discharge after removal of the uterus

Discharge after hysterectomy: norm and pathology

Removal of the uterus scientifically calledhysterectomy. In most cases, it is performed with cancer of the female reproductive system. Sometimes the operation is performed as a preventive measure to prevent cancer.

Despite the prevalence of this methodabroad, many women are afraid of the consequences of hysterectomy. This fear is justified. After all, such an operation can lead to serious consequences. Some patients have a discharge after the removal of the uterus. Normally they are observed for several days. Naturally, the excretions are not related to the rejection of the endometrium and the menstrual cycle. After all, after organ extirpation, this is impossible. In most cases, they are associated with the inconsistency of the sutures and the oncological process that remained in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, bleeding may be caused by damage to nearby organs during surgery.

laparoscopic removal of the uterus

Indications for the removal of the uterus

It is believed that a woman after removal of the uterusis inferior because of the inability to perform childbearing function. However, such an operation is most often performed during menopause. In rare cases, hysterectomy is performed in women of childbearing age. The main indication for the removal of the genital organ is a malignant tumor of the cervix, endometrium or appendages. If a woman is diagnosed with cancer, hysterectomy is considered the only way to stop the pathological process and save her life. Other indications for the removal of the uterus include:

  1. High risk of tumor development. Precancerous conditions are: large uterine myomas, recurrent endometrial polyps, fibromas.
  2. Fall of the body or omission of 3-4 degrees.
  3. Endometriosis, which is not amenable to treatment.
  4. Purulent endometritis, leading to organ destruction and inflammation of the peritoneum.
  5. Injuries associated with surgical interventions (perforation of the organ by the curette, intrauterine device).
  6. Complete placenta increment, diagnosed in the early postpartum period.
  7. Rupture of the uterus.

Despite the fact that hysterectomy refers to radical surgical interventions, only in this way it is possible to save the life of the patient with the listed diseases.

postoperative bandage

Ways to remove the uterus

There are several ways to remove the uterus.Most often the operation is performed by open surgical procedure. This allows you to sanitize the cavity of the small pelvis and prevent inflammation of the peritoneum. If there is an oncological pathology, an extended hysterectomy is performed. In some cases, removal of the uterus is performed laparoscopically. The technique of surgical intervention depends on the area of ​​the lesion, the nature of the pathological process and the age of the woman. In connection with these factors, the following methods of uterine removal are distinguished:

  1. Supravaginal amputation.This operation can be performed with myomas, endometriosis, oncological processes at an early stage. Another name for surgical intervention is subtotal hysterectomy. It is characterized by the fact that part of the cervix and appendages do not undergo removal. This allows a woman to lead a normal sex life.
  2. Extirpation of the uterus.Another name for the operation is total hysterectomy. The body and cervix are being removed. Extirpation is performed with endometrial cancer, multiple polyposis, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Also, a total hysterectomy can be performed with cervical cancer at the initial stage of patients of childbearing age.
  3. Operation Wertheim.Characterized by the removal of the uterus and appendages, the upper third of the vagina, regional lymph nodes and parametric fiber. This operation is called radical hysterectomy. It is used in cancer practice to prevent the spread of the tumor.

In most cases, doctors try to do everythingPossible to keep the sex glands - the ovaries. Especially if the patient is young or middle-aged. However, with cancerous tumors, Wertheim surgery is most often necessary.

removal of the uterus after 50 years of exposure

Laparoscopic removal of the uterus: features

Hysterectomy is rarely performed by laparoscopicmethod. With cancer, this method of removing the uterus is practically not used, because it does not allow you to accurately determine the boundaries of the tumor. Laparoscopic removal of the uterus is possible with its descent, endometriosis or large myomatous nodes.

The advantages of this surgicalInterventions include reducing the risk of bleeding and reducing the postoperative period. In addition, the sutures after laparoscopy are almost invisible, in contrast to open hysterectomy. The operation is performed using special tools that are inserted into small holes in the front abdominal wall.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy has the samestages, as open surgical intervention. A distinctive feature is that all manipulations are performed using special tools. The actions of these devices are displayed on the monitor. Focusing on this, the surgeon performs all manipulations. In some cases, laparoscopic technique is combined with vaginal hysterectomy. Despite the advantages of the method, doctors prefer to perform routine removal of the uterus.

Hysterectomy: postoperative period

All women have an abundant discharge afterremoval of the uterus. This phenomenon is considered normal during the first day. In the early postoperative period, spotting is caused by vascular damage. It should be taken into account that hysterectomy is a serious surgical intervention, in which the entire cavity of the small pelvis is involved. Therefore, after removal of the uterus spotting spotting is observed for a long time. They can be observed up to 6 weeks. If instead of smearing discharge marked heavy blood loss, you must immediately inform the doctor. Otherwise, the complication can lead to a shock and death.

after removal of the uterus spotting

Wearing a bandage after a hysterectomy

All women who underwent a hysterectomy,it is recommended to wear a postoperative bandage. Its dimensions are adjusted depending on the physique of the patient. The bandage helps fix the abdominal muscles. This helps to accelerate the healing of joints and prevent complications. The wearing of the bandage is shown in the late postoperative period. A special corset can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is especially necessary if a woman has several births in an anamnesis.

Also to all patients who have weak musculatureanterior abdominal wall, one should wear a postoperative bandage. The dimensions of the corset should correspond to the location of the seams. If the length of the shroud can be adjusted, the width should be selected individually. It is recommended that the corset cover the scar on 1 cm from below and from above.

Pathological discharge after hysterectomy

In addition to blood clots, there may beother discharge after removal of the uterus. These include mucous and purulent pathological exudates. Similar secretions take place during inflammatory processes in the vagina or cervix of the cervix. Despite hysterectomy, patients can have sex. Therefore, infection with various bacterial and viral microorganisms is not excluded.

If the discharge after removal of the uterus isan unpleasant odor or unusual color (white, yellow, with veins of blood), it is necessary to address to the gynecologist. The appearance of pathological fluids may indicate the spread of the tumor process. This is especially true for bloody discharge. Therefore, this symptom can not be left without attention.

Methods of removal of the uterus

Complications after surgery

To dangerous complications of a hysterectomy carrybleeding and peritonitis. Each of these conditions can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, within 7-10 days the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Bleeding occurs if there weredamaged large vessels of the small pelvis and there was a rupture of postoperative sutures. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the source of bleeding and replenishing the BCC. Peritonitis develops with suppuration of internal or external sutures. It is accompanied by nausea, symptoms of intoxication of the body and sharp pains in the abdomen.

Uterine removal after 50 years: effects and prognosis

In most cases, hysterectomy is associated withcancer of female genital organs. Therefore, removal of the uterus after 50 years is most often performed. The consequences of this operation depend on the patient's condition and the presence of somatic diseases.

Basically, the operation is successful.If you follow the advice of a doctor, you can avoid such consequences as divergence of seams and the formation of adhesions. In this case, after a few months, the woman returns to a normal life. The prognosis in the absence of complications and spread of the tumor is favorable.

Treatment after hysterectomy

Treatment after removal of the uterus is aimed atprevention of the development of the infectious process and bleeding. During the first days, patients are prescribed antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs. They include solutions "Ceftriaxone", "Metronidazole". Anesthetic therapy is shown after removal of the uterus. For several days intramuscularly injected drug Ketonal. With blood loss, infusion therapy is performed.

woman after removal of the uterus

Preventing the appearance of bloody discharge

To avoid bleeding in the aftercareperiod, you should follow the doctor's prescription. In the first month, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights and engage in manual labor. It is necessary to exclude the load, as well as sexual contacts. It is recommended to wear a bandage. To prevent infections of the vagina and urinary organs, you must follow the rules of hygiene in the early and late postoperative period.

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