Modern pharmaceutical companies producea lot of various drugs that help to eliminate the common cold. All drugs are divided into antibacterial, vasoconstrictive, antiviral, immunomodulating, antiseptic. Each medicine has its own method of application. For example, vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for a long time. One of these tools will be told to you by today's article. This is the "Vix Active Synex" - a spray for nasal application.
What the instruction says about the preparation "Vix Active"Synecs "? Spray for nasal application has vasoconstrictive and breathing-facilitating action. The medication is used in ENT-practice. The drug has in its composition the main substance, which is called oxymetazoline. One milliliter contains 0.5 mg of this component. Also, the drug includes aloe juice and eucalyptus. These components enhance its effect. As additional substances the manufacturer uses levomentol, sodium citrate, chlorhexidine, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride, potassium acesulfame, disodium edetate, cyanol, sodium hydroxide, carvone, tyloxapol, citric acid and water.
The medicine has a characteristic odor, it does not havecolors: such details are reported on the medication "Vix Active Synecas" instruction. The price for packaging is not more than 300 rubles. You can buy the composition in any pharmacy by prescription or without it. The medicine is on sale in cardboard packages. On each of them there is a name of the preparation, inside is enclosed the instruction and bottles with the described solution.
Использовать «Викс Актив Синекс» (спрей для nasal application) the instruction recommends by appointment of the doctor. Doctors often prescribe to patients such funds in combination with other medicines. Used nasal spray to facilitate breathing and eliminate swelling in the nose with the following diseases:
Sometimes the drug is prescribed with a preventivepurpose: to prevent swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This is necessary before surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic manipulation.
What are the testimonials about the nasal spray Vicks Active Sinexleave patients, you can find out further. Many negative opinions appear after incorrect application of the drug. If you ignore contraindications if they are available, you will receive more harm from the treatment than benefit. Therefore, be sure to read this paragraph of the annotation.
Do not use a nasal spray withindividual sensitivity to its components. Do not forget about additional substances. The composition is described in detail at the beginning of the article. Contraindicated to apply the drug during pregnancy and lactation, in young children (up to 6 years), with atrophic rhinitis and zakratougolnoy glaucoma. Treatment is not performed if hypophysectomy has been performed.
You already know that the medication is intendedfor nasal administration. Dosage is determined in accordance with the age and condition of the patient. Adults are assigned to a single portion, not exceeding two injections. Repeat manipulation is required no more than three times a day. Children from 6 to 10 years are shown one injection 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy should not exceed a week. If you feel better in an earlier period, then it is advisable to cancel the remedy. Remember that it does not treat, but only relieves the symptoms of the existing disease. Before the different types of interventions, the drug is used once.
Abstract recommends the introduction of a drug invertical position. "Vix Active Sinex" is a nasal spray, not a drop. Therefore, it should not be sprayed lying down or with a simultaneous tilting of the head.
The instruction does not recommend the use of thismedicine simultaneously with MAO inhibitors: this can lead to a violation of blood pressure and other unpleasant consequences. If you took such drugs, then you need to wait at least two weeks. To use them after a vasoconstrictive drug, it should also take 14 days.
Medicament "Viks Active Synecks" noticeably slows downabsorption of anesthetics. But at the same time, it extends the period of their action. This fact should be taken into account when appointing. It is not recommended to use additional vasoconstrictive drugs at the same time, especially preparations based on oxymetazoline.
With proper use of the nasal spray, side reactions occur very rarely. But they need to be mentioned:
Tells about the possible addiction to the drug "VicksActive Sinex »instructions for use. The price of the drug is not so high, you can buy a product and use it constantly, - consumers think. But this approach can be quite dangerous. If you use the compound for a long time, then medical rhinitis develops. With him, the patient can not do without a medicine: the sense of smell and the ability to breathe normally, the dose consumed increases every time.
To avoid this, you need to useSpray strictly according to the instructions and not longer than the specified interval. When the addiction is still there, it is necessary to contact the otolaryngologist as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe to you a therapy that relieves of medicamentous rhinitis. Be prepared for the fact that it will be long and costly.
Opinions about the drug are very diverse.Negative reviews are formed with incorrect application or self-treatment. More often they talk about the side effects and symptoms of an overdose: nausea, high blood pressure, disruption of the CNS. Some report addiction.
Most patients are happy with the drug.Users say that the medication works quickly. During the first minute after administration, respiration is relieved, the edema is removed, the amount of mucus to be released is significantly reduced. The patient can return to his usual affairs and forget about the common cold. This action lasts for 4-8 hours. After that it is required to enter the next portion of the medicine.
The undoubted advantage of the medicine, which is celebratedusers, is the possibility of its long-term storage. Many similar drugs should be used after an autopsy within a month. In the spray "Vix Active Cinex" there is a preservative: benzalkonium chloride. It is he that allows you to maintain the effectiveness of the drug for a long time. Doctors say that some consumers are allergic to this component. With this pathology, you must always contact the doctors.
The ruler "Vicks" is represented by othermedicines: ointment, sachet for preparation of a drink. However, these funds are used for individual indications. Patients also remain satisfied with the drugs.
Из статьи вы узнали об эффективном vasoconstrictive drug "Vix Active Synec." Instruction, application, composition and feedback are presented to attention. Remember that you should not rely on other people's opinions and extraneous experience of treatment. If you need any medications or feel badly - contact a doctor. Easy breathing to you!