/ / Demodekoz: treatment in people with traditional and folk remedies

Demodecosis: treatment in people with traditional and folk remedies

For the first time insect with a loud name Demodexfolliculorum was found in the human auricle. The existence of this tick was discovered by a French dermatologist back in 1841. A year later, an insect was found in human hair. After some time, the doctors were horrified to find a parasite in human skin, which multiplied productively there, causing damage to human health.

Later, in the Soviet Union, with deeper studies, this species of mites was divided into two types.

skin problems

Description of the causative agent

Demodex mite is a pathogenic parasite.In total, 65 species of this insect are distinguished. Only 10 of them can parasitize in the human body, but this is already a large number, along with other diseases, pathologies that determine the life and internal state of the human body. The remaining 55 types of parasite Demodex multiply and conduct their livelihoods in the body and on the body of animals. Fortunately, they cannot be transmitted to man.

As it turned out, this kind has its ownpreferences regarding the time of day and localization on the human body. Periods of mite activity occur at night - daylight is unbearable for them. It parasitizes this species in the sebaceous glands, feeding on their products, as well as the nutrients necessary for healthy skin. The most common are two species of this tick: Demodex brevis, which prefers to multiply and parasitize on human skin, and Demodex folliculorum, an inhabitant of human hair follicles.


These mites get to the surface of the skin,moving slowly along it in order to find a partner for the continuation of the race. When the parasite returns to the follicles or sebaceous glands, on its body it puts there many harmful microorganisms, bacteria and harmful substances.

Dermatologists have found that the presence in the bodythe tick is harmless until its quantity crosses a certain barrier. If in the human body there are less than 4 ticks per follicle, in this case it does not affect the human health. 97% of the world's population can detect this species. A tick becomes fatal if the number of these parasites exceeds the above figures.

In the people of these parasites called mite iron. The disease that these parasites provoke is called demodicosis.


Signs: when you need to sound the alarm?

Symptoms of the disease affect the appearanceperson, bringing discomfort not only in his life, but also injuring the psyche of the patient. A person may form an inferiority complex. The primary symptom of demodicosis is redness of the skin, and then the appearance of acne and ulcer rash on it. The disease spreads throughout the body, focusing on the face, back, less often in the inguinal zone. The main foci of the rash are nasolabial folds, forehead, cheekbones, back, area near the nose, chin. Places covered with a rash, redden, itch and scaly. They are also characterized by oily shine. With the development of the disease, the symptoms worsen. It becomes noticeable expansion of blood vessels, severe redness and an increase in the nose. It affects not only the skin of the face, but also the eyes, scalp and hair itself. A purulent fluid begins to form from the eyes, and the eyelashes become thinner. The disease is accompanied by seborrhea and hair loss.

primary symptoms

Causes of the disease

Demodecosis can appear for various reasons. This is due to the fact that, getting rid of the parasite, to recover from the disease completely will not work.

To provoke a disease can both externaland internal factors. But if demodecosis is diagnosed, treatment takes a long time in humans. No one is immune from re-infection if he once got rid of the parasite.

Пожалуй, самой главной причиной заражения weakened immunity becomes. This can be affected by various processes in the body: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, stress and feelings, as well as the postoperative period. All these reasons can be attributed to internal factors.

To external can be attributed pollutedenvironment: dust, exposure to chemicals. The cause of the disease can be adverse conditions at work, which also includes the effects of various substances on the human body. Hormones, bad cosmetics, dirt, and detergents make their contribution. Along with food, various biological additives and preservatives enter the body, which can also trigger the disease.

If a person has worn this parasite for a long timehis body and he did not manifest itself, it means that immunity created a balance for the cohabitation of the tick and its carrier. However, when the balance is disturbed, the parasite has favorable conditions for reproduction. Immunity is declining and no longer able to fight ticks.

How is demodecosis diagnosed?

To identify the disease in humans, doctorsmake a scraping using a scalpel or an eye spoon. The content of the follicle, which is obtained by extrusion, is also taken as the material for analysis.

There are cases when suspicion of demodicosiscentury may appear right in the office of an ophthalmologist. In this case, the doctor is obliged to inform the patient what procedures need to be done for analysis. As a rule, doctors recommend 2-3 days before delivery of materials not to make cosmetic and hygienic procedures on the eyelids. During this time, at the base of the eyelashes accumulate enough waste products of the tick.

How to protect yourself from the disease?

К сожалению, демодекоз передаётся человеку при direct contact with the patient. It also happens that a person, due to fuzzy following the instructions of a doctor, caused a relapse of the disease. It is important to follow the rules in order not to endanger either their own health or the health of their loved ones. So, if the diagnosis is demodicosis, treatment in humans includes the following rules:

1. Diet: avoid fried, fatty, spicy, smoked.

2. Avoid bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes.

3. It is important to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene: to maintain cleanliness, to expose bed linen to washing at high temperatures.

4. The patient must get rid of feather pillows.

5. It is strictly forbidden to use decorative cosmetics.

6. Personal hygiene items: glasses, shaving accessories should be treated with alcohol.

7. It is strictly forbidden for a patient with demodicosis to visit tanning salons, baths, to take sun baths.
Of course, such restrictions can deprive a person of pleasant moments in life, but it is better to get rid of the disease in time than to re-treat it.

Path to liberation

Treatment of demodicosis in humans is long andtime consuming process. In many ways, the outcome of the disease depends on the patient: his willpower and effort. The treatment of demodicosis in humans is carried out in an integrated manner and consists of three stages:

1. The destruction of the causative agent of the disease

2. Elimination of the very cause of the disease

3. Disposal of the consequences of tick life.

The treatment of demodicosis in humans involves the administration of drugs of various kinds: medicines that restore immunity, ointments, emulsions, drugs that reduce the allergic reaction.


Selected plots

К опаснейшим заболеваниям кожи и всего организма include demodicosis. Treatment in humans requires a special approach. Starting to progress in one area, the mite spreads throughout the body. A classic example is demodecosis of a person’s face. Treatment is prescribed, as a rule, complex. For example, the treatment of eyelid demodecosis in humans involves the observance of individual rules. This is the refusal of lenses, the intake of various drugs of local action: amitrazole, tar, means for blocking the parasite muscles. The treatment of demodicosis on the face of a person largely coincides with the treatment of tick manifestations on the eyelids. Drugs are used the same. Treatment of demodecosis of the eyelids in humans is carried out with special care. After all, vision depends on it.

In a separate subcategory of the disease emit a demodicosis of the eyelids in humans. Symptoms, treatment require special attention.

Signs of the century include:

  1. Redness and swelling of the eyelids.
  2. Severe itching in this area.
  3. In the morning, the patient observes that a crust has formed on the eyelashes.
  4. Eyelashes fall out.

Eyelid demodicosis can spread to the eyes, in which case complications and new symptoms appear:

  1. Increases eye sensitivity to light.
  2. Eyes redden.
  3. Sticky discharge.
  4. The incidence of barley increases.
  5. Dry eyes.
  6. Eyesight deteriorates.

eye demodecosis

Начиная лечить демодекоз век у человека, врач The ophthalmologist must find out exactly what caused the decrease in immunity. Therefore, along with the anti-tick drugs, a person begins to take medicines that restore the status of the immune system. Human demodecosis can disappear if applied with folk remedies. At the very least, it can help therapy prescribed by a specialist.

In addition to traditional methods, there are other ways to cure human demodicosis of the eyelids. Treatment of folk remedies is becoming popular among modern people.

Folk remedies for getting rid of demodicosis century

Many people know about the beneficial properties of wormwood.Traditional medicine widely uses this plant in the treatment of various diseases, and quite effectively. Also with the help of wormwood can be cured and demodicosis age:

Wormwood is brewed in a glass of boiling water. This capacity requires two tablespoons. Then this broth is applied to the eyelids and held for 15 minutes.

Oak bark is also used in the treatment of eyelid demodicosis.

A teaspoon of this product is boiled in 200 milliliters of water, filtered, and then tampons moistened in broth are applied to the eyelids for half an hour. It is important to change periodically compresses.

Лечение демодекоза глаз у человека также возможно with the help of popular recipes. To do this, use a decoction of calendula, tansy flowers and other gifts of nature. Traditional medicine is famous for its effectiveness, and most importantly, the naturalness of drugs. However, do not neglect the advice of experts. It is better to approach the treatment of demodicosis with excessive scrupulousness.

If you find the symptoms listed above,perhaps you have demodicosis. Treatment in humans includes specialized ointments and emulsions, including benzyl benzoate, ichthyol ointment. Ointments are used in combination with immunostimulating drugs.

Separate attention deserves demodekoz eyesperson Treatment, reviews of it show - the disease is protracted and recurrent. Many people complain, saying that some time after the symptoms disappear, they reappear. The general requirements for the treatment of eyes are the same as for the treatment of demodicosis on the face of a person, including the rules of hygiene and nutrition. As a rule, many people who have already been treated for this disease say that the drugs are quite effective, and the visible symptoms disappear quickly enough, especially if the disease is not running. But at the same time, 50% of patients complain of the recurrence of the disease.

It is important to understand that any parasite, leaving the products of its vital activity, will be able to reappear if you do not carefully follow all the instructions of the doctors.

Demodecosis of auricles

Before the disease spreads to the ears,first it appears on the face. Complicated form of the disease is demodicosis in human ears. The treatment is prescribed by a specialist and requires a lot of effort.

Use ointments, anti-allergic agents, soas a tick can cause complications and allergic reactions. The auricles are treated with the same ointments as the skin of the face: benzyl benzoate, trichopol, metronidazole, as well as ointments based on sulfur and tar.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see such a druglike amitrazine. Treatment of demodicosis in humans involves the use of this medication. It can also be used for animals. The drug is a solution that needs to be applied to the skin and around the lesions. A minor reaction may be a slight itching and burning.

Folk methods

folk methods

In general, there are many tools that help get rid of the tick at home. All of these substances are available, and recipes are easy to prepare.

Folk remedies are good for preventiondiseases. These include tar and laundry soap. They can wash every day, as they have bactericidal properties. In addition, a foam emulsion can be made from laundry soap and applied to the face in the form of a mask. The emulsion lasts for a while before drying, and then it is washed off.

Chicken eggs are also used to get rid ofailment. For this homemade egg is required to fill with vinegar and leave in a dark place under the lid for a week. After this period, the acetic essence merges and the egg itself is ground to a homogeneous mass. This composition is required to apply already on the affected skin.

To relieve the symptoms of demodicosis usea mixture of garlic gruel and olive oil. This composition helps to reduce the activity of ticks, the destruction of their metabolic products, and with it the relief of pain.

Demodecosis is a serious illness.which can cause negative effects and health problems. Treatment of demodicosis in humans takes a lot of time and effort and is not always effective the first time. Many patients complain that some time after a successful cure, the symptoms of this disease appeared again and again.

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