/ / Antiseptics for the oral cavity: a review, instructions for use and types

Antiseptics for the oral cavity: a review, instructions for use and types

With various inflammatory diseases of the cavitymouth and throat the best way to relieve the condition is rinsing with antiseptic solutions. This treatment flushes microorganisms with mucous, the action improves blood circulation, and the composition of the drug prevents the reproduction of bacteria and heals the damage. It is only necessary to determine the right means. Now on sale you can find different antiseptics for the oral cavity. Usually, they are appointed by the doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the disease. But there are some, for example tincture of calendula or furatsilin which many people constantly keep houses and use at any problems.

Features of mouth and throat rinsing

Most inflammatory dentaldiseases require a comprehensive approach for treatment. One of the ways to relieve inflammation and clear the mucous membrane from infection is rinsing. He is appointed for this purpose:

  • To accelerate the healing of the mucosa after surgical interventions or ulcers;
  • relieve pain, swelling and inflammation;
  • Destroy the bacteria that cause the inflammatory process;
  • eliminate bad breath;
  • stop the development of the disease and the spread of infection.

When to use antiseptics

Rinsing with such solutions makes it easiertransfer the condition associated with inflammatory diseases of the tonsils, pharynx or oral cavity. This is the most common way to treat stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, colds. Rinses are also prescribed by dentists in most inflammatory dental diseases. After gingivitis, periodontitis, other diseases are caused by the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. Therefore, by removing them by rinsing, you can speed up recovery. It is also effective to use antiseptic solutions after tooth extraction. This prevents reproduction in the hole infection.

antiseptics for the oral cavity

How to rinse mouth properly

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation. Therefore, using an antiseptic to rinse the mouth, you need to follow certain rules:

  • The procedure should be regular.Best at least 3-4 times a day. Optimal if rinsing is done after each meal. For the removal of acute symptoms, for example pain, procedures can be performed every 2 hours.
  • The rinse solution should not be hot, not more than 40 degrees. A higher temperature can cause the spread of the infection. And cold solutions disrupt blood circulation.
  • Rinse products should not be swallowed. Most antiseptics adversely affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The antiseptic for the oral cavity after tooth extraction is simply recruited into the mouth and lasts for some time on the affected area. This is called "oral baths" and promotes wound healing.

antiseptic for rinsing the mouth

Types of solutions

All mouth and throat rinses havedifferent properties and are divided into several groups. By its action, it is possible to distinguish antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, analgesic and wound-healing solutions. But most drugs have a combined effect. In addition, the composition of synthetic drugs, plant-based products and solutions of various substances that also have antiseptic properties.

Folk remedies for rinsing

The most famous and popular means forA rinse is a solution of soda and salt. It is safe, components can be easily found in any home, and it is easy to cook. It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of warm water. This solution removes inflammation and swelling, cleans mucous membranes from bacteria. Suitable for use in viral colds, toothache or stomatitis. With more serious infections, the presence of pus or ulcers, you can add 3-4 drops of iodine to the solution.

antiseptics for oral cavity treatment

Herbal preparations

Many medicinal plants possessantiseptic properties. Their advantage over synthetic agents is the absence of serious side effects and safety in case of accidental ingestion. Therefore, in the absence of allergic reactions, it is best to use herbal remedies:

  • "Chlorophyllipt" is an oil or spirit extract of eucalyptus leaves. It has a strong antibacterial effect, it heals wounds well. Therefore, it is often prescribed for purulent infections.
  • Tincture of calendula is very popular, becauseeffectively removes any inflammation, destroys the infection. This is provided by combining the properties of calendula with alcohol. It is used for purulent infections, heals ulcers.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe juice can be purchased at the pharmacyor cook yourself. These plants have antiseptic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, they allow to restore mucous cells.
  • Tincture of propolis helps with any diseases of the mouth and throat. This remedy effectively removes pain, inflammation, destroys bacteria and accelerates the healing of wounds.

antiseptic for mouth and throat

Pharmaceutical antiseptics for the oral cavity

The pharmaceutical industry has long beenIt produces various agents suitable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Previously, they were usually produced in the form of a powder or tablets that need to be dissolved in water. Now most often, antiseptics for oral cavity treatment are sold in the form of concentrated solutions, which must be diluted in accordance with the instructions. Such drugs sold in the pharmacy, a lot. This fact often makes you wonder which one is better. Therefore, the choice must be made with the help of a doctor. Different oral antiseptics can be prescribed:

  • "Eludril" has a combined effect.The presence of chlorhexidine in the drug provides its antiseptic properties, and the remaining components have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effect.
  • Rotocan is a very effective plant-based antiseptic. Contains extracts of calendula, chamomile and yarrow, which have antibacterial and wound-healing properties.
  • "Iodinol" - a type of alcohol solutioniodine. Often causes allergic reactions and, if used improperly, can cause burns to the mucous membranes. But it is very effective in stomatitis and purulent tonsillitis.
  • "Miramistin" - a very famous antiseptic,used in various diseases. Its features include the fact that it is effective not only in bacterial infection, but also in viral diseases, as well as fungal infection.

oral antiseptic solution


Most often sore throats, tonsillitis and others.inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and tonsils are treated with gargles. This method can destroy the bacterial flora and reduce inflammation. There are several effective drugs that many people do not know about. Therefore, it is worth asking the doctor what is best to use an antiseptic for the mouth and throat. Most often prescribed such drugs:

  • "Stopangin" well relieves inflammation and destroys the infection, fights purulent plaque and relieves pain.
  • "Yoks" - a very effective drug that contains iodine solution, but many are contraindicated because of its side effects.
  • Hexoral effectively relieves pain and inflammation in tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throat.

Most Popular Solutions

Cheap antiseptics are known to most people.for the oral cavity, which for many years used for various diseases. Even some doctors still prescribe them, as they are safe and effective. Such funds can be purchased at the pharmacy or found in every home. The main thing is to properly prepare a solution of an antiseptic for the oral cavity and follow the recommendations of the doctor for its use:

  • "Furacilin" is a long-known localantibacterial drug. Most often sold in tablets that need to be dissolved in water. It turns out a pale yellow solution, almost no taste and smell, but very effectively destroys the bacterial flora.
  • Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate solution,known to all people over 40 years. Now it is rarely found on sale, but many still use this pink solution for rinsing the mouth and throat. It not only destroys bacteria, but also contributes to the restoration of mucosal cells.
  • "Chlorhexidine", despite the low price (hecosts no more than 30 rubles), has established itself as the most effective antiseptic. The drug destroys any bacteria, promotes healing of the mucous and for a long time retains its properties, preventing the spread of the disease.

oral antiseptic after tooth extraction

  • Hydrogen peroxide also applies to budget antiseptics. It is rarely used for rinsing the mouth and throat, as it dries out the mucous. But the solution can relieve pain and inflammation.

Oral antiseptics for children

Children are most often used to rinse their mouths andthroat decoctions of medicinal herbs. They do not cause side effects and are safe if accidentally swallowed. The best antiseptic properties have such herbs: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark. They are used for stomatitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat. Synthetic drugs are usually prescribed to children over 3 years old, but only if the child is well able to rinse and does not swallow the solution. “Miramistin” or “Furacilin” are considered the safest for children.

oral antiseptics for children

All antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth and throat are only an auxiliary means of treating inflammatory diseases. It is better to apply them after consultation with the doctor.

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