Given the number of infections that are transmittedsexually, the analysis for sexually transmitted diseases is one of the most urgent. It is this laboratory test that makes it possible to detect the presence of pathogens and begin timely treatment.
Modern medicine diagnoses more than 30sexually transmitted infections. Some of them can lead to death, others - cause significant harm to the body. In the list of the most dangerous diseases are:
That is why, at any request to the institutionwhere you will be treated, it is necessary to pass tests for sexually transmitted diseases from this list. This is an obligatory measure for all citizens receiving medical care. It is due to the fact that, in addition to sexual transmission, these diseases can be infected through the blood. Thus, this measure is designed to protect patients who go through both inpatient and outpatient care in medical institutions.
Помимо заболеваний из перечисленного списка, there is another group of infections that are sexually transmitted. They are much more than 30, but the current level of laboratory research allows you to detect only a given amount. An analysis for sexually transmitted diseases from this group is not mandatory, it is given only on its own. However, considering that the presence of any infection in the body can cause him significant harm, it is desirable to periodically take this analysis in time to detect it and begin treatment.
The analysis for sexually transmitted diseases should be submitted in the following cases:
To pass this laboratory examination in several ways, choosing the most convenient for you. So, tests for sexually transmitted diseases can be passed:
Given the fact that the number of partnersthe male half, as a rule, is greater than that of the female, the need for this laboratory examination for them is higher. The penetration of infections of this group into the body in the absence of treatment becomes chronic. It threatens men with prostatitis, early impotence and, possibly, infertility.
The last risk factor is also present inof women. Testing for sexually transmitted diseases in men can be done in the three ways listed above, given the reliability of each. If the result is positive, then after conducting a comprehensive treatment, it is necessary to once again undergo laboratory tests to verify its effectiveness.
When you are faced with the problem of the presence of infection in your body, the natural question is where to get tested for venereal diseases.
Today this laboratoryIt is possible to pass the examination not only in state polyclinics, but also in private medical centers. In this case, if there is a need, you can pass the analysis anonymously, since this service is provided by Russian law.
If you decide to contact the stateinstitution, you need to have a passport, SNILS and medical policy. As a rule, testing for such a plan involves visiting the dermatovenerologic dispensary at the place of residence. First, consult your doctor, who will carefully examine you and then write out a referral for the laboratory tests that you need.
When contacting a private clinic from youyou only need to pay for the procedure if you submit the analysis anonymously. Otherwise, you must have a passport with you. In a private clinic, tests for sexually transmitted diseases can be taken without a referral from a doctor, on your own.
However, in both cases it is necessaryconsultation of a specialist both at the initial examination and at interpretation of the results. This is due to the fact that the doctor, based on your condition and complaints, will determine which tests to be taken. And their results can also be correctly interpreted only by a medical professional, since in this case one should pay attention to the many nuances on which the period of infection depends and its degree.
To obtain the most reliable result, before visiting the laboratory, you must follow a few rules. So, if you have to pass tests for venereal diseases, you need:
Compliance with such simple rules increases the reliability of the results, respectively, you will receive timely treatment and avoid the need for re-testing.
Когда будет готов анализ на венерологические disease depends on having your own laboratory in the place where you decided to take it. If the material is not transported anywhere, the results can be obtained the very next day. If the analysis is carried out in a third-party laboratory, the period is increased. Then you can expect results up to 3 days. However, modern medicine offers a service such as rapid tests for venereal diseases. As the name suggests, in this case the result can be obtained very quickly. In some centers it is 20 minutes, and the maximum interval that is given for this kind of analysis is 2 hours. This is a great way to save time, but it should be borne in mind that the cost of such a service will be higher than that of the conventional method.
Thus, timely testing forsexually transmitted diseases are one of the most reliable methods of caring for their own health. It should also be borne in mind that if any infection was found in one of the partners, it is also present in the other. That is why it is necessary to conduct joint complex treatment.
Aware of the importance of early detectioninfections, many health problems can be avoided. Moreover, at the present stage of development of medicine, the passage of such research is maximally simplified. And given the existence of such services as rapid tests for sexually transmitted diseases, the time it takes to find out your diagnosis is minimal.