/ / Fungal skin diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

Fungal skin diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

Fungal diseases of the skin - this is extremelyunpleasant affliction. The cause is some types of microscopic fungi parasitizing the human body. Their disputes are transmitted from person to person or from animal to person. Skin, hair and nails are affected.

fungal skin diseases

It is possible to catch the disease in the sauna, swimming pool,open reservoirs with stagnant water (ponds and lakes). These microorganisms love a moist and warm environment. Fungal diseases of the skin can appear in people who are prone to excessive sweating of the feet, have serious chronic diseases (for example, diabetes), who have impaired blood circulation. A person can also get this sore, if he took antibiotics, he has reduced immunity or there are cuts and cracks in the skin.

Грибковые заболевания кожи различаются по степени lesions of hair and nails. A disease in which only the top layer of the skin is infected, but the nails and hair are not affected, is called keratomycosis (for example, pityriasis versicolor). Compared to other species, it is the most innocuous.

fungal diseases of the scalp

Есть инфекции, проникающие в глубокие слои epidermis and damaging nails and hair. They cause inflammation of the skin. These include microsporia - a fungal disease of the scalp (hair follicles are affected), and a lesion on the feet and nail plates.

But there are also fungal microorganisms,parasitizing not only on the skin, but also on the mucous and internal organs. They are called deep mycoses and are capable of causing serious harm to human health. Yeast-like fungi, candidiasis, constitute a separate group of pathogenic microorganisms. These settle on the mucous membrane, often in the urinary organs.

Fungal skin diseases such aspityriasis versicolor, mycoses of feet, microsporia, onychomycosis (nail fungus) are the most common diseases. They are subject to up to twenty percent of the population.

Signs of lichen - the appearance of scaly bright pink-brown spots on the neck, chest or back. Transmitted through underwear, bed linen or towels used by a sick person.

fungal diseases treatment

Mycoses of the feet are manifested by the appearance of cracks and erosion between the fingers, on the very foot - peeling and blisters. You can become infected by walking barefoot in a pool or a bath.

Microsporia may appear on the scalp.The centers of seals with clear boundaries, hemp hair sticking out, with a white coating. This disease can manifest itself in other parts of the body, then small nodules can be observed along the edges of the lesion. Transmitted after use of household items of the patient or from cats and dogs.

With onychomycosis, the nail thickens, dims and deforms. There may be a thickening of the skin of the foot, pain occurs when walking.

It must be remembered that whatever fungalskin diseases, treatment can be prescribed only by a dermatologist. And you need to contact immediately, as the first symptoms were revealed. Self-medication can not be engaged. Fungal diseases of the skin are easily treated only at an early stage. If you do not seek help from a specialist in time, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of this unpleasant illness. You must be careful not to use other people's things and shoes, always take a shower after the pool and wipe your feet thoroughly (all folds of leather), do not wear tight shoes.

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