/ / Eyebolts: construction and purpose

Eyebolts: construction and purpose

For the safe movement of cargo or anya large number of additional devices are used today. These are winches, cables, and many other tools. But today we would like to talk about such an important device, as a rim-bolt with a turning loop.

eye bolts


By design, these elements representa long bolt, in the upper part of which a large steel ring is welded. In this case, this element is connected to a conical or cylindrical base, which also acts as the core of the tool. This "rod" also has a thread, which guarantees a reliable connection of the device. And that the cargo suddenly did not fall, in a set with these bolts used rim-nuts. The latter are screwed onto the thread of the rod, thereby ensuring the quality connection of the cable with the load. But we will talk about rim-nuts in a separate article, but for now let's consider where this bolt is used.


The eyebolts are often used for lifting loads as a connecting element between the cable and the directly transported device.

eye bolt with swivel loop


Such elements are produced from high-qualitysteel, which previously passes several stages of verification, including thermal hardening. Thanks to this, the rim-bolts can not be broken, and if you try, you will only get bent. Also, the surface of this tool is covered with a layer of galvanizing. This is done so that the bolt does not rust during prolonged use.


The eyebolts have their own classification. They are distinguished by the following markings: М8, М10, М12, М24, М30, М36.

Each of the above types has its own specific length and diameter.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish eyebolts fromcertain classes. Each of them belongs to one category or another. And it does not matter what kind of a rim-bolt is long or short. So, the following classes of these devices are distinguished: DSR, SEB, DSS, TSR, DSP, DSH.

One of the most popular toolsis a rim-bolt of the SEB type. Their main differences consist in the possibility of changing the position under maximum load, as well as in the presence of an automatic steering system in all directions. In addition, these eyebolts have an increased maximum permissible load.


Regarding the level of data reliabilitytools, almost every tool related to eyebolts has increased resistance to excessive and additional loads, which is due to their technological characteristics, material and production stages. By the way, when buying, pay attention to the certificate of a device. In the Russian market, all instruments of this type must comply with GOST number 4751. Everything else is either fake or counterfeit.

long bolt

Thus, eyebolts are one of the most reliable and practical devices that are used for transporting loads of various curb weight.

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