Every year with the onset of spring, as soon as possibleget on the vegetable beds, gardeners proceed to sowing seeds of onions. Without this vegetable culture can not do. It is represented by many varieties. And every gardener must have his favorite one, the best of them. These are varieties of onions, which combine high yields, large-fruited, excellent taste. They must be well kept, as well as to be resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions. By definition, vegetable growers and gardeners in the group of the best, you can include the onion "stutgarter".
The creation of German breeders is popular.
Large onions, the mass of which is from one hundred to one hundredfifty grams, have a flat-rounded shape. They are covered with dense golden brown scales. Pleasant semi-sharp taste allows fresh consumption. This bow is very useful. It has a high content of vitamin C. It is also a high content of solids. This valuable property allows the preparation of dry or frozen billets.
Cultivated in several ways onions"Stuttgarter". The description of the variety characterizes it as a cold-resistant plant. This quality allows sowing in several terms. It is carried out in the autumn or spring periods. For the cultivation of commodity bulbs use seeds or onion sets. If you plan to get a green feather, small turnip fractions are planted.
Under the onion planting plots with fertileground. This may be loam or black soil with moderate acidity. Also observe crop rotation. The predecessors for onion "stutgarter" can be cucumbers, solanaceous, legumes and cabbage. The site should be well lit.
This event begins in early spring. As soon as the soil dries out a little, start sowing.
Onions are sorted and sorted by size.They are heated for eight hours at a temperature of forty degrees. A day before planting in the ground sevok soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, it is dried. According to gardeners, you can not handle onions "stutgarter."
Planting onion at the site havein rows. The aisles range from twenty to twenty-five centimeters. A large turnip is different onion "stutgarter rizen." Reviews of gardeners who prefer this variety, report that sevok should not be placed in a row very close to each other.
Agrotechnology is quite simple.Regular soil loosening and weed removal are needed. Variety does not require preventive measures. He rarely suffers and is not affected by pests. Until the beginning of the month of July - during the period of intensive growth - regular irrigation and application of complex fertilizers will be required. Do not apply fresh manure for top dressing. In the subsequent period, these activities cease. The signal that the crop should be removed is the yellowing and lodging of the leaf part of the plant.
Stutgarter onions are cleaned in a timely manner. The description of the variety determines the interval of the vegetative period. It is ninety-five days from the date of landing.
Very productive onion "stutgarter".The description of the variety contains information that the turnip is large enough (with dense scales) can weigh one hundred and fifty grams. Plants gently break in to not damage, and removed from the ground. In sunny weather, onions are left on the ridges, allowing it to dry. Harvesting is undesirable in the rain. Soaked products will be difficult to dry. Collected onions move under a canopy for further drying. In this case, the leaf and root parts are not removed. Onions are sorted. Damaged and substandard copies are rejected. They are immediately used for cooking.
From the timely harvest depends on keeping quality.For a long time, a completely ripe onion "stutgarter rizen" is stored without loss. Reviews of this variety confirm that during storage it does not rot and does not grow.