/ / Lantana - a flower that pleases the eye

Lantana - a flower that pleases the eye

Lantana - a flower whose unearthly beauty can beevaluate only during its flowering. It is for this property that gardeners and gardeners loved it, and now this plant is used to decorate an apartment or plot.

Appearance and main features

lantana flower
What is so attractive about lanthanum?The flower belongs to the vervain family, there are about 150 varieties of it. Evergreen shrubs with small inflorescences in the form of umbrellas come from America. Its height varies within 1-4 m.

The plant has a very unusual property:During prolonged flowering, it changes color from yellow to purple. The flowers are located on the top and collected in the inflorescence. Coloring can be different: white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple. The plant has a pleasant delicate aroma.

Gray-green leaves of the lanthanum are rigid, pointedon the ends, have serrate edges, they contain a large amount of essential oils. If the sheet is slightly rubbed, you can catch a rather sharp smell, something reminiscent of peppermint.

Growing conditions

lantana flowers
Each plant has its own characteristics,The exception was not lanthanum. These flowers are unpretentious, unnecessarily fertile soil is not suitable for them. It is advisable to land in a scanty land, this will deter excessively rapid growth. For a complete growth and flowering, a mixture of humus, sand and sod land is suitable, and drainage is also necessary.

Lantana actively blooms not only on the openair, it is suitable for any bright room. It is desirable to place a pot of flowers near a window or on a glassed-in loggia. A large flower does not require moisture, but periodically it should be sprinkled with water. In summer, the ideal temperature for breeding is 20 ° -25 ° C, in winter - 15 ° C.

Despite its unpretentiousness, inExtra feeding is needed and lanthanum. It is recommended to fertilize the flower once a month. When the first buds appear, it is necessary to feed lanthanum 2-3 times a month. From May to the end of August, the flower is fertilized every 2 weeks.


lantana flower photo
In nature, there are several varieties, each ofthey differ in certain features. Most common in nature is found spiny lanthanum. The flower, the photo of which is found in many sources, grows on the banks of rivers and in forests. It grows up to 4 meters in height, has upright branches, often rough, covered with spines. Leaves oblong and pointed. Yellow, red, purple or white flowers are collected in dense axillary inflorescences and are located on the top of the shrub up to a diameter of 5 cm.

There is one more variety that is prettyis distributed, it is the Montevideo lantana. The flower comes from South America, reaches 0.5 m in height. The leaves have a dark green color, slightly rough to the touch. Pale purple flowers are collected in verbena-shaped inflorescences.

A somewhat unusual looking lanthanum is three-leafed.The height of the shrub can reach 2 m, the oval leaves are pointed. Quite small flowers have five petals. Most often white, less often there are gentle purple hues.

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