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Three-wheeled motorcycles from all over the world

A tricycle is a motorcycle or a mini car? This is the first question that arises when looking at three-wheeled motorcycles. This miracle of engineering thought can be safely called an intermediate link.


Motorcycles tricycles for some reason many believeChinese invention. Probably, by analogy with rickshaws. However, the first to create a three-wheeled wonder was the Japanese. Chinese designers only improved the Japanese development and put on stream. However, for China this is not new. But China is China, and the championship is after all the Land of the Rising Sun. Presented at the Geneva Motor Show three-wheeled motorcycles (China), "Honda" and "Toyota" made a real sensation. The developers of the company "Toyota" for 40 years are engaged in technologies aimed at reducing fuel consumption and reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Ten years they spent on the creation of the tricycle Toyota i-Road, and, I must say, not in vain. Having appeared for the first time in Geneva, this half-cycle - half-car immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Until now, the manufacturer in its entirety is notdisclosed the technical characteristics of his offspring. It is only known that the length of the tricycle is 2350 cm, the height is 1450 cm. The power unit consists of two motors with a total power of 2 kW.

motorcycles, three-wheeled

Thanks to the dimensions of three-wheeled motorcyclesproblems with parking will not arise. In addition, the side wheels provide them with excellent stability. Of the technical innovations of i-Road, you can note the tilt compensator, which is connected with the front wheels. It is he who determines the optimal angle of the bike in a corner.

By analogy with the Japanese invention, the Chinesepresented their version of the tricycle. And although at first glance, China's motorcycles look like a hybrid version of the three-wheeled scooters Honda and WWII, in their design and functional plan there is something of their own, especially individual.

Three-wheeled motorcycles from China are equipped with150-cc single-cylinder engine with air cooling. In a pair he installed a conventional variator. But the reducer on tricycles is a purely own development of Chinese designers, as well as the rear brake, which is made in the form of a pedal on the floor.

 motorcycle china

If the external design of Chinese tricycles stillcauses ironic smiles, then the driving qualities of this technique inspire respect. We must give credit: the Chinese created a very light tricycle. But the front area is somewhat too big for him. Therefore, air resistance does not allow it to accelerate more than 85 km / h. Yet for the technology of such dimensions this is quite a solid speed.

Well, now, as they say, about painful - aboutquality. Fortunately, three-wheeled motorcycles in the Chinese version are deprived of the shortcomings with which their older brothers from the family of cars are so notorious. All plastic elements are carefully adjusted. There are no horrible gaps and protrusions. All joints are smooth. Nothing creaks. The engine howls a little, but here, alas, you can not cover the hood. But the main thing that can be attractive for Russian youth is the unlimited possibilities of tuning. To this, by the way, the manufacturer is also encouraging, offering a large number of tuning components, starting from a 200-cube engine and ending with sports variators.

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