/ / Noise isolation of apartment walls. How to Make Your Own Hands

Noise isolation of apartment walls. How to Make Your Own Hands

The level of sound insulation of modern apartments, and infeatures in new buildings, leaves much to be desired. To correct this situation if desired, it is quite possible and independently. It will not be too expensive and will not take much time. In this article, we will consider the question of how the noise insulation of walls is carried out correctly.

Varieties of soundproof materials

The modern market offers the consumer a wide variety of soundproof materials. You can classify them into three main groups.

  1. Tough. Absorption of sound by these materials is due to the fact that one of their components is a porous filler (pumice, expanded clay, cork, perlite, etc.).
  2. Semi-rigid. They are made of materials based on polyurethane. This group includes foam plastic, expanded polystyrene, etc.
  3. Soft. Manufacture of such sound insulation based on mineral wool or fiberglass. Noise insulation of apartment walls using this kind (along with semi-rigid) is performed most often.

material for noise insulation of walls

How to choose the right material

There are only two types of noise -air and percussion. In the first case - it can be music, loud voices, distributed behind a wall, etc. Shock noise occurs, for example, when a drill or perforator is operating. Usually soundproofing of walls assumes protection against air noise, and floor and ceiling - from shock. Noise insulation of walls with own hands can be performed using:

  • Mineral wool.This is a very inexpensive material with excellent performance. Perfectly suited for protection from air noise. The only drawback is a rather large thickness. Therefore, it is expedient to use it in large areas.
  • Cork soundproof material. It perfectly protects both from air, and from shock noises. With success can be used to insulate the walls of both a large and a small apartment.
  • Soundproof panels ZIPS.Noise insulation of walls using this material is most effective. The main disadvantage of such panels is their rather significant weight, hence, the complexity of the installation.

noise insulation of walls

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with installationsoundproof material, walls must be carefully prepared. All cracks and possible holes must be found and sealed. Also it is necessary to make soundproofing of jacks of sockets. Of course, before starting this work, electricity in the apartment must be disconnected (in the shield). The rosettes are dismantled and removed from the nests. The holes can be insulated with foam rubber, polystyrene or fiberglass. At the final stage, all the crevices are covered with gypsum. Sealing is also necessary for the exit of all pipes in the apartment (water, heating, gas). Further, the walls are thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt.

Sound insulation using mineral wool

Mineral wool - a material for noise insulation of walls, of which we spoke above. Its installation is as follows:

  • The metal profile is pasted with a special polystyrene tape absorbing noises;
  • guide rails are mounted;
  • Rack profiles are installed;
  • between them are mounted pre-cut mineral wool plates;
  • installation of an additional profile 2-3 cm thick (it is necessary to ensure a small ventilation gap between the plates of the noise isolator and the plasterboard);
  • gypsum boards are installed.

noise insulation of apartment walls

Sound insulation of walls with cork panels

In this case, a specialquick-setting adhesive. The wall is carefully etched, after which the element is firmly pressed against it. Installation is carried out with a shift to half-plates. Cork laying should be done as tightly as possible. The presence of any gaps between the elements is not allowed. Cork panels are aesthetic in themselves. Therefore, it is not absolutely necessary to perform additional finishing. The exception is the walls of the bathrooms. In this room plates should be covered with a special lacquer-sealant.

wall sound insulation

How to perform soundproofing with panels ЗИПС

Further on, we will discuss in detail how to makenoise insulation of walls using sandwich panels. Preliminary on the perimeter of the wall on the floor, adjacent walls and ceiling are glued special tape-spacers, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the sandwich panels. Instead of the adhesive, a special acoustic sealant is used.

The plates are mounted on a wall usingspecial dowels. The installation should be performed from left to right and from bottom to top. Panels of the first row are cut along the short and long side, and all subsequent ones are only long. The element is attached to the wall and through the already existing vibration isolation assemblies in it, holes are drilled with a depth of 6 cm. Then dowels are inserted and clogged in them. As well, all subsequent slabs are assembled (runaway - at least 25 cm). Pazogrebnevye joints of panels are additionally fastened by screws (a step - 15 sm). At the final stage, the joints of the panels are treated with a grinding handle. After that, all the seams are filled with sealant.

Wallpaper gluing

how to make noise insulation of walls

Sound insulation of walls will be even more effective inIf you use vinyl foamed wallpaper as a final finish. Wall gluing must be started from the window. Using a level, a vertical line is preliminarily drawn on the wall. It will serve as a guide for gluing the first band.

Cloths are smoothed over the surface of the wall with softroller with medium-length fur. Air bubbles are removed with a special wallpaper brush. Get on the surface of the adhesive, remove the adhesive with a clean rag. Since foamed wallpaper - the material is not too strong, pasting should be done as carefully as possible.

As you can see, the noise insulation of the walls with your own hands -the process is not too complicated. With a little effort, you can make living in an apartment or house much more comfortable. The most important thing is to do everything without hurry, to lay all the elements as tightly as possible to each other and carefully seal all joints.

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