/ / Kitchen: the bottom is dark - the top is light. Photo, ideas of design

Kitchen: the bottom is dark - the top is light. Photo, ideas of design

Combination in the kitchen of two basic shadesallows you to create the most interesting images and styles. At the same time, the reception, in which the dark bottom and the light top are combined, is very popular. This combination visually makes the ceiling higher. With proper performance, the interior will look stylish and fashionable.

There are several generally accepted recommendations of designers who are required to comply with the repair. In this case, the original, modern kitchen. Bottom dark, light top can be created using different shades.This is a profitable approach, which can be applied in almost any style of the interior. How to develop the correct design, it will be interesting to know everyone before carrying out repairs.

Advantages of color combination

Quite often in modern houses and apartments there is a two-color kitchen. The bottom is dark, the top is light (photo is presented below) is a winning composition. When you create it, you can use classic colors. At the same time they will look impressive.

Kitchen bottom dark top light

When choosing the intensity of shades and theircontrast combination are guided by the general style of the interior. In this case, a set of this type can be inscribed in almost any design of the room. It is only necessary to choose the right combination of two basic colors.

For a direct kitchen, the combination of two colors for finishing the facades is simply necessary. In this case, the furniture will not look boring. Fashionable and stylish will look like this kitchen. Bottom dark, light top allow to visually mask even the dimensional technique. This is an original, fresh design. He is able to decorate almost any kitchen.

Dimensions of the room

When choosing the shades of the headset, you need to consider what dimensions the kitchen has. The bottom is dark, the top is light (the photo is presented below) can visually both expand and reduce the room.

Kitchen bottom dark top light photo

Muted shades will look goodonly in a spacious kitchen. But in such a room you can create with their participation an elegant, noble interior. He will emphasize the decoration of the room. If this combination does not have enough contrast, special attention should be given to accessories, add some bright details and high-quality lighting.

A spacious room needs bright lightingshades. This creates a cozy and good mood. For a small kitchen, do not use too contrasting, deep combinations. With the help of bright colors you can visually expand the space of the room, make it visually greater.

Color solution

There are several variants of combinations of colors and shades that modern kitchen. Light top, dark bottom in the interior (photo presented below) should be combined with the general finish of the room. Usually the floor is made darker, and the walls are lighter. The ceiling can be white.

Two-tone kitchen light top dark bottom

When choosing a headset must be selecteda combination of two colors with a common color and style of the room. You can play in contrast. In this case, take two different colors. Their combination looks fashionable and unusual.

The second common method isapplication of two shades of the same color. The bottom is made in a darker range, and the top is lighter. This allows you to withstand the overall style for the entire room.

White top and contrasting bottom

Часто верх гарнитура делают белым.Many colors harmonize with this color. Practically every kitchen accepts this combination. Light top, dark bottom, photo (angular type of headset) which is presented in the article, with the participation of white color look contrastingly.

Kitchen light top dark bottom in the interior photo

One of the most successful combinations isa combination of a light shade with a black or red bottom headset. With the choice of saturation, you can create any mood in the room. White is designed to shade the main color. Therefore, such a kitchen will look presentable.

Red has many shades. They depend on the general impression of the kitchen, as well as coziness in the room.

Combination of two different colors

Two-colored kitchen (light top, dark bottom) can combine different shades.In this case it turns out to create various images. Popular today are combinations of brown and blue, as well as brown and green colors. Also the combination of orange or red top and black bottom looks spectacular.

Kitchen light top dark bottom photo angular

При выборе сочетаний разных цветов следует exercise caution. Not all shades are harmoniously combined into a single composition. Sometimes the general impression of the kitchen depends on the choice of texture and accessories.

Bright, juicy colors look good, ifthe surface of the facades is glossy. It can be supplemented with silvery details, for example handles. The lower facades under the tree are combined with a green or blue top, which has a matte texture.

The combination of shades of the same color

In one color, but with different shades can be performed kitchen. Bottom dark, light top in this case it looks very advantageous. Especially it concerns exotic flowers. Purple bottom and the same, but lighter top will bring freshness to the interior.

Kitchen light top dark bottom what curtains

Today, they combine different colors, for example, lime,orange, lemon, violet, olive and many other shades. It is allowed to make a print on the plastic surfaces of the facades, complement the interior with various details.

Elegantly looks a combination of brown bottom and beige top. This combination should be supplemented with various accessories. This will make the interior more interesting and richer.

Table top and apron

The work area is in the middle of the composition that the kitchen (light top, dark bottom). What apron and the countertop to choose, depends on the headset itself. Many manufacturers of such furniture provide for several specific design options for the work area.

Kitchen light top dark bottom what apron

The main requirements for the apron and table topare their practicality and combination with the overall style of the kitchen. These surfaces may become contaminated during cooking. Therefore, you should not choose for them light monotonous shades.

Apron can revive not too contrasting kitchen. If it is printed on it in the form of certain images and drawings, it will bring freshness and originality to the interior.


The completed look of the interior is able to impart curtains and accessories. They should be carefully thought through. Such additional elements necessarily have in their design any kitchen. Light top, dark bottom (what curtains, textiles and other elements to choose in a particular case, the designer's tips will help to solve) allow to create a cosiness. But for this it is required to think over every little thing.

Если в помещении преобладают темные оттенки, you can give preference to heavy, tight curtains. If the set is light, blinds and roller blinds are used. Drawing and color are chosen in accordance with the general style of the interior.

If the premises are small, you can givepreference for the decoration of walls, ceiling and floor light colors. In this case, the headset should be a bit darker. Textiles must be monotonous. Also, the gentle shades chosen for a small kitchen can visually expand the space.

Bright moods will add moods. However, do not use them in large quantities. A few expressive accents are enough.

The light fronts of the headset can be made more interesting if you prefer to print surfaces when buying. The very same two-tone set can easily become a background for walls with variegated wallpaper.

The lighting is given special attention in interior design. If the facades are glossy, glare from several fixtures will make the furniture elegant.

Having considered the recommendations of designers, everyone can choose the best option. At the same time the room will be stylish and fashionable, even if the apartment provides for a very small kitchen. Bottom dark, light top считается эффектным приемом, который открывает wide field for creative fantasy designers. This technique allows you to give the room an original, modern look. It will be nice to be the owners of the house and their guests.

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