/ / Dendrobium: Care and Reproduction

Dendrobium: Care and Reproduction

Today there is a huge number of flowers,which are an excellent decoration of a dwelling. Sooner or later, most growers decide to grow an orchid on their own. To do this is actually quite difficult. There is a huge number of species of orchids. Among them there are not so many varieties that can be grown at home. The most popular domestic orchids include Dendrobium. This family includes representatives such as Phalaenopsis.

Technology of cultivation

orchid dendrobium

This issue should be given special attention.Many orchards today are interested in orchid Dendrobium. Care at home for this plant is determined by the peculiarities of climatic conditions, which are natural for it. Orchid belongs to the family of epiphytes. Dry air, lack of light and excess moisture can adversely affect the development of the plant. With proper care, the orchid blossoms beautifully. In the process of growth, pseudobulbs are formed. Outwardly, they are more like a thickening of the stem, in which nutrients and moisture accumulate.

During the growing season, the plant can entersome time in a state of rest. It ceases to grow and prepares forces for the next flowering. With the onset of winter, it is necessary to create a beautiful culture special conditions. The temperature should be reduced to 10 degrees, and watering is completely excluded. If these rules are observed, early in the spring pseudobulbs will give new peduncles.

What types of orchids are suitable for home growing?

The most widespread among floristshybrids Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium nobil. They begin to bloom without any additional preparation. Care for these plants is determined by the peculiarities of the origin of their parents. Before you acquire this or that kind of orchid, you first need to learn their history. If you want to achieve a beautiful flowering, in the room it is necessary to maintain the temperature from 16 to 20 degrees.

How to care for an orchid after flowering?

dendrobium in a pot

So, what do you need to know about this?What to do when the flowering of dendrobium stops? Care of the plant during this period of time must necessarily include a regime with high humidity and temperature. In addition, it is necessary to feed the plant. Best for this purpose are suitable special liquid mixtures for orchids. The flower will gain green mass until the very end of summer. Do not worry about pseudobulbs at this time. They provide food for new shoots.

How to transplant an orchid?

Let us dwell on this in more detail.Many flower growers are interested in such a flower as the orchid Dendrobium. Care at home for this plant must include a transplant. However, this operation can seriously injure the plant, so it is better to spend it every 2-3 years. In general, transplantation is best dealt with only if there really is a need. For example, if the pot in which Dendrobium is growing, space is not enough. In this case, the plant ceases to gain mass, and the emerging pseudobulbs begin to hang from the edges of the pot.

Reproduction of orchids

One of the most popular indoor flowersis an orchid requiring dentist care Dendrobium. Reproduction in the home requires special skills. The best time for the reproduction of orchids is spring. It is then that the plant is in the stage of active growth immediately after flowering. Be sure to clean the roots of the transplanted flower from the old soil. To make this operation easier, moisten the flower pot well. Subsequently, this will avoid many problems. After you remove the substrate from the roots, be sure to examine them. If you find areas that are damaged or damaged by rot, simply remove them. Slices must be treated with coal. For this purpose, Zelenka and other products containing alcohol are not suitable. After the treatment, the roots need to be allowed some time to dry.

How to choose a container for an orchid?

orchid at home

Many beginners are interested in floriculture today,how to grow dendrobium. Care at home can be provided much easier if you pick the right pot. It is best to use containers in which the soil layer between the roots and the walls will be at least 2 cm. As the growth increases, the aerial part of the flower may gradually increase. Plant plant is recommended only in resistant pots. The best option is considered to be clay models. Once you have picked up a suitable container, you need to lay drainage in it. This layer should occupy a quarter of the total volume. The rest is filled with soil with a slide. This concludes the preparatory stage. Now it's time to proceed to the next process.

Orchids should also be prepared for planting.The roots are straightened, and the plant itself is moved directly to the center. Try to ensure that pseudobulbs are on the surface. To ensure better resistance of the plant, supports can be used. After planting, the orchid needs to be held in the shade for a while. The temperature of the air in the room should be at least 20 degrees. After a couple of days, the plant can be started to water.

Subtlety of caring for a home beauty

The main thing that interests everyone who wants to breedDendrobium, - care. Photos of flowering plants look incredibly beautiful, but in fact it is not so easy to grow. The flower should be given a lot of attention. Best of all, the epiphytic orchid will feel itself in loose soil without a lot of nutrients. As a soil, it is best to use a mixture prepared from pine bark, peat and sphagnum moss. In addition, you can add charcoal. The soil mixture used for planting an orchid should not contain calcium. The fact is that the flower can react poorly to the presence of this element in the soil.

You can also use a crushed barkconiferous as a substrate. The seeding container must be filled in the following way. At the bottom lay large elements. In the upper part you can place smaller ones. The presence of a small amount of peat will positively affect the quality of the soil. It allows to significantly improve the mechanical properties. In addition, the soil will then have an optimal acidity index. The substrate prepared for use must be disinfected. For this, the mixture is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes. After this, it is necessary to wait until the ground has dried.

At home, you can plant an orchid inconventional or suspended pots. Drainage in any case should take about a quarter of the total. This layer can consist of granite rubble or broken brick. It is not recommended to use limestone and expanded clay, as they are rich in calcium, and this mineral adversely affects the orchid Dendrobium. Care and reproduction in the home of this plant is not too complex and quite capable of beginning florists.

Recommendations of specialists

reproduction of orchids

How to grow a flower like thisorchid Dendrobium nobilis? Care of this plant requires a set of recommendations. So, for example, if you plan to plant orchids in baskets, then before planting it is necessary to add sphagnum to the soil. Best of all, these flowers will grow, wrapped around the support. As for lighting, Dendrobium nobile needs bright diffuse light. It is sometimes very difficult to create such conditions in room conditions, especially in the cold season. It is for this reason that experts recommend keeping the pot with the orchid Dendrobium from May to September on the east or west side, and in winter - on the southern side. If this rule is observed, various diseases can be avoided.

What else is needed to grow a beautiful orchidDendrobium? Care of the plant should include a regular change in the position of the pot. This is necessary to ensure that all parts of the flower receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. When approaching the cold, it is necessary to remove the flower as far as possible from drafts.

Many mistresses dream of growing on their own windowsill orchid Dendrobium.Care and reproduction in the home of this flower is fraught with a number of difficulties. For example, a flower needs enough light throughout the day. The optimum duration is from 10 to 15 hours. The deficit of natural light in the cold season can be compensated by using special lamps. Best of all, the lack of natural light will be carried by varieties of orchids, which have pale pink flowers. They will feel great on the windowsills from the north-east side.

Today, bright,requiring careful care of orchids Dendrobium. Reproduction of these plants with bright pink, red and yellow colors requires mandatory installation of additional lighting. It is best to keep plants on the south-west or south-east side. It is also worth remembering the need for additional lighting in the cold season. If you provide too much light for the plants, they will actively gain weight. Pseudobulbs grow too large, which will adversely affect the condition of the flower as a whole. On the other hand, if there is a lack of lighting, they will be too long and thin. Bloom may not occur at all. To the plant absorbs all the moisture that comes during irrigation, it must be provided with good lighting. Pay attention to this when calculating the norms of the necessary liquid.

How correctly to water?

orchid at home

Many novice growers do not know whichthe amount of water required orchid Dendrobium. Care at home includes, in addition to calculating the necessary amount of moisture, and the choice of watering time. Humidify the soil only if you notice the drying of the substrate. In summer it is enough to water the orchid a couple of times a week. In winter, the amount of liquid should be reduced to a minimum. If you grow Dendrobium in a pot, then water should be poured from above. If the plants are placed in blocks or baskets, it will be enough to just put them in water for 3-5 minutes.

For irrigation, it is best to use a softboiled liquid. Its temperature should be just above room temperature. In the period from April to September, in addition to watering, the plant also needs additional feeding. For this purpose, fertilizers rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are diluted in water prepared for irrigation. This mixture must be watered every two times.


dendrobium care

So, what do you need to know about this?If you are interested in the cultivation of orchids Dendrobium, care of this flower must necessarily include temperature control. However, this factor affects the plant only if it is provided with the necessary lighting. Deficiency of light can lead to the fact that the flower will remain at rest, despite the favorable temperature regime. In the summer in the daytime, optimum is 20 degrees of heat. In winter, this value may drop to 17 ° C. In the dark, it can be lower by a couple of degrees. If the air temperature rises too high, the water can begin to evaporate through the leaves. Only a small part of the moisture reaches the roots. Therefore, if the room temperature is rather high, the humidity level should be adjusted accordingly. Experts recommend to install pots with an orchid in a pallet with pebbles and water. Maintenance of moisture is also facilitated by spraying procedures.

In the case of creating optimal conditions for growthOrchid Dendrobium already in the beginning of spring will start to type green mass. At this time, the plant needs fertilizing. The best for this purpose are suitable mineral fertilizers. If flowers are provided with everything necessary, already in October they will have a lot of leaves and pseudobulbs of the appropriate size.


dendrobum flower

What diseases is affected by the orchid Dendrobium?Care at home should necessarily include airing, since the flower is susceptible to the effects of fungal infections. Also, make sure that there are no drafts in the room where the orchid is grown. In sunny weather, plants are generally recommended to be kept outdoors.


Many believe that growing orchidsDendrobium, care of which involves a lot of difficulties, is still an interesting activity. However, if you want to get a plush flowering plant as a result, then you should not stop it. In addition, if you know some of the subtleties, you can easily grow an orchid.

In order for the plant to enter the active phasewith the onset of spring, he still needs to create favorable conditions in winter. To do this, it is necessary to completely eliminate watering and maintain a temperature of no more than 10 degrees. In spring the plant will actively gain green mass. At this time he needs even more attention. Try to provide the orchid with the optimal temperature regime, maintain the necessary humidity level. In addition, the flower requires additional fertilizing. The best for this purpose are suitable mineral fertilizers.

Make sure that in the room where the orchid grows, there were no drafts and temperature changes. Only under these conditions can you get beautiful flowering plants.

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