/ / Little beauty. Reproduction of violets by leaf

Little beauty. Reproduction of violets by leaf

Among different types of indoor plants, specialattention is paid to violets. These small, neat, beautifully flowering shrubs can not help but attract. Many growers are engaged in breeding different varieties of these flowers, because they differ among themselves not only the color of the inflorescences, but also the shape and size of the leaves. These plants do not cause trouble, they are simply taken care of. Reproduction of a violet leaf allows one to get a dozen colors from one bush in a short time. Therefore, if you want, you can quickly increase the number of your favorites, and also sell "kids" to deal with.

Reproduction of violets by leaf
Reproduction of violet leaves does not require specialknowledge. For this it is necessary to choose the most healthy and beautiful specimens, so that the "children" turn out to be "thoroughbred" and strong. Before planting, the stalk must be shortened slightly, so that later it does not have to be supported by something. The length of the leaf does not affect the rooting speed or the number of children in any way, so a clean, preferably new, blade should be cut at an angle of 45 °, leaving only 2 - 3 cm of the cuttings.

That the rooting process goes faster andthere were more "children", you can make a T-shaped cut violets. Care and reproduction depend largely on the variety, but such an action will not hurt anyone. The incision is made at an angle of 90 °, and then a spine is cut perpendicularly by 5 mm. Two halves in the ground move apart, thereby increasing the area for the development of the root system. "Babes" feel freer and grow faster.

Violets Care and Reproduction
Reproduction of violets by leaf is possible both in water,and the substrate. In the first case, it is necessary to pour boiled water in a small plastic cup or a glass jar and add half a tablet of activated carbon there. After the roots grow by two centimeters, it is possible to drop the violets into the cups with peat. Reproduction is possible and in the event that immediately the usual leaf is planted in a peat mixture. Strongly deepen the shank is not worthwhile, it is enough to plant it to a depth of 1 cm. The slope should be equal to 45 °, so it is worthwhile putting some kind of support.

violets house propagation
The leaf needs to be thoroughly poured, then coveredpackage to create a mini-greenhouse, and put in a warm and bright place. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. In half a month (a maximum of a month) the leaf will take root completely. "Children" will appear within three months, and the earliest will be happy in 6 weeks. All this time, the flower should be kept under the cellophane package, airing once a week for several minutes.

"Children" should be planted when on themthere will be two or more pairs of leaves. Each small violet must be planted in a separate glass, not deepening a strong point of growth. After transplanting for a week, the plant should be kept under the package, often ventilating, giving it a habit of room temperature and humidity, and then it should be removed at all. Reproduction of violet leaves is not at all problematic and even interesting. With the growth of "children", it is necessary to make transshipment in pots with a large volume.

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