/ / Violet "whipped cream": a description of the variety, photo

Violet "whipped cream": a description of the variety, photo

From time immemorial, house plants createcomfort and good mood. All people have different preferences, so each house has its own combination and variety of colors. But the favorite of almost all housewives, of course, remains a beautiful violet.

Среди последних можно найти уникальные образцы - completely different and in the form of inflorescences, leaves or buds. So, an unusual can be called a violet "whipped cream". The photo, given in the article, vividly conveys the beauty of this flower.


Such a velvety flower will please almost the whole year.

Variety description

A unique and attractive sort of violets "whipped"cream "will attract the attention of even the most demanding flower growers. It is quite new, with large double flowers, and was bred by the Russian breeder - Elena Lebetska.

Лепестки у данной фиалки волнообразные, в aggregates creating a sense of foam. The effect is enhanced by raspberry sponges and a corrugated thin border at the edges. We offer you a photo of the violet-cream violet, so that you can see all the charm of the flower described.


The rosette is neat, the leaves are velvety, green in medium intensity. The edges of the sheets are uneven, which gives the impression of gentle whipped cream on a green plate.

Care of violets

Violets are not whimsical colors. Nevertheless, to make them happy, it is necessary to carry out appropriate care for them. The basic rules of care for violets "whipped cream" are as follows:

  • providing the necessary sanctification;
  • absence of direct sunlight and draft;
  • choosing the right flower pots and soil;
  • regular moderate watering;
  • timely transplantation and circumcision.

For violets, it is important and proper sanctification, andtemperature regime. Equally important is the humidity of the air. The ideal temperature for violets is "whipped cream" - 22 ° C. Accordingly, at a higher temperature, it is necessary to increase the humidity. This can be achieved by special electrical appliances or improvised means. As an option - just rearrange the flower in the kitchen.

It's good to arrange a shower of violets once a month. But you need to do it carefully - the ground should be covered with a film, so that excess water does not interfere with the proper development of the flower and does not hurt him.


An important point is the correct placementviolets. The plant, of course, loves light, but does not tolerate aggressive sunlight. Therefore, it is better to plant the flower on the northern windows. If there is no such possibility, then you just need to shade the glass a little.

Для фиалки достаточно 10-12 часов светового дня.Additional lighting is required mainly during flowering. Twice a week, the plant should be rotated 90 degrees. Such a movement will allow the flower to grow smoothly, and the socket will look beautiful and neat.

Watering rules

Long blooming plant species need to be watered properly. Here are the basic rules for irrigation for whipped "whipped cream", a description and photo of which we give in our article:

  1. The soil should be wet, only the top layer of soil can dry out.
  2. Water temperature should be at least 20 ° C.
  3. Water flows directly under the root of the flower or at the edges of the pot.
  4. It must be remembered that excess moisture causes rot in the root column. Watering is carried out only after the drying of the upper layer.
  5. Cold water causes shock in violets and can adversely affect the growth and flowering of buds.
  6. For irrigation is not recommended to use hard water from the tap.

Whipped Cream Violets

Breeding varieties

If such a terry beauty appeared in the house, I want to increase its quantity. This is easy to achieve even for beginners. Reproduction of violet "whipped cream" is carried out as follows:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • the division of sockets.


The easiest method of reproduction is by dividing rosettes. If another outlet is formed in one flower pot, it should be planted as a full-fledged plant.

If your friends had noticed charmingViolet "whipped cream", you can borrow a leaf of a plant. It must be cut from the middle of the flower so that it is young. The scape should be as long as possible. In the event of rot, it will be possible to cut it. It is better to make a cut at a slight angle.

For starters rooting rooted. The most common method is using water to which activated carbon can be added. You need to make sure that the tank was filled with water all the time.

After the stalk has taken root, it is producedfull landing. But for 2 weeks the sheet is covered with a glass jar for better rooting. After this period, the jar is removed and then taken care of the plant, like an adult violet.

Seed propagation is quite laborious and long-term occupation. Not everyone can get it the first time. Therefore, of course, the first two methods are preferable.

Transplant and pot selection

At first glance, choosing a pot and transplanting a flower is a simple matter. But by doing something wrong, you can lose your favorite plant.

Violets do not like excess freedom, so the potneed to pick up a plant. Otherwise, the root system will develop greatly, which will lead to a lack of flowering. Experienced growers adhere to the rule - the diameter of the pot should be less than the outlet 3 times.

Most people recommend a transplant every year. And spring is the perfect time for replanting flower crops.

Soil selection should also be approached withcaution. There are special earth mixtures for violets. They are ideal for transplanting plants. These are substrates on a peat or compost basis, which have a loose structure and contain all the necessary minerals.

Violet "whipped cream" likes drainage, so be sure to put clay or other similar material on the bottom of the pot.

Diseases and pests

Like most plant crops, this flower is prone to various diseases. You should be alarmed if the violet "whipped cream" has the following signs:

  • Листья сильно вытянулись вверх.This suggests that the flower does not have enough light. In this case, you need to rearrange the plant in the solar zone. If this is not possible, then you can artificially fill the light gap. There are various lamps.
  • Violet leaves hang over the side of a flowerpot. And this means that the violet is tired of excess light, and it needs to be moved either to the north window or to the shelving.

Whipped Cream Violet Description

  • The lethargy of the foliage is accompanied by rotting of the coresockets. This phenomenon speaks of excess watering, and it is cold water. In this case, the plant should be transplanted and watered only with warm water. Moisturizing is carried out no more than 2 times a week.
  • If there are yellow-brown spots like burns on the foliage, it is urgent to move the violet to another place. Because it is a consequence of direct sunlight.


Such a seemingly small plantable to bring into the house comfort and good mood. Violet is suitable for any style of interior and will delight household almost all year round with its abundant flowering.

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