/ / Plants for florarium: list

Plants for florarium: list

Florarium is a small home greenhouse in a transparent glass or plastic container with plants growing inside.

What is a florarium?

Terrariums for plants (florariums) arelarge and small transparent containers with wooden or plastic inserts, with a narrowed inlet located on the side or on top. Sometimes they are completely covered with a lid.

plants for the florarium list
Under the container for florarium can use the mostdifferent bottles, flasks, cans or specially designed containers in which plants are grown. They can be large and small, desktop, floor and wall. The most important thing is to accurately select the plants suitable for the florarium and create the required conditions for them.

It must be maintained at a constant humidity and temperature. It can be heated and lighted using special equipment so that vegetation does not depend on natural heat and light.

Terrarium for plants takes up little space,therefore it is convenient for apartments with small window sills. The compositions in it look original and stylish, periodically the plants for the florarium, as they grow, need to be transplanted.

Why do you need a garden in the glass

  1. Interior decoration. The composition for this purpose is used for a short period of time, so plants are selected in appearance without taking into account the characteristics of their cultivation.
  2. For the cultivation of exotic plants, which require a certain temperature and high humidity.
  3. Simplify the care of succulents and tropical moisture-loving plants.

Types of florariums. Care

There are several types:

  • Closed with a dense lid or glass vases, bottles.
  • Partially open. Compositions are created in bottles, vessels or vases that have a small opening.
  • Open.In such florariums, plants are grown that require constant airing and are not afraid of temperature changes during the day. Vases are round or oval with a wide opening.

Maintenance of the micro-greenhouse includes:

  • keeping the glass clean;
  • inspection of plants;
  • watering (if necessary);
  • transplanting plants, replacing the soil once every 2-3 years.

Criteria for choosing a florarium

  1. Slow growth of plants and their miniature.
  2. Consider for what purpose the composition is created.
  3. Conditions for the maintenance of plants should be the same.

Pay attention to the following points:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • watering;
  • soil composition.

Placing plants in a micro-greenhouse

High plants for the florarium are located in themid, then medium to high and low along the edge. Plants are planted directly in the ground or small pots, which are then decorated, decorated with shells, moss or colored ground.

plants for florarium photo
To prepare the substrate, remember thatIt should not be too nutritious to avoid rapid plant growth. And to avoid decaying the roots due to high humidity, it must be breathable and airy. You can prepare the mixture yourself. To do this, take in the ratio 1: 1: 1 perlite, sphagnum peat and vermiculite. If plants are planted in the soil, it is necessary to make a drainage of charcoal, expanded clay or small stones, which are pre-washed and disinfected. Plant the plants so that around each bush there is a place for its growth.

Care will not be much trouble if plants for florarium are placed in small pots.

Use of ornaments

In the preparation of an open florarium in advanceprepare different twigs, unusual shells, intricate pebbles, any trinkets that are used for decoration. All these things must be of an unusual shape or have a bright color to complement and shade the finished composition. All the decorations will give the garden a harmonious and complete look. When using live plants, the micro-orangery is placed to the window or illuminated.

Which plants are suitable for florarium

For the selection of plants should be remembered that not allFlowers are suitable for making compositions in the florarium. First, do not choose fast growing plants. Secondly, very small flowers, no more than 15 cm high, are taken for florariums of small size. Thirdly, flowering plants, as well as succulents and cacti, are not used for closed florariums without ventilation.

florarium indoor plant
How to create the perfect florarium?Which plants are the most popular? The most common plants for the florarium are: maranth, selaginella, kalateia, diffenbachia, ferns, cryptanthus, fittonium, croton, reo, alocasia. From flowering plants, preference is given to azaleas, cyclamen, and senpolias. From the family of cacti, only cacti of tropical forests are recommended.

Orchids are very whimsical plants, they are grown in special floraria. Beginners of floriculturists may have difficulty in planting these plants in the florarium.

Closed-type micro-greenhouse

Растения для флорариума такого вида находятся в closed space under the glass and do not need watering. Due to the closed environment with its microclimate, it is possible to grow rare and exotic plants in any type of premises. Remove the fallen leaves and pinch the tips of grown plants - these are all care procedures that are performed as needed.

what plants are suitable for florarium
In closed florarium plants for breathingindependently produce carbon dioxide and oxygen. Such a florarium must be hermetically sealed with a lid and not have any openings. For the purpose of ventilation, floraria of large volumes are equipped with a ventilation system. For small closed florariums (a vase with a lid, a bottle), ventilation is not required. Such micro-greenhouses must be protected from direct sunlight, so that plants do not die from the heat inside the bottle. Plants in the buried florarium do not require irrigation, since they have enough moisture.

Which representatives of the flora can decorate the florarium closed? Plants from which you can create magnificent compositions in it:

  • asplenium;
  • begonia (variety with small leaves);
  • kalatea;
  • cryptantus;
  • peperomy;
  • Selaginella.

Dry florarium

The composition "desert landscape" is easy to care for andoften used to create a micro-greenhouse. Plants for the florarium (photo below) dry - it's cacti: astrophytum, mammillaria, echinopsis, rebusia and succulents: echeveria, argyroderma, cerohlamis.

plants for florarium
The land is used ready, bought in the store, from above make a layer of river sand, you can add a few large stones. Plants are planted in a ready florarium.

Micro-greenhouse "tropical forest"

В любом, даже маленьком, контейнере можно создать a composition similar to a tropical forest, if you use plants that are different in height. It is necessary that the foreground allows to see everything that is behind it.

When selecting plants, the main attention should be paid togive equal needs to soil and moisture, do not select the strange species of the tropics. Plants for the florarium (the list below), allowing to create a composition of the "tropical forest": hamedorei, ayr, begonias, phytons and various types of bamboo. Peat, leaf earth and coarse sand should be present in the soil.

Care for such a florarium is reduced to maintaining a temperature of about 25 degrees, humidity of at least 80 percent, frequent watering and spraying of plants.

Florarium "moss"

Mosses are common plants, there aremore than 10 thousand species. They survive in the most extreme climatic conditions. Usually form dense clusters in moist and shady places. There are also those who grow exceptionally on dry plots illuminated by the sun.

plants suitable for florarium
In micro-greenhouses, moss basically has a secondary role, but it can also be made the "main character" of the composition. Material to buy in a flower shop or some types of moss to bring from the forest.

Together with sphagnum, you can use other plants, only you have to pick them correctly. For planting use a special primer for moss, he loves acid soil.

Care of this composition is very simple: put a container of water in the container and constantly spray it.

Florarium with their own hands

For manufacturing it will be required:

  • any glass packaging;
  • the corresponding soil;
  • drainage;
  • coal;
  • plants;
  • elements for decoration;
  • necessary tools.

Подготовленную тару хорошо вымыть и окатить boiling water. Make a drainage layer in 4 cm. Put activated charcoal tablets or charcoal on the drainage layer, crushing it beforehand. It is necessary for the prevention of plant diseases. Pour wet soil centimeters 8, use the purchased substrate. To make the decoration you can mix the layers of soil and colored sand.

florarium what plants
Plants (succulents, ivy, ferns, senpolia, cacti) pull out of pots, peel the roots and prepare for planting.

Level the soil, make small holes andplant in them neatly plants for florarium, the list with photos of which is above. Ensure that the leaves do not touch the walls of the vessel. Ready landing spray and water. Add decorative ornaments to the container.

Planting plants in a glass bowl is notself-indulgence, but a tradition that came from the nineteenth century. And today floraria are a delight that everyone gets while contemplating the most beautiful floral and floral arrangements.

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