/ / How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with plastic and other surfaces?

How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with plastic and other surfaces?

In any modern supermarket all soldgoods are supplied with barcodes. This is a simple and convenient way to keep records of goods. Manufacturers themselves love to glue their products with colored labels. And what do buyers do? How to wipe the glue from the stickers from the dishes, toys and other freshly purchased household items?

The simplest ways to get rid of unnecessary labels

How to wipe off the adhesive from the sticker
Information and promotional stickers glued todayon the most diverse products. And if the price tag on a cosmetic bottle can be carefully overlooked, the same label on the dishes must be washed off. How to remove such a sticker? Try to just peel it off. Pick up the corner of the sticker with your fingernails or the tip of the knife and pull. Do not be discouraged if you can remove only the top paper layer. We'll talk about how to clean the glue marks below. A great way to deal with barcodes is to try heating a sticker with a hot dryer. If the label does not peel off even after exposure to heat, try soaking it in warm water. The exposure time is individual, in some cases it is necessary to wait 12-18 hours. When the paper and glue are completely wet, it's time to try to gently wash them off the surface of the product.

Vegetable oil to get rid of adhesive traces

How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with plastic
Asking how to wipe off the adhesive from the sticker.from the glass, it is not easy to make the right choice. Mechanical methods of action will not help here - the risk of scratching is too high. Try one of the safest and most effective ways to get rid of glue marks. Dampen a cotton swab in vegetable oil and abundantly treat the entire surface of the sticker. Paper layer labels must be removed in advance. After 1-3 minutes, rub the glue with a cotton swab or a piece of soft cloth. All residues from the sticker should be easily removed from the surface, rolling down into the pellets. Finally, wash the product with detergent to clean the dishes. Vegetable oil can be used on surfaces made of any materials. Now you know what to wipe off the adhesive from the sticker, without fear of scratching the product.

Alcohol-containing compounds

How to wipe the adhesive from the glass sticker
There is another safe way to completeremove residual labels. Moisten glue marks with alcohol and rub with a soft sponge or cloth. Instead of an antiseptic solution, you can use any cosmetic alcohol-containing agent. Suitable cologne, perfume or cleansing lotion. How to wipe off the adhesive from the sticker, if none of the above is not at hand? Try using ammonia. Be prepared for the fact that it has a pronounced smell, which not everyone likes. Alcohol does not scratch the surface and is not able to dissolve it. It can be used on products made from any materials. If you have to clean the surface, painted in a bright color, try to apply alcohol on the invisible part and make sure that there is no reaction. The fact is that alcohol-containing solutions can dissolve some types of dyes.

Eraser and wet wipes against glue

Virtually all types of plastics used inlife, afraid of exposure to aggressive chemical compounds and abrasives. How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with plastic so as not to spoil it? After removing the paper part of the label, you can try to get rid of glue marks with the help of ordinary wet wipes. It is advisable to choose those that are impregnated with alcohol lotion. Take a napkin from the pack and rub it with a glue stain, trying to saturate it strongly. Repeat this simple manipulation until you can perfectly clean the surface. You can wipe off traces of glue and dry. To do this you will need a regular office eraser for a pencil. Try to erase it with glue, as if trying to get rid of excess inscription. In conclusion, do not forget to wash off the traces of the eraser with soapy water.

Will solvents help?

How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with glass
If the remnants of the stickers literally ate intothe surface of the base product, it's time to try aggressive tools. Be careful: acetone and other solvents are not recommended for cleaning plastic, rubber, latex and some other materials. It is unacceptable to use such aggressive means and when removing stickers from paint and varnish coatings. To begin, be sure to perform the test: apply a little solvent on the product that needs to be removed from the glue in an inconspicuous place. Just making sure that the selected composition does not spoil the surface, you can start cleaning. How to wipe off the glue after the sticker of potent funds? Try using nail polish remover, acetone or any other household solvent. Using a cloth, apply the selected substance in small quantities to the dried glue and carefully try to wipe it off. After removing the remnants of the sticker, do not forget to rinse the treated area with clean water.


What to wipe off the adhesive after the sticker
You can get rid of persistent adhesive traces byhelp of means for degreasing the surface. The most famous and accessible among them is WD-40. Liberally moisten the sticker with a degreasing compound. Then begin to rub it with a sponge, moving from the center to the edges. If necessary, apply a little more money on the treated area. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the treated area. Do not forget that the WD-40 - a technical tool, it can not be applied on surfaces in contact with food. After completion of cleaning, wash off the remnants of the composition for degreasing using soapy water. And then let the surface dry.

Household chemicals will help get rid of glue

What can wipe off the adhesive from the sticker, if anythere are no specific means at hand? Try using gels and sprays designed for cleaning the house. Quite good results are given by compositions intended for washing glasses and mirrors. In their composition is usually present alcohol, as well as substances that dissolve persistent pollution. If you are not afraid of scratches on the surface being cleaned, wash off the traces of glue, you can try a universal cleaning powder or an agent for cleaning kitchen surfaces with active granules. Not bad cope with many types of adhesive compositions of dishwashing liquid and laundry. They are most effective when used after soaking remnants of the sticker.

The most advanced methods for removing stickers

What can wipe off the adhesive from the sticker
In stores for home goods can be purchasedspecial glue dissolving agents. Usually they are called "anti-glue." In fact, these are solvents designed specifically for adhesives. It is very simple to use them: it is enough to put the substance on the traces of the sticker and wait for the time specified in the instructions. Be careful, some products in this category are very aggressive, they are recommended to be used only in protective gloves. Be sure to read the directions for use on the package. How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with metal and other surfaces? You can get rid of traces of the label with a melamine sponge. This accessory for cleaning appeared in our country relatively recently and today is quite popular. Attention: melamine sponges are suitable for use only on surfaces that are not in contact with food. It is not necessary to soak the glue before cleaning, the cleaned contamination must be dry. Prepare the sponge for use as indicated in the instructions, then simply rub the glue marks with its corner. Finally, wash the surface with water and detergent.

What is the easiest way to wipe off the glue from the sticker?

How to wipe the adhesive from the sticker with metal
Each hostess has their own methods of label laundering.and stickers. Someone prefers to just soak and scrub stickers from the surface with a blunt knife or spatula. However, this method is only suitable for materials that are resistant to scratches. You can quickly get rid of frozen glue with solvents and aggressive chemicals. The disadvantage of this method is that there is a high risk of damage to the surface. Our article provides many ways to clean a variety of materials from the labels. On delicate surfaces, try using vegetable oil, alcohol or window cleaner. Now you know how to scrub the adhesive from the glass or plastic sticker. If the selected cleaning option did not help, be sure to try another one. Labels and stickers are glued to different adhesives, which means that it is not always easy to find the right means for washing off the first time.

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