/ / Energy-saving heating. Ceramic heaters "Nikaten": reviews

Energy-saving heating. Ceramic heaters "Nikaten": reviews

How can I heat the house?Of course, central heating radiators. Or a gas boiler, if you do not want to depend on the quirks of the housing and communal services. For an individual room, an oil heater is perfect. This is a classic. But there is also a novelty. Not so long ago, ceramic heaters appeared on the Russian market. They immediately gained popularity

Gas, oil or ceramics?

Each type of heating has its pros and cons.

Gas boilers heat the room by burning gas. They:

  • can heat large rooms;
  • reliable - equipped with an automatic security system;
  • are easy to use.

House heating

But the installation of such equipment is not an easy task.First you need to get permission from the gas service, then prepare the room, because the boiler needs a chimney. And after this hire experts - to install such equipment on its own can not. There are other disadvantages. The gas boiler warms the air unevenly. Above, the temperature is higher than the bottom. In addition, it dries air.

Oil heaters, as the name implies, heat oil to high temperatures. They:

  • keep the heat well;
  • mobile, they can be moved from room to room or, for example, put under a table or near a bed.

But they warm slowly.And for large rooms are not suitable - except that leave them turned on all the time. Such devices can be dangerous. If the tightness is broken, hot oil can burn badly.

Ceramic heaters work in infraredrange. They heat not the air, but the objects. A constant movement of warm and cold air in the room provides natural convection. Such devices:

  • Warm up the room quickly and evenly. The temperature near the ceiling and the floor is almost the same.
  • They are safe. Heating appliances only up to +850 - they can not be burned.
  • Do not dry the air.
  • Easy to install and operate. You do not need to order a project, pull pipes and move furniture. The devices are connected in the same way as any other home appliances - a plug into the outlet.
  • Can work in several modes, you can adjust the temperature for each room.
  • Harmoniously fit into any design. There are models "Pearls", "Beige", "Coffee", "Graphite" and "Nero".
  • Economical. They consume little electricity and warm up the room well. The efficiency of the device is 90%. At -200 on the street it is enough to turn on the device for 8 hours to warm up the room to +230.
  • Durable. Work up to 25 years.
  • Do not overload the mains. If you turn on the heating, other home appliances do not even feel it.

Infrared energy-saving heating has all the advantages of gas and oil heaters, but lacks their disadvantages.

ceramic heaters

Saving with the mind

Choosing the technique, you need to focus onmanufacturer. Cheap counterfeits of Chinese craftsmen will break after a couple of months of work. If you want to really save, buy the products of solid, time-tested firms. One of the leaders of the Russian market is Nikaten. Customer feedback confirms: the company offers quality equipment at affordable prices.

Some buyers are concerned about the low price.No, Nikaten does not save on parts and warranty service. The secret of low prices is simple. The company itself produces energy-saving equipment and sells it. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of production.

"Nikaten" offers heaters of different capacities.They consume from 0.2 to 0.65 kW per hour. You can make an order directly on the main page. Select the model and color and click on the "Buy" button. If you do not have enough money, the company offers a loan. Ceramic heaters will be delivered to your house within a few days. Delivery time depends on the region in which you live.

If you doubt whether it is worth making an order,calculate the real savings from the purchase. On the website of the company you will find a calculator. Enter there the area of ​​the heated room and the rate at which you pay for electricity. You will find out how much you will pay per month when installing energy-efficient heating.

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