/ / Catalytic gas heaters as one of the variants of devices for heating

Catalytic gas heaters as one of the variants of devices for heating

If you are thinking about installing or changingheating in a private house or cottage, you have to make a difficult choice between heating boilers. Currently, several types of these devices are distinguished:

  • Gas.
  • Solid fuel.
  • Combined boilers.

But note immediately if you have nowhere to storecoal or you do not have time to cut wood, it is better not to purchase a second type of device. Combined boilers are a good option. If you turn off the gas, there will always be the opportunity to heat the house with firewood, but again, you should proceed from the fact whether they are at your fingertips at the right time, and are ready to sacrifice the performance of these devices. After all, the efficiency of such heating systems is 20 percent lower than those that work on one type of fuel.

catalytic gas heaters

Причем данная цифра не изменится даже тогда, when you use only gas (20 percent of its volume will fly away simply “into the pipe”). Based on this, the only reasonable option would be to buy gas boilers. They also fall into several categories. One of the most popular types is catalytic. How it is productive and how it differs, let's consider.


The average power of these heatersis about 2.9-3 kilowatts. The calculation of the power of these devices is as follows: 1 kilowatt of energy per 10 square meters of space. Thus, if it is a private house with an area of ​​150 m2, for such a building it is necessary to install catalytic gas heaters with a capacity of at least 15 kW.

gas catalytic heater reviews


Почему же на российском рынке практически нет similar devices with such power? The fact is that any gas catalytic heater (Bartolini including) does not work on natural methane, but on propane-butane gas, which is supplied in cylinders in a liquefied state. Thus, such a unit is installed only as a temporary boiler and only in small rooms (for example, at the cottage). Due to its compactness, it is easy to transport. The energy source (gas cylinder) is installed in its rear part.

Catalytic gas heater: function reviews

Those who used these boilers in practiceadvised to purchase devices with the ability to work in the "turbo +" mode. Such catalytic gas heaters are often supplied with an additional fan heater for 2 kilowatts, which increases the heating area by 2 times.

bartolini gas catalytic heater

Main advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of these devices is theirhigh fire and explosion safety, as well as the ability to work without periodic maintenance for quite a long time. And, of course, compactness, thanks to which you can easily transport and install catalytic gas heaters in almost any room. But the impossibility of working on natural gas (methane) eliminates the possibility of their operation as the main boiler in large rooms. Therefore, catalytic gas heaters can only be used in the country or in the garage. In a private house, such boilers will be simply useless.

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