/ Gas Convectors. Reviews

Gas convectors. Reviews

Gas convectors, reviews of which installation inthe quality of the heating system in shops, country houses, as well as production or administrative premises, speak of their high efficiency, they are a heating device with an autonomous type of functioning. In appearance, it is similar to a traditional radiator. The location of their location is the same. Gas convectors of heating have in niches of the walls located under window apertures. Provide comfort in the house and comfortable temperature is quite simple. It is necessary to install a convector and connect it to the gas supply system.

Прибор является весьма экономичным в use, very convenient and fairly safe. The products of combustion and the gas itself do not poison the air in the room, as it is taken from the house to the street. Gas convectors, testimonials that indicate their ability to quickly heat a room, maintain the preset temperature regime automatically. Operation of the device is possible both from liquefied balloon, and from the main natural gas.

Currently the most popularenergy-efficient self-contained gas convectors, feedback about their use testifies to their use as the main sources of creating a comfortable temperature regime for residential and office premises. These devices can be found throughout the territory from Finland to the Mediterranean countries. In Russia, gas convectors first appeared in 1998. After a three-year experimental period, their installation began to be actively carried out in some regions, their high safety, economy and efficiency of the equipment used was proved.

The operation of the device is based on the principle of convection(circulation) of air masses. The increase in temperature in the room occurs as a result of the combustion of gas in the chamber, which is absolutely isolated. In the heated room, oxygen does not burn out, since it enters the heat exchanger from the street. Rapid warming of air in the room is ensured by the ribbed construction of the convector, due to its low inertia. The thermostat, which is one of the elements of the device, helps maintain a level of thermal conditions from thirteen to thirty-eight degrees.

High efficiency in heating modeirregular autonomous gas convectors, reviews on the use of which in suburban and country houses testify to their high coefficient of efficiency. In the room there is no need to install pipe routing and boilers, pumps and fittings, as well as other important components that are essential for other heating equipment. The funds that were invested in the purchase of gas convectors are able to pay off already a few months after their installation. All subsequent use will result in savings that will remain in the user's pocket.

Installation of the gas convector is carried out underthe opening of the window. The distance from the floor should be at least one hundred and ten millimeters, and to the windowsill - ten. Before the device must be left free passage, necessary to comply with the rules of its operation and the possibility of carrying out repairs.

The Russian market includes gasconvectors from ACOG (Ukraine), KARMA (Czech Republic) and AOG (Hungary, Ukraine). The buyer can choose a heating device based on the area of ​​rooms, the appearance of the device and its price. The Czech company KARMA, for example, offers consumers gas convectors in the form of a fireplace. Enjoying a kind of live fire, the buyer at the same time uses an effective device that maintains the desired temperature in the room.

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