/ How to choose a gas convector

How to choose a gas convector

A gas convector is a device,which appeared on the market not so long ago, but managed to gain popularity among consumers, and the demand for such equipment becomes stronger every day. This device combines the optimal cost and excellent quality, ease of use, energy independence, the lack of elements that can freeze in the winter, making it so popular. Gas convector can be an excellent solution for temporary housing, as well as for rooms where no permanent heating is required. With its help, you can even heat a large area in an extremely short time. Its use exempts from the need to install a boiler, pumps, riser and other related equipment. However, what kind of gas convector should I choose?

Gas convector
To begin with it is necessary to be defined with what kindfuel will be used. The gas convector in most variants operates on natural or liquefied gas. It all depends on the availability of each type of fuel in your region. Most instruments can be converted to use one and a second fuel. To do this, the specialist replaces the injectors.

Gas convectors for home
It is important to correctly determine the required powerequipment. The simplest formula for calculating the power is the following: for every ten square meters of space, a kilowatt of power is required. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings, the thermal insulation of the walls and roof of the room, as well as the dimensions of the windows.

Gas convectors heating reviews
Another important parameter thatshould be considered, if you decide to consider gas convectors for home, is the material from which the heat exchanger is made. They are usually made of cast iron or steel. If you have a choice, the first option is more appropriate, since it accumulates heat by a large expansion, which increases the index of thermal efficiency. Cast iron heat exchangers are much more durable than any other. The steel heat exchanger allows to save a little when buying a convector, however its quality characteristics, as well as the service life, are much lower.

Если вы рассматриваете газовые конвекторы heating, about which you are interested, then before the final choice it is necessary to pay attention to the length of the flue pipe. Usually, a length greater than the thickness of the walls is chosen. This will save you the need to spend additional funds on how to finalize the equipment after purchase.

The device may be equipped with a fan or nothave it. Here it is important to proceed from the expediency of using it. With the help of a fan, the heating of the room is much faster, since it uses accelerated air circulation. Most often its use makes sense in rooms where there is no need for constant heating, but there is a need for rapid warming up from time to time. In a residential building, the fan can cause inconveniences in the form of noise that will accompany its operation.

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