/ / Convector battery: design, characteristics, pros and cons

Convector battery: design, characteristics, pros and cons

With the onset of cold weather, many families have tothink about additional heating devices. There are today a great many. Sometimes centralized heating simply does not cope with the functions assigned to it, and in remote areas it may not have been conducted at all. In this case, a good solution will be convector battery.

The principle of convection is used in many devices. It allows you to warm the room very quickly. Therefore, it will be interesting to learn about convector batteries for almost everyone.

Principle of convection

Convector radiators run on variousenergy sources. But the principle of their actions is one. The air heated by the convector rises up, and the cold masses descend. The same process occurs in nature. At the same time cyclones and winds are formed.

Convector Radiators

Heated air streams rush to the ceiling inroom, as they are easier. Cold masses are determined by the floor. This movement occurs naturally. In some devices, additional ventilation is provided, which accelerates heat exchange processes.

But ordinary convector battery independently circulates air masses in the room. This is a simple but reliable method that allows you to heat a home quickly and with minimal energy costs.

Convector device

Convector Radiators characterized by a simple device design. These devices consist of two main parts - the heating element and the body of a certain shape.

For drawing cold air at the bottom of the devicethere are special holes. Warm masses come out through the top of the convector. There are also special departments. The heating element is inside. It is installed at the bottom of the system.

Convector battery

The air inside the case heats up.His convector sends up. Cold streams rush down. To improve the circulation of air masses in the room, the air outlets are located at a slight slope. This allows the heated stream to be released further into the room.

When the air cools, it gradually descends to the floor. This is the circulation of air masses in the room.

Types of structures

There are several varieties of convectors.First of all they are grouped according to the sign of the energy source used. In this case, electric, gas and water convectors are distinguished. Each of them has its pros and cons. The most popular today is considered electric wall mounted convector. Therefore, he should pay more attention.

Electric wall mounted convector

Electric convectors are different deviceheating element. They can be tubular, monolithic or needle-like. In the latter case, the heating element is made in the form of a thin plate on which a chrome-nickel thread is installed. This material is instantly heated and cooled. This is one of the cheapest varieties of electric convectors. They should not be used in wet areas.

Tubular heating element (TEH)It is a steel device in which a nichrome thread is installed. It is surrounded by a special heat-conducting substance. This is a fairly durable type of device.

Monolithic heating elements work silently. Their hull is characterized as solid cast. These devices are considered the most effective.

Features of electric convectors

Electric wall mounted convector or outdoor today enjoys hugepopular. It is easy to operate, has a high heating efficiency. Energy costs are minimal. This is due to a well thought-out system of electricity consumption during the operation of the convector.

Convector radiators

Many manufacturers equip their heaters.control unit or programmer. A programmable control unit allows the convector to remain off when the owners are, for example, at work. This significantly saves the family budget.

To convector radiators The presented type worked for a long time and safely. When buying, it is necessary to give preference to proven trademarks.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric convector

Convector radiator It has several advantages, but it also has disadvantages.This must be considered when choosing equipment. The advantages of the presented type of devices include operating safety. The surface of the case does not heat up above 60 ° С, therefore it is impossible to accidentally get a burn from contact with the battery.

Convector type battery

The efficiency of the presented convectors reaches 95%, andThis, in turn, speaks about saving money for energy. These devices are easy to use, their work is usually very quiet (if the model does not have a fan).

К недостаткам необходимо отнести постепенное decrease in efficiency in the process of equipment operation. Because of this, energy costs will increase. The electric convector heats the room of a certain area. To heat the whole apartment, it is necessary to put such a device in each room.

But, despite the shortcomings, it is this type of heating that enjoys high popularity among the inhabitants of our country. It is used as an addition to the main heating.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas convectors

Convector type battery may also be heated with gas.The principle of operation of such equipment is similar to electrical varieties. But the heat exchanger is heated with gas. To install such equipment, you must have certain knowledge.

The gas convector is connected to the main athelp hose. This heating option will be cheaper. But when using liquefied gas, energy costs will be comparable to electrical equipment.

The advantages of gas heaters shouldrelate operational safety and high efficiency. Even in severe frost, this device completely copes with the functions assigned to it. The disadvantages include the difficulty of installation, the need to install a coaxial pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of water convectors

Convector radiators can be used as a coolant water.This is the cheapest form of heating. It is connected to the central heating system. Convectors of this type have many advantages compared to conventional batteries.

Convector radiator

Thanks to the installation of shut-off valves, this equipment is very easy to operate. The water convector heats up quickly. It is safe in operation, there will be no burn from contact with the case.

The disadvantages include insufficient efficiency in large rooms or in rooms with high ceilings. If the air flow is unevenly distributed, drafts can occur.

Manufacturers Overview

Convector battery price которой зависит от многих факторов, может стоить in the range from 2 to 20 thousand rubles. The simplest types of electric batteries have a minimal set of functions. Their cost ranges from 2 thousand rubles. But among the variety of models presented, experts advise choosing electric convectors with a TEN or a monoblock. The devices of the trademarks Electrolux, Polaris, Ensto have proven themselves well.

Convector battery price

Gas convector will cost more.Its cost ranges from 13 thousand rubles. The most famous manufacturers of this type of equipment are Karma, ATON, Gorenje. Feedback on these manufacturers is more positive.

It should also be noted that the cost of the convector depends on the principle of its installation. Floor and wall models will cost significantly less than embedded equipment.

Expert Tips

Convector battery is selected taking into account the conditions of the room.All the presented types of devices have different heat dissipation. But in general terms, you can calculate the required power. If the ceilings in the room are of standard height (do not exceed 2.7 m), 1 kW is required for each 10 m² of area. In the corner, basement, this figure increases.

Experts advise installing a convector underevery window. If the ceilings are high, the power of the convector must be increased. If the heater will be used only in a specific room, it can be installed on the wall. To be able to move the convector between rooms, the technician should have wheels and stands in the set.

Having considered what is convector battery what kinds of it are, you can choose the best version of the heater. Taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages, it will be easy to purchase a durable and efficient heater.

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