/ Electric Ballu Convectors. Convector Ballu: review, description, characteristics, types and reviews

Electric convectors Ballu. Convector Ballu: review, description, characteristics, types and reviews

If the central heating does not work for yousuits, then in addition you can install an electric convector in an apartment or a house. Such devices can become not only additional, but also the main source of heating, however in this case it is necessary to approach the issue of power selection more seriously.

In addition, it is important to consider how wellinsulated walls, floor and ceiling, because it is through these surfaces that heat escapes outward. The most attractive, from the point of view of the ratio of quality and cost, are Ballu devices.

The convector of this manufacturer providesoptimal cost-effectiveness and energy-efficiency indicators in the period of use. Specialists of the international holding company have developed a progressive series Camino, which became a bestseller, because it has impressive technical characteristics and impeccable design. You can find a model for yourself, thinking about what kind of thermostat is more preferable for you.

The main types of Ballu convectors

ballu convector

To the attention of consumers producer Balluoffers convectors, which are designated as follows: BEC E and BEC M. They are supplemented by an innovative heating element and provide a quick warm-up of the room, good quality of air pumped into the room, and also protection against overheating.

Overview of the features of a variety of electrical appliances Camino BEC M

convector ballu camino

If you decide to prefer Ballu products,convector of this manufacturer will create a cozy home, and also save electricity. One of the varieties - BEC M is represented by several convectors, which have almost the same functionality. As distinctive features are only the size and power consumption.

The main difference between these devices is thepresence of mechanical thermostats. You can control it using a round shape pen. On the outer surface of the wheel marks are marked, which you can move along a graduated scale. Thus, the user sets the temperature value that should be maintained in the room. Selecting the Ballu Camino convector of the described series, you can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1%. This indicates that the mechanical thermostat is inferior to electronic analogs, but it is cheaper.

Visiting the store, you can understand that the difference inThe cost between options with the same capacity reaches 30%. Many consumers believe that the mechanical performance of this component provides the device with increased reliability, because there simply is nothing to break.

Description of the convectors of the Camino BEC E species

convector ballu reviews

As the main difference of this line is electronic control, which has the form of an integrated unit. This functionality adds many useful features to the hardware, among them:

  • electronic thermostat;
  • off timer;
  • control lock;
  • overturning sensor;
  • built-in ionizer.

It can not be called an accident that very muchBallu equipment is used today, the convector of this company in variation Camino BEC E allows you to set the temperature for which you can monitor and correct. Value you can see on the display, and the accuracy is incommensurably higher than the mechanical version.

If you want, you can use the timeroff, which will turn off the equipment as soon as the time you set is right. On the front panel there is a control lock, which makes it easier to operate the appliance if there are small children in the house. But from the overturning will save a special sensor. Therefore, you can not be afraid if the device falls during operation. With the help of such units, one can even improve the indoor air quality, because the equipment has a built-in ionizer, which is necessary for the production of negatively charged ions.

Technical characteristics of electric convectors of BEC / E-1500 and BEC / EVM-1500 grades

ballu 1000 convector

One of the most popular among consumersis the convector Ballu Camino BEC / E-1500, which has an electronic thermostat. Its electronic power is 1500 watts, while the dimensions are equal to 595 x 400 x 78 mm. Weigh this equipment 4.9 kg and absolutely noiselessly when working.

The device has a heating elementThe latest generation with double heating capacity. The equipment does not burn oxygen, does not dry air and saves energy due to high efficiency, which reaches 90%.

If you want to prefer a model with a mechanicalthermostat, then you can pay attention to the BEC / EVM-1500. The power of this model is 750 watts, while the heating power is 1500 watts. This equipment can be installed indoors up to 20 m2. The dimensions of the device are 640 x 413 x 111 mm. Weigh the equipment 4,44 kg.

Reviews of the Camino BEC / E-1000

convector ballu camino bec

This convector Ballu, reviews about which you canread below, has an electronic thermostat and provides double heating power. Customers like that the heating aluminum element has a monolithic structure, which guarantees no heat loss and noiseless operation. The main advantages are as follows:

  • Convection chamber of increased size;
  • rapid exit of heated air;
  • the narrowed chamber;
  • low body temperature.

This convector electric Ballu pumpsAir through the guide flaps, which have a special shape. A low case temperature is ensured by the fact that the front panel is removed from the heating element. Customers also like the attractive design, which was developed by Italian specialists.

Overview of the BEC / EM-2000 model

convector electric ballu

You can also purchase brand equipmentBallu. The convector, which was mentioned above in the subtitle, can serve as an excellent example. Its cost is 2500 r. The unit is durable and very durable, it is suitable for premises of different purposes, the area of ​​which reaches 25 m2.

The device is stable, because in the package there areThe legs that provide this feature. The air collector in the unit is increased, and the settings will be restored automatically if a voltage failure occurs. If you purchase this device, you can count on a uniform convection, which is provided by the presence of an innovative system. The control is as clear and simple as possible, it is provided by the start button and the temperature controller. There is also an overheat protection sensor in the equipment.


For your apartment or house you can chooseHeating equipment Ballu 1000. The convector of this type was described above. The main thing is to choose the right power, so that it is enough to create a comfortable temperature inside the premises. Sometimes consumers choose devices with excessively high capacity, in this case they risk overpaying.

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