/ / Convector "Termia": reviews. Convector electric "Termia": description, price, photo

Convector "Termia": reviews. Convector electric "Termia": description, price, photo

Convector "Termia", which will be reviewedpresented in the article, enjoys great popularity among consumers today. This is due to the fact that such heating appliances meet all medical, environmental and fire requirements. The convector is connected to the network by means of programming instruments, as well as temperature regulators, which allow you to adjust the operating modes in the desired temperature range.

general description

convector heater reviews

Convector "Termia", reviews about which will help youdetermine the choice, can have different design features. However, the internal element is an internal heating element, which is enclosed in a decorative case. The latter is made of stainless steel. Convector electric "Termia" has one distinctive feature, which is the presence of holes in the body, the upper ones are designed to exit hot air, while the lower ones are for cold air. In the lower part of the case there is a thermal heating element, in the structure of which is a hermetically sealed radiator with a metal tube. Among other things, there are conductive components in the structure. In the body of the unit there is a special security sensor, which is responsible for shutting down the system in the event of an emergency.

Features of use

convector electric term

If you decide to purchase an electric convector"Termia", then you should read all the reviews. Such equipment has certain disadvantages, expressed in certain features of functioning. When the device is operating, convection air flows constantly move through the space of the room. This may prevent the room from heating evenly. In particular, this applies to buildings in which the number of floors is limited to a small number. This includes the basement, which is not heated.

Tips for choosing

Convector electric "Termia" shoulddepending on the material of the housing and power. Experts advise to purchase energy-saving options. The most optimal variant is stainless steel or aluminum, which forms the basis of the case. In this case, you can expect a longer service life. Consumers are advised to buy models that are covered by free warranty service. You can prefer the unit, the warranty for which will last for 20 years. Consumers have recently increasingly purchased ceramic convectors whose characteristics are more impressive compared to metallic analogues.

Characteristics of some varieties of convectors

convectors thermal price

Если вы решили приобрести конвектор электрический "Termia", then you should read all the reviews. Such equipment has certain shortcomings, expressed in the features of functioning. When the device operates, convection currents of air constantly move through the space of the room. This may prevent the room from heating evenly. In particular, this applies to buildings in which the number of floors is limited to a small number. This includes the basement, which is not heated.

Convector electric "Termia" shoulddepending on the material of the housing and power. Experts advise to purchase energy-saving options. The most optimal variant is stainless steel or aluminum, which forms the basis of the case. In this case, you can expect a longer service life. Consumers are advised to buy models that are covered by free warranty service. You can prefer the unit, the warranty for which will last for 20 years. Consumers have recently increasingly purchased ceramic convectors whose characteristics are more impressive compared to metallic analogues.

Characteristics of some varieties of convectors

convector electric therma reviews

Convector electric "Termia", reviews aboutwhich are presented in the article, can be plinth or usual. In the first case, the height of the device does not exceed 20 centimeters, whereas in the second case this parameter is no more than 40 centimeters. High electric convectors are more popular among consumers, since they have more power.

Description of skirting convectors

convection term of the avian

If you decide to buy an electric convector"Termia", reviews help you evaluate its merits and demerits. As for plinth models, their temperature is lower, but they are not inferior in performance to analogues with more impressive dimensions. With this device, it is possible to achieve more even heating of the room, resulting in smaller air convection currents. Such heaters better heat the lower part of the room due to the location. Convector "Termia" EVNA of plinth type has a length that is equal to 2.5 meters. This can lead to difficulties in choosing the location of the units. The upper part of the room will get worse due to the location of the device.

Description of the convector of the EVNA-2.0 / 230 C2 brand (ssh)

electric convection

Convector electric "Termia" EVNA can beUse for heating any dry rooms. The capacity of 2 kilowatts will be enough to heat the room, the volume of which does not exceed 50 cubic meters. This is the case when the device is used as the main source of heat. If there is a need for additional heating, then such a convector can be used in a room, the volume of which does not exceed 80 cubic meters. In the role of a heater in such a device, a ribbon or needle element is used which has a low resistance and a large heating surface. After turning on the device immediately switches to the operating mode. This allows you to ensure accurate maintenance of the required temperature indoors. If you are interested in saving, then it is worth choosing such equipment that meets these requirements.

The basic characteristics of the convector EVNA-2.0 / 230 С2 (сш)

Legs for the convector of the term

If you are considering the convectors "Termia", the pricefor this equipment you must certainly be interested. When choosing the equipment of the above brand, you will have to pay 2600 rubles for the model. The device can be used in one of two modes - 1 kW / 2 kW. The unit is equipped with a thermoregulator electromechanical type. Before buying, you should count on dimensions that are 740 x 450 x 110 millimeters. The device can be installed independently, as its mass is 5.3 kilograms. The case is provided with brackets in the amount of 2 pieces for fixing to the wall surface. Within 5 years you can rely on the manufacturer's warranty.

Additional features

If in the store you paid attention toConvectors "Termia", the price of this equipment you should be interesting. You may have to pay a cost that is different from the above. But the installation works in each case will imply the need to comply with a certain technology. On the wall you will need to make a markup for 4 mounting holes, and it is worth using the scheme given in the instructions. The master drills holes, and then sets screws in them. By means of brackets the convector is hung on the wall. If necessary, the equipment can be installed on legs without wheels or with wheels, but they are not included in the delivery.

The equipment is equipped with a thermoregulator, whichprevents freezing of the room due to the presence of an automatic temperature maintenance system at a minimum level of +7 degrees. The legs for the convector "Termia" will allow you to place the device in the right place together, if necessary, moving the unit.


Convector "Termia", reviews about which youmust certainly help with the selection of heating equipment, has many positive features. This is supported by the opinions of consumers who have long been using the described units in their homes and offices. Among the positive characteristics can be identified that the device does not promote the combustion of oxygen, the air does not overdry, the humidity in the room remains unchanged. Consumers also like the fact that the temperature of the outer surface of the case does not exceed 65 degrees during operation, this makes the device completely safe for adults and children. Convector "Termia", reviews about which you should read before the moment of shopping, can be operated even in those rooms, the conditions of which are characterized by high humidity. Buyers especially emphasize that the unit is equipped with an autonomous power supply system, which indicates the possibility of uninterrupted operation even when the supply of electricity is cut off. Reviews are advised to choose equipment that is equipped with a special thermostat. However, the device will cost a little more. The importance of the thermostat is difficult to overestimate, among other things, it is possible to install a thermostat for a group of convectors if they are located inside one room. As the modern consumer emphasizes, electric convectors, which have a special thermostat, are an advantageous and convenient acquisition for operation.

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