/ / What are homebugs afraid of? How to get rid of them?

What are afraid of domestic bugs? How to get rid of them?

Domestic or bed bugs are dangerous andunpleasant neighbors. Their appearance in the house is completely independent of the cleanliness or lifestyle of the tenants. Just a few of the larvae of this insect, caught in the apartment on the hair of a pet or on the acquired furniture, it is enough that the colony of ticks firmly settled next to a person. Irritation, redness, characteristic traces of insect bites on the skin of the inhabitants of the house - the first sign of this dangerous neighborhood. And still the heavy rotten smell of raspberry berries, small blots of blood and black dots on bedding and furniture, white eggs resembling grains of rice, in secluded corners of the room - all this can be a sign that one of the most indestructible types of parasites lives in the house - domestic bugs. How to bring these uninvited guests? Are there any means and methods of disinsection safe for people and pets? What are afraid of domestic bugs, and what methods of dealing with these insects - just a waste of money and time?

what domestic bugs are afraid of

Where are home species of bedbugs and why are they so dangerous?

Optimum habitat for domestic bugs -darkened dry place and steadily warm, room temperature. In such conditions, the family of these bloodsucking insects is rapidly increasing. Domestic bugs can settle in any suitable place, but they prefer to dwell in mattresses, sofas, armchairs, bedding or pet houses - everywhere where there is access to the main source of food - human or pet blood.

domestic bugs are afraid of

The bites of these insects are painless, but veryare dangerous. In addition to causing an allergic reaction and skin irritation, bed bugs suffer from various diseases. The overgrown family of such parasites can cause asthma attacks, hopelessly spoil the furniture, wallpaper, household items. Therefore, the sooner you start to deal with such neighbors, the better. The most effective way, of course, is to turn to professional exterminators. Especially if the colony of bedbugs started up in several neighboring apartments: in this case, the entire infected area should be treated. If it is impossible to invite SES employees or a company specializing in the destruction of ticks for some reason, you can use for disinsection anything that domestic bugs fear: folk remedies or special chemicals from the store.

Chemical method: how to choose insecticides?

Choosing the means for chemical destructionbedbugs, it is best to use the recommendations of a professional exterminator or an experienced consultant. Apply a remedy for bedbugs should be in accordance with the attached instructions, carefully observing the dosage. Violation of the technology of disinsection can lead to disastrous consequences. Like many insect parasites, bugs have a high resilience and ability to adapt to chemicals. Survived one or two pest control bugs and their larvae become accustomed to the components of the substance used. This makes further use of insecticides of this group useless, and also allows the colonies of bedbugs to grow rapidly.

Means for the destruction of bedbugs can be producedin various forms: in the form of powder, sprays, pencils, liquid solutions. Most often, chemical agents for the preparation of aqueous solutions are recommended for fighting: karbofos, chlorophos, microfos, and others. A lot of good reviews collected dry powder insecticide "Pyrethrum", which is applied to the surface in a dry form, as well as imported liquid insecticide "Tetrix". Today, there is a large selection of drugs in the form of sprays, their main advantage is that the insecticide when spraying almost does not fall on clothing or skin.

It is important to take care of protective equipment for yourself along with insecticides: gloves, goggles, waterproof (oilcloth) apron.

they are afraid of domestic bugs

Step-by-step processing with chemicals

Whatever insecticide you choosegeneral rules for processing, after which the house bugs will leave the house forever. How to get home these insects with insecticides?

  • Before processing, be sure to holdpreparing the home to protect people and pets from the harmful effects of insecticide components: pack dishes, clothes and personal hygiene items in the film, after checking for the absence of insects or their larvae. The same applies to children's things.
  • If necessary, dilute the chemical agent. Carefully handle all surfaces in the house, and not just the places of bedbugs.
  • If possible during the day after treatment is better not to be in the house.
  • We must not forget that each insect repellent has a different time of action. During this time it is impossible to air and carry out wet cleaning.
  • Complete chemical processingneed careful cleaning and airing. You will need to rinse all surfaces, knock out or vacuum carpets and furniture well. It is important to minimize the likelihood that the eggs of bedbugs will remain in the apartment, so it is best to dry-clean all the items that can serve as a “hiding place” for the larvae: pillows, blankets, soft toys, fur items, synthetic padding and so on. If possible, it is better to replace with new items such as pet bedding, furniture covers, filters, and a dust bag for a vacuum cleaner. Bed linen, textiles, towels need to be washed in 90 ° C mode or boiled.

what smell are afraid of housebugs

Folk ways

The so-called folk methods for the destruction of bedbugsnot as fast and effective as chemical treatment, and most of them are prophylactic. But they, too, can help in the fight against such an enemy as domestic bedbugs. What are these insects afraid of?

  • Too high or too low temperatures.
  • Strong odors of certain substances or certain plants.

How to apply for non-chemical disinfection what homebugs fear?

home bugs how to get home

Temperature method

Temperature drops, too hot air orfrost - conditions that the domestic bugs cannot tolerate. What are these insects afraid of? The ideal temperature for the rapid growth of the colony of domestic bugs is considered +20 ... +30 ° C.Any long-term deviations from this level make the bugs feel discomfort, slow down reproduction. But in order to destroy or force the parasites to migrate, it is necessary for several days to create a temperature for them either below -20 ° C or above 35-40 ° C. How can this be applied at home?

  • To fight bedbugs with low temperatures, winter frosty weather is perfect. It is enough to chill the apartment, leaving all the windows open for at least two or three days.
  • Raise the air temperature to the leveluncomfortable for bed bugs, in living conditions is not easy. In this way it is easier to handle mattresses, blankets, pillows and other items, roasting them in the sun in hot, windless weather. Steam treatment and boiling are also possible.

Smells against parasites

The fact that bed bugs do not tolerate sharpstrong odors have long been known. Substances and herbs that emit bright persistent aromas have a preventive effect and help prevent the re-settlement of bedbugs after disinsection. What smell are afraid of housebugs?

  • Table vinegar.
  • Acetone.
  • Perfumery with a strong aroma.
  • Ammonia.
  • Denatured alcohol.
  • Kerosene.
  • Turpentine.

For use of all listed substancesThe general rule is that bugs can be affected only by a thick, concentrated smell. Therefore, the processing of odorous substances will have to be carried out regularly.

home bugs how to get out

Immediately it is worth noting that all of the abovesubstances, unlike insecticides, do not destroy domestic bugs. However, a strong smell (something that domestic bugs are afraid of) can scare away blood-sucking parasites and force insects to change their place of residence.

Herbs: what plants scare away insects, how to apply herbal preparations

That domestic bugs are afraid of strong smellsherbs and flowers, people have known for more than one century. Essential aromas of certain plants, spread out around the house in the places of accumulation of parasites, act on these insects as a powerful repellent. You can use both herbs harvested independently, and bought in a pharmacy. To combat domestic parasites, you can use the following herbal preparations:

  • Chamomile. It is used in dried form.
  • Sagebrush. The most recommended herbal remedy for bedbugs. It is best to decompose fresh grass, but dry wormwood will do as well.
  • Valerian (tincture from the pharmacy).
  • Ledum (dried and crushed).
  • A mixture of calamus and tansy.Fresh or dried herbs are used in ground form. The only disadvantage of this option is that the aroma of tansy can cause a strong reaction in a person or his pets, so one should not forget about the daily ventilation.

what bugs are afraid of home folk remedies

Lighting: Are the bugs afraid of bright light?

There is a widespread belief that home fearsbedbugs are not only strong smells, but also bright light. But professional exterminators claim that the fight against these insects with the help of light is ineffective, if not useless. If you sleep with electric lights on, raise mattresses and bedding, these measures will only force the bed bug community to find a more secluded place in the apartment.

Useless ways: why are not afraid of bedbugs?

Attempts to scare away domestic bugs with bright lighting is not the only useless way to get rid of these parasites. What does not help from domestic bugs?

  • Today's widely advertised magnetic,Ultrasonic insect and pest repellers are not at all what domestic bugs are afraid of. In practice, gadgets do not act on them. This is often told in online forums by people who have tried to rid their housing of bedbugs in this way.
  • Disinfectant solutions: soap-soda, chlorine, salt.
  • Get rid of furniture or mattress.Advice to simply throw away a buggy sofa or mattress is useless, as insects live and lay larvae in all secluded corners of the dwelling. Without additional disinsection, bedbugs will very quickly be put on sleeping furniture, bought instead of discarded.
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