Hortensia can not be found in the bouquet.The reason for this is the appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to tear it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. This is very exciting for gardeners and beauty enthusiasts. Why do not bloom hydrangeas, read the article.
The genus of this plant is up to eightyspecies. Hortensia has another name - hydrangea, which in Latin means “vessel with water”. The birthplace of the flower is the Land of the Rising Sun.
Гортензия представляет собой куст до шестидесяти centimeters tall. Some garden species of this deciduous ornamental plant have high frost resistance. The texture of large dark green leaves rough, serrated edges. Flowers of white, red, blue and pink flowers are collected in huge inflorescences of a spherical or conical shape. Amazingly beautiful plant!
When buying flowers, you should carefully examineseedlings, so that in the future there is no question of why hydrangeas do not bloom. If there are buds on them, it means that the plants were artificially stimulated for flowering. They were watered drip method with the addition of water fertilizer. Such plants, if you acquire them, will not bloom for a couple of years, or even die. After planting the seedling in the ground is not recommended to drastically change the usual growing conditions. The plant needs to adapt, take root. For this, for two months at intervals of two weeks, fertilizer should be applied to the soil. This will teach the roots to extract food from the soil.
Why do not bloom hydrangeas?This may be due to a poorly developed root system. In order for the seedlings to grow quickly and bloom profusely in the future, you need to mix the soil of the garden with a substrate during planting, the amount of which should not greatly change the structure of the soil.
This flower has many varieties.So, for example, large-leaved hydrangea can grow on a plot for many years, please the eye with a bush form, leaf color, but not bloom. Young treelike and panicled hydrangias also do not bloom, as they lack the strength to do this or they are not provided with suitable conditions for growth. But it happens rarely, do not worry. Why does not hydrangea bloom in the garden? There are many reasons, consider some of them using the example of large-leaved hydrangea:
This culture tolerates the winter season.But why does not hydrangea bloom in the garden in spring, after a frosty period? The solution to this issue may depend on how well and properly hydrangea is protected from low temperatures. The most important thing is to protect the tops of the shoots from freezing. And for this, take care in September, covering the shrub with lutrasil or foil, since at the end of the month there are always frosts. But for the winter to hide the flower is still too early.
Why does not bloom hydrangea garden? Одной из причин может быть некомфортная зимовка.Therefore, until the earth is frozen, inflorescences should be cut. The upper part of the shoots should remain, buds will be laid on it. The branches of young plants bend down to the ground and together with the roots fall asleep peat. If you do not have it, then land. Five year old hydrangeas and older branches are very fragile. In order not to break them, stones are laid in the basal zone, then a pillow of spruce branches and leaves. All this is covered with planks on top and sprinkled with a thick layer of earth. Work needs to be done carefully, so as not to injure the plant. In the spring, the mound is gradually removed. The plant is rejuvenated: all damaged and diseased branches are cut off.
Many housewives are interested in the question of why notRoom hydrangea blooms. To make her do it, you need to provide the right care. To do this, you need to determine the hydrangea in the bright room, which is always ventilated, but so that the sun's rays do not directly fall on the leaves.
The flower prefers acidic soil, which is alwaysshould be wet, this is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it must be systematically watered and sprayed on top. In the spring, it is a good idea to take the plant to fresh air, and pull out the shoots that appear from the root at half the length, leaving only the strongest.
It is believed that the white color of hydrangea is easychange to another by applying a special solution. This is not quite true. Varieties of white hydrangea are not able to change color. This is only possible for large-leaved hydrangea, which can change color if the high acidity of the soil is ensured. But even if the colors appear a bluish tint, it will be blurry and dirty-pale.
Often found in various magazinesrecommendations for pruning stems. It is a pity, but the variety of the flower is not indicated. This is important because by cutting off the shoots to half the length and more, you lose the hydrangea bloom.
It should be remembered that the plant can bloom and withuncircumcised shoots. But paniculate or tree hydrangea when pruning branches gives stronger shoots. But krupnolistnuyu better not cut. You need to know that it forms inflorescences in the upper part of the shoots. They, of course, can be cut in the spring. They will also give strong side shoots, but will not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate the bush by removing thick and damaged branches.