/ / Flowers with a strong smell in your garden and apartment

Flowers with a strong smell in your garden and apartment

The best living decoration for your garden,a balcony or even an ordinary window sill will be served by flowers and green plants. They will not only add picturesqueness and decorate everything around, but they will also give you a breath of fresh air, and they can also startle you with their unique fragrance. Flowers with a strong odor should be selected carefully so as not to provoke an allergy and get a real aesthetic pleasure from their fragrance.

To your garden exuded an amazing aroma,refuse to buy fashionable hybrids. Perhaps their appearance will be different brightness and beauty, but the smell is likely to disappoint somewhat. Buy seedlings for classic and familiar plant varieties.

flowers with a strong smell

Preliminary study information about the selectedseedlings. Flowers with a strong smell occur quite often, but they are not so popular. At all do not possess a flavor quite widespread gladioluses and dahlias. Tobacco starts to smell only in the evening or at night, so put it closer to the windows of your bedroom, if you want to enjoy its gentle smell.

a flower with a strong smell

If you like diversity and spend plantingevery year, then you should stop at annual plants. Are you interested in the name of colors with a strong smell? Then bright purple heliotropes with sweet vanilla aroma, tender reseda, with an active, surprisingly strong smell - plants for you. Plant geranium in the garden. Its fragrance can not be confused with others, although many do not find it pleasant. The smell is usually very sharp and tart, although it depends on the variety of the plant itself. Some can smell of cinnamon or chocolate, but others - lemon. You can also plant the following fragrant plants: roses, peonies, phlox, nasturtium, calendula. Remember that most flowers are fragrant after rain or in the evening hours, when the heat decreases slightly.

Variety of your lawn is possible with the help ofunusual wonders. Rare flowers with a strong smell also exist. Of these, the most famous, perhaps, monarch, whose flowers resemble red prickly stars, by the way, not only they smell, but also the leaves of the plant themselves. Unexpectedly recently forgotten sweet borax, now he is able to fill the air around him with clubs of sweet honey.

the name of the flowers with a strong smell

Probably the most famous flower with a strongthe smell is the lily. Its aroma may vary slightly depending on the plant variety. Garden flowers smell softer, but those that we buy in special stores, have a very pronounced fragrance. To many it seems sharp, and this opinion is largely justified, as an intoxicating smell can even cause a headache.

They can smell not only garden flowers with strongsmell, but also those grown at home (in pots on the windowsill). The leader among such plants has long been considered geranium. It releases a lot of oxygen and cleans the air well, and its smell helps fight depression. By the way, the fragrance is not only flowers, but also herbs. It is recommended to plant them in the kitchen. Spicy smells of lavender, thyme, peppermint actively foment appetite.

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