/ / Indoor cypress: growing and care

Cypress room: cultivation and care

Coniferous plants until recentlyconsidered suitable for indoor conditions. But now certain types of cypress are successfully cultivated as houseplants. The cultivation of large-fruited cypress, chestnut and macrocarpa Goldcrest, which has upright stems, has developed quite well as a room culture.

Particularly popular cypress room withupright stems. His homeland is Southern California. This variety is not very capricious, it is a fast-growing evergreen tree with a bell-shaped, very elegant crown. Its wood is fragrant, dense, impregnated with abundantly odorous resin, which has the function of protecting the plant from rotting or tree breeders. It is better to place this variety in a group composition, thereby creating an excellent background for more colorful plants.

Cypress is a houseplant whose healingthe needles extremely favorably influence the nervous and respiratory systems of the person. In addition, it intensively produces oxygen, thereby improving the indoor climate. The height of the cypress room can reach up to 2 meters. Its growth is governed by trimming, as well as the capacity of the pot.

In general, the cypress room - unpretentiousThe plant, however, has one important nuance: it does not tolerate dry air and high temperatures in winter. Therefore, in rooms with central heating it is quite difficult to grow them, but it is still possible.

Room cypress: plant care

Lighting. Room cypress needs bright scatteredlight, shading from direct sunlight, especially in the summer. In winter, cypress needs a bright room. If the content of cypress in the summer on an open window-sill (with the exception of the northern windows) is not allowed, in the winter it will have to be moved as close as possible to the light - to the western or southern window, but only until the hot spring sun. With a lack of light, the cypress will stretch and lose shape, and with an excess of light, on the contrary, the leaves will turn yellow and crumble.

Temperature – умеренная, но зимой для растения нужно создать cool mode, the optimum temperature will be 8-10 degrees. If the temperature is too high and the moisture level is insufficient, the potted plant will begin to drop needles, and its branches will dry out and will not grow back. From the end of May to the end of August, it is best to keep the cypress in the open air, in the shade and protecting it from drafts. Hot air central heating is destructive to the plant.

Watering. In winter - moderate. And from spring to autumn - plentiful.Room cypress does not tolerate both an excess of water and drying up of the earth, or rather, drying the earthy coma, because it is simply destructive for the conifer. In winter, watering depends on room temperature, for example, when it is kept at a temperature of 8 °, watering is needed about once every ten days, and at 12-14 ° - approximately once a week.

Air humidity. Summer and spring need regular spraying.In cases when it is not possible to provide a cool room to a room cypress in winter, it is necessary to spray it in the morning and in the evening with warm water.

Additional fertilizing Cypress from May to August is carried out byliquid mineral fertilizer for indoor plants. Fertilizer concentration is taken at half the recommended rate. Carry out such feeding once a month.

Reproduction. Room cypress breeds lignified cuttings in the summer and spring. It is also possible to grow a plant with seeds (spring).

Transfer. Repot the plant every 2 years, in April -May The room cypress extremely painfully tolerates the trauma of its root system, therefore, the transplant with the complete replacement of the earth is carried out only when absolutely necessary. Often, transshipment with incomplete replacement of the upper ground layer is used. In simple terms, they replace only the ground, which easily separates itself from the roots, if the plant is removed from the pot. The soil for cypress take this: one by one part of the turf and peat lands, two parts of leaf, one part of sand. This plant prefers the soil is friable, so be careful when transplanting that the root collar does not go deep into the ground, because then the cypress can die. Also requires good drainage.

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