/ / Clematis mountain pink: planting and care, reviews, photos

Clematis mountain pink: planting and care, reviews, photos

Clematis refers to flowering plants.In the translation from Greek, the name of the flower means "curly". In our country this plant is usually called a clematis, or warthog. Clematis has a lot in common with hellebore, delphinium, garden anemone and buttercup. This plant grows on the territory of almost all continents. An exception in this case is Antarctica. To grow clematis mountain pink it is possible and on the personal plot, using special supports.

clematis mountain pink

Buy seedlings

It is not necessary to acquire clematis seedlings inunverified sellers. It is better to buy planting material in the nursery, from collectors. Otherwise, unscrupulous sellers can deceive you. Here are a few basic rules that must be observed when planting this plant:

  1. Seedlings are best bought in spring or autumn.
  2. Do not buy clematis mountain pink in early summer, because during this period the plant is very vulnerable. Saplings will take a long time to settle down.
  3. When planting a plant it is necessary to select the ideala place. It should be sunny or be located in the penumbra. It should be remembered that the flowers of clematis have one feature: they always turn to the sun.
    clematis mountain pink planting and care

Clematis planting

So, how correctly to plant the seedlings of thisplants? First of all, it is necessary to prepare the soil. It should be loose and fertile, and also have good drainage. This plant loves moist lime soil.

At the selected location, a smalldeepening, about 30 centimeters. If clematis mountain pink will grow, leaning on a lattice, then its roots should be buried to a depth of more than 100 millimeters.

After planting, the stem of the plant should be strengthened by hooking it or tied to the support. Then clematis must be watered. If necessary, you can mulch. For this, it is better to use grass.

clematis mountain pink reviews

Features of landing

Do not plant close to other plantsclematis mountain pink. Planting and caring for this plant does not require much effort. However, other trees and shrubs should be located from the clematis at a distance of 60 centimeters. First of all, it will impede the growth of lianas, and also contribute to the early heating of the soil. And this can negatively affect the development of clematis. After all, this plant loves a cool and moist soil around the area where its root system is located.


As the reviews of gardeners show, Clematisrefers to those lianas that love moist soil. That is why throughout the summer period you need to mulch the soil. As a basic material, a pine bark or a woodchip is perfect. If the clematis is located among other perennials, then they will be a little shade.

 clematis mountain pink photo

How to feed

Clematis mountain pink, photo of which amazeits beauty, it is necessary to feed periodically. In the first year after planting, fertilizer should not be applied. To begin better with the second. As fertilizer, mineral fertilizers are suitable. Under the roots of the plant should make a groove of 10 centimeters and put in a teaspoon of the mixture. Such fertilizing will be enough clematis for about a season. If the financial situation does not allow you to purchase expensive mineral fertilizers, then you can use a mixture for flowers, as well as an organic solution. To make such a top dressing it is necessary at least once a month. You can start from May until the first of August.

Watering and breeding

Clematis mountain pink, reviews about which are always positive, multiplies by several methods, among which:

  1. Division of the bush.
  2. Layering.
  3. Green cuttings.

As for irrigation, the plant in questionnot too capricious in this regard. Humidify the soil only once a week. Of course, if the air temperature is not too high. If there is unbearable heat, then the amount of water should be increased three-fold. Watering the plant is best from a watering can, but without a nozzle. In this case, water should not fall on the flowers.

Clematis support

When growing this plant, you can usealmost any support. It can be metal or wooden slats, twine, wire or synthetic mesh. At the same time the support should be very strong, as, for example, clematis mountain rose Rubens has a very fragile base. In addition, the plant can be put on adjacent bushes. Between them you can pull a few lines. It should be remembered that such structures are very mobile. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for planting clematis where there is practically no wind.

If you leave this kind without support, then in the end you can get an original and simply delicious green carpet with bright colors.

clematis mountain pink rubens

Pests and diseases

Clematis, like other plants, can be sick.But most often its fragile parts are affected by pests. If the plant has a fluffy coating or brown spots, then this is a sure sign of gray rot. Especially often this phenomenon occurs in rainy periods.

To overcome gray rot, it is necessary to remove all damaged parts of the plant, and then burn them. After that clematis should be treated with foundation.

Also, the plant may be affected by mealyrace. In this case clematis is completely covered with a white coating. The tissues of the plant gradually begin to die off. What to get rid of the misfortune, you need to remove all the damaged areas and treat clematis with drugs "Skor" or "Topaz".

Often young seedlings just fade and die because of improper planting. Therefore it is very important to observe all the rules for clematis care.

Reviews about the plant

As the reviews of gardeners show, clematis mountainpink is an unpretentious plant. It is very easy to grow. In this case, the plant can become a real decoration for the personal plot and an extraordinary highlight in the design of landscape design.

Many people say that this species feels best on fertile soil, requires a rare but abundant watering, as well as a sufficient amount of light. In a darkened place clematis will not bloom.

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