/ / Croton - a flower for true connoisseurs of beauty

Croton - a flower for true connoisseurs of beauty

Croton is a flower well known to very manylovers of indoor vegetation. Even those who never planted domestic plants know it. This is due to the fact that it can be found in every flower shop. Croton is a flower, which is often presented as an original gift. In many houses and offices you can find these indoor flowers. Crotons impress the imagination with variety. Among them there are different in size, form of leaves and coloring species and varieties.

Croton Flower

Croton is a flower of the spurge family.A characteristic feature of this family is the presence in the leaves and stalks of milky juice. That's why it got its name - euphorbia. Thanks to this juice, the plant is able to quickly heal the damage to its tissues. The dried "milk" forms a thin film, which prevents the penetration of infections.

The homeland of the croton is the humid tropics of Oceaniaand Asia. This plant has fleshy, glossy leaves that are unusual in shape and color. Most often they are brightly colored in a variety of shades. Clear streaks are clearly visible on them. This plant

Indoor flowers croton
prefers good lighting.In the shade, it loses the brightness of the leaves. Young crotonians are dominated by green leaves with yellow veins. The older this flower becomes, the brighter its leaves are. They are dominated by red and pink shades.

Croton is a tropical flower, so he lovesheat and humidity. This plant is rather capricious, therefore requires regular and proper care. Although he loves good lighting, one should not allow direct sunlight on his leaves. Croton loves the water. As soon as it dries out with an earthen lump, the plant immediately lowers the leaves. This flower should be sprayed at least every other day. In the summer, his leaves should be washed weekly. From spring to early winter, Croton should be watered every day.

Croton flowers

This plant does not tolerate temperature changes,cold water and drafts. At different times of the year he needs different care. In winter, watering is carried out every 2-3 days. The place where the flower stands should be well illuminated all the time. With proper care, this plant regularly blooms. He has small inflorescences, and flowers are plain. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. Young crotones are transplanted annually, and old crotones are transplanted every 2 years. During this procedure, it is advisable not to break the earth clod, as otherwise the flower may not carry it. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out in the spring-autumn season. The croton are propagated by apical cuttings (15 cm), which are cut in spring and planted in peat with sand. Cuttings should be covered with polyethylene or a jar. They take root within a month. Less often croton is propagated by seeds or air layers.

Croton is a flower susceptible to hitting with a scaband spider mites, so you should regularly inspect all the leaves. In the case of the appearance of these pests, it is necessary to urgently treat the plant with special intecicides. When choosing a croton in a store, you should carefully examine it. On leaves there should be no damage, stains, traces of pests. Only choosing a healthy plant, you can be sure of the success of its cultivation.

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