/ / Coal filter - the best way to clean water in domestic and industrial conditions

Coal filter - the best way to clean water in domestic and industrial conditions

At the moment, the carbon filter isthe most popular means for water treatment. This is because it is extremely effective. Important is the fact that such filters are completely ecological. With their help you can get water, suitable for use in everyday life and nutrition.

How it works?

charcoal filter
The carbon filter is designed for water purification.It is used to remove harmful suspensions from it, as well as substances, due to which the liquid can acquire an uncharacteristic smell and / or color. The main element in the design of the device is a special activated carbon. It has a large internal surface. With this help, coal begins to actively absorb unwanted impurities. In the process of absorption, its nanoporous structure also plays a role.

Now let's talk about the effectiveness of coalfilters as such. It will be enough just to mention the fact that the area of ​​1 gram of sorbent can reach 1500 square meters. According to this indicator, the carbon filter significantly exceeds existing analogues.

Stationary instruments, as a rule, completelyautomated. This ensures reliable operation of the devices. In addition, it allows you to control the regeneration process (restoring the filter's cleaning ability after processing a certain amount of liquid).

What filters are there?

carbon filters for water treatment

First of all, different types of data are distinguisheddevices depending on their capacity and the conditions in which they are used. In particular, it is customary to allocate domestic (for use at home) and stationary (for use in industry) filters.

Activated carbon of various types can be used in the role of an active element in devices:

  • stone;
  • from coconut shell;
  • anthracite;
  • bituminous;
  • wood etc. equipped.

After a while, the load passes the backwashing procedure. This is necessary so that the coal does not cake in the filter. The load itself can be used several times longer.

Advantages and disadvantages of using carbon filters

First, let's look at the advantages that any charcoal filter has. Among them, first of all, it should be noted:

carbon filter

  • the possibility of obtaining water of the highest quality, free from any harmful impurities;
  • cheap equipment and easy installation;
  • possibility to exclude additional devices from the water treatment complex;
  • no need to wash the charge with acid solutions;
  • compactness.

Carbon filters for water purification have andlimitations. But you can only take them to a limited capacity. Over time, they require replacement of the cartridge, otherwise after a certain period the coal filter will not purify the water, but instead, throw in it those harmful substances and compounds that have been accumulated before. However, if the replacement of the cartridge is made with the frequency specified in the instructions, you can not worry about this at all.

Filters based on activated carbon - a simple, profitable and effective way to clean water in everyday life and industry!

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