/ / Country cuisine - simplicity and naturalness

Country cuisine - simplicity and naturalness

Design in the country style is gaining more and morepopularity in Russia. It can be considered a good solution for decorating the kitchen. Kitchen utensils, food stocks perfectly fit into the interior in the style of country. It symbolizes reliability, homeliness, conveys the spirit of life in the countryside and at the same time is practical and exquisite.

country kitchen

Country cuisine is simple, cozy, warm andsomewhat naive room. This style is far from frills and gloss, but at the same time it is bright and imaginative. It looks great handmade products - embroidery, forging, chasing, etc. Country kitchen involves the use of only natural natural materials, and it is desirable to preserve their natural texture. You need to give up plastic, smooth surfaces.

Features of country style

Country cuisine differs from analogues in othersstyles first of all simple and even somewhat rough furniture made of natural wood. It can be unpainted or slightly darkened with a "stain". Country kitchens (the photos you see in this article) will not have a completed look without the use of textiles. To do this, you should use homespun cloth, canvas, sacking, unbleached flax. Decorate articles of textile lace, embroidery, braid.

country cuisine photo

Importance of details

Add to the interior of the room a few items fromVines - lampshades for lamps, baskets, decorative trifles. All this will create an original and incomparable country-entourage. Do not be superfluous and painting on walls or furniture. It can be not only trees and flowers, animals and birds, but also geometric patterns.

Choose dishes

Country kitchen needs special utensils and a kitchenutensils. At the same time it is necessary to combine practicality and decorativeness. First of all you should be interested in ceramics - jugs, plates, pots, mugs and bowls of black or red clay. In addition, will be appropriate wooden spatula and spoons, cutlery.

Decorative plants

Required addition to the interior in styleCountry is ornamental and indoor plants - geraniums, violets. On the window sill you can put neat boxes with greens. Effectively look and dried branches, flowers. Place on the walls shelves with jars, in which you store cereals, condiments. And you can store all these supplies in canvas bags, with embroidered inscriptions.

White kitchen

The country kitchen white deserves special attention.So, most often form a room in the Scandinavian countries. Light wood - beech, birch, pine, a lot of white color make the interior very effective. All the shades used are restrained and cool. They reflect light very well.

country kitchen white

For decoration, shades of redand blue. The furniture of the Scandinavian cuisine is very convenient, although, perhaps, it is devoid of the decorative element - all planes are absolutely simple and even. The worktop, as a rule, is wooden, impregnated with oil. All furniture is devoid of deliberateness - there are no cumbersome portals, massive hoods. However, it's not so much in the kitchen.

Zhivosti and color in the interior adds textiles. It's a cell, a simple plant pattern, a strip.

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