/ / Kitchen turquoise in the interior: a review, interesting combinations and reviews

Kitchen turquoise in the interior: a review, interesting combinations and reviews

Many owners say that they are tired of the kitchenneutral colors that I want to escape from the sand, gray or beige shades. We offer an original solution - the use of turquoise color in the interior of your kitchen. We assure you: you will get a nontrivial and stylish design.

Turquoise color: opinions of psychologists

Of the many existing colors, turquoise hasquite an interesting psychological characteristic. Its name he received in honor of the semiprecious stone, which has a bluish with a green tint color. In ancient times it was believed that turquoise has magical properties. In addition, this tone is similar to the color of the sea wave, in which the shades of water and algae intertwine. In this combination, two colors merged together - green and blue, giving their psychological interpretation to the color of turquoise.


Turquoise color in the interior of the kitchen removes stress,fatigue, tension, activates the brain activity. He is a symbol of spiritual purity. But only on condition that it is dominated by greenery. Certainly not everyone knows that the doctrine of feng shui treats this color as a symbol of luxury, wealth and, more importantly, harmony. He works in the eastern sector.

Feng Shui practitioners say that if youpaint in the eastern part of the kitchen wall or at least add expressive accessories of turquoise color, you will improve your financial situation and you will live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. The statement, of course, is controversial, but everyone can check how it actually works.

Kitchen in turquoise color

I would like to warn admirers of this colorfrom its excessive use. In the interior, filled with green and blue colors, it will be uncomfortable and cold. Let's try to figure out what can be highlighted with turquoise color - furniture, floor or walls. Or maybe it's better to use it point-by-point, adding bright accents to the interior?


In most cases, the kitchen is turquoiseis decorated with furniture in such colors. It harmoniously fits into any style trends - minimalism, country, high-tech, Mediterranean style. For example, in a kitchen made in the style of minimalism, a kitchen set of turquoise color laconic form can be surrounded by a cold gamut of other interior items. In the kitchen in the country style, such furniture is perfectly complemented by a bright patchwork.

the kitchen is in turquoise color


Kitchen in turquoise colors will look greatagainst the background of pastel shades. These include the color of ivory, milky, pale yellow, light gray, light pink, creamy. Turquoise kitchen in the interior does not necessarily have to be furnished with furniture in such tones.

This color is successfully used for decorationwalls (whitewashing, wallpaper, panels). In this case, the furniture set is better to choose a different scale. Do not forget that turquoise - the color is pretty bright, so you should not allow it to overabundance. It is more expedient to use it on one wall, for example, above the working surface.


The kitchen in turquoise colors looks perfect withwooden floors of natural tones. You can use a dark laminate. The organic option can be considered the use of quality floor tiles. Owners of the premises in this case must determine for themselves what is more important for them - beauty or practicality.

a kitchen in turquoise colors


A snow-white ceiling, which can bemulti-level, most preferred for such a kitchen. He will emphasize the depth of turquoise. Any modern materials can be used for finishing. For example, a turquoise kitchen in the country style assumes the presence of plastered and painted white paint ceiling. If you prefer the Mediterranean style, it's best to make the top of the plasterboard. It may well be multi-tiered, with spot lighting. Fans of high-tech styles or minimalism can choose white (matte or glossy) stretch ceilings with small turquoise inserts.

To properly combine colors (and you will have to do this if you are interested in a turquoise kitchen), you need to know certain rules for combining two or more shades.

turquoise kitchen in the interior


It is very difficult to create a comfortable and cozy interiorkitchen, using only turquoise color. This cold tone needs the colors of companions. Professional designers recommend using turquoise or on the facades of furniture, or when decorating walls. Or use stylish accessories of the specified color.

We have already said that turquoise isthe fusion of two colors, so the way it will seem depends on the environment of this tone. It can be fully considered a chameleon, which changes its color, depending on which shade is adjacent to it. If it's blue, turquoise will turn a bluish tint. The same will happen if the color is green next to it. Undoubtedly, this amazing color is perfectly combined with other tones. Below we will present you the most interesting combinations.

turquoise color in the interior of the kitchen

White and turquoise kitchen

This option can be safely called classic.He is a recognized favorite among the available combinations. Such a bright contrast is quite appropriate in the kitchen, decorated in a marine style or in the style of minimalism, high-tech. Interior can be supplemented with towels in a blue-and-white strip or decorative cushions for furniture.

Gray and turquoise kitchen

In this case, the contrast is not as bright as inprevious version. The gray-turquoise combination will bring a festive and sophisticated elegance to the interior of the room. Especially spectacular looks turquoise furniture against the background of gray walls.

 gray turquoise kitchen

Brown and turquoise kitchen

Such a turquoise kitchen will suit those whoprefers a warm atmosphere, tranquility and coziness. Such a combination is quite common. It can be furniture facades and a brown floor. It is perfectly permissible to supplement these two colors, for example, with yellow. It can be used in the manufacture of a kitchen apron. In addition, the turquoise kitchen can be supplemented with cream or milky shades, as well as brighter colors - orange, pink, brick.

When choosing color-companions, one should not forget aboutlocation of your kitchen. If its windows look to the south or east side, then the interior is permissible cold notes. If the windows go to the north, this room needs to add warm tones.

Use of turquoise color in different styles of the interior: classic

The solemnity and coldness inherent in interiorspalace halls, looks spectacular in the design of the kitchen in turquoise colors. Geometric patterns, ornaments and monograms on the surface of furniture and walls look very harmonious. The classic style of bronze and gilding, which can be applied to the door handles, is emphasized. It is also relevant in decorative objects.

turquoise color in the interior of the kitchen


For most "village" styles, vivid shades are characteristic. This allows you to actively use the turquoise color. Upholstered furniture, curtains, lamps can have different shades of turquoise.

Modern styles

Refined cheek chic, laconic modern orGlamorous high-tech allow you to use this color. For the chic chic suit the most pale, like a faded shade of turquoise. Modern bright colors in combination with yellow, red, bright green will do. Turquoise color in combination with metal and chrome is ideal for kitchens in the style of high-tech.

the kitchen is in turquoise color


As it turned out, today many Russiansabandoned the usual pastel tones in the design of the kitchen. According to the owners, who designed the room in turquoise colors, they did not regret their choice. White-turquoise cuisine, according to reviews, is especially popular among Russians. They are very smart, create a great mood. Many believe that the kitchen looks very stylish in the gray-turquoise colors.

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