/ / How to make a crossbow from pencils? Detailed master class

How to make a crossbow from pencils? Detailed master class

If there was such an incident that the parents in the villagefor your little son they forgot to take toys, nothing remains, how to make a crossbow from pencils. In general, this way to entertain the boy is extremely convenient and in the evening, when the disease “boring, what to do?” Suddenly attacks him. Since you can make a crossbow from pencils in almost half an hour with minimal costs, this useful lesson will also help you save on the purchase of a new toy.

Materials for making a crossbow

To make a homemade crossbow of pencils,You will need four pencils, seven medical erasers, a ballpoint pen or a straw, an adhesive tape. The master class also discusses options for making a crossbow from school rulers or old bows.

It is recommended to attract a child to work. He can easily cope with the work entrusted to him, as it is extremely easy to make a crossbow from pencils.

how to make a crossbow from pencils

The first step is the preparation of parts for the crossbow.

If decided as a source materialuse pencils, you first need to connect them two together with the two sides using medical gum or tape. In some cases, gum and tape can be replaced with durable threads, winding them in several layers and tightly tying. The tighter the connection, the longer the lodging toy will last to the child.

You can decorate fastened pencils by wrapping them with colored tape or a paper strip, for example, serpentine. If desired, the master is free to coat the paper winding with paint or varnish.

how to make a home crossbow

The second step - a complete set of parts in the basis of the crossbow

The next step is to connect the componentsresulting from two pencils, in a single system. For this, it is necessary to put the finished parts in a criss-cross pattern so that the parts of the base of the cross-blade are strictly perpendicular to each other.

To fasten the center of the cross can alsomedical rubber bands, but in their absence, the connection with scotch tape is quite successful. Since it is sometimes necessary to make a crossbow from pencils in field conditions, both string, cord and threads can be used. It is only important to wind them very tightly, and also tie them tight.

how to make a crossbow from pencils

The third step is the preparation of the guide tube.

When the base of the crossbow is completed, you can proceed to the next step in the manufacture of the crossbow. For him, the master will need a tube that will guide the boom.

It is good to use a part as a strawballpoint pen or felt pen. True, you have to disassemble the thing, freeing the tube from all unnecessary. By the way, plastic disposable syringes can also be used if neatly removed with a sharp knife or hacksaw. Of course, an adult should do this work independently, not trusting her child. It is not worth risking and putting the health of the younger person in danger.

homemade crossbow from pencils

Step Four - Last Build Stage

The prepared tubule is attached to the middle.parts of the crossbow, guiding it along the pencils. A crossbow of rubber bands and pencils will be more accurate if the tube is tightly "sit" in its place, so the mount should be given special attention. It is also important to place it exactly between two pencils.

 crossbow of gum and pencils

Step Five - Mount the gum starting

Making a crossbow with pencils,It should consider how the boom will be launched. To do this, you can use two medical bands, which should be fixed at the ends of the pencils transversely located relative to the guide tube.

Allowed to use in the work of the usual obshchevochnoy sewing gum. Then a piece of it is simply tied to the ends of the connected pencils.

crossbow with pencils

Step Six - Final

Almost a master class explaining how to dopencil crossbow, came to the end. It remains only to connect the two elastic bands that are attached to the ends of the doubled pencils. This can be done with a narrow tape. It should only be remembered that the gum is not fastened closely, but at a distance. Thus, the master gets a platform on which the arrow produced by the crossbow will be supported.

master class making crossbow

Crossbow decor

Special creativity will give coverage of the finisheda crossbow with a layer of salt dough - then over the coating there is the possibility of applying a relief ornament. The product will be very beautiful if beads, rhinestones, and beautiful buttons are used in the decor. Of course, in this case, you should let the toy lie down until the dough is completely dry.

Coating dough is fairly easy to makeit is enough to mix in equal weight parts of fine salt and plain flour (without additives). Gradually adding water to the mixture, knead the dough thoroughly. The consistency of the mass should resemble a steep dumpling dough.

It is best to allow the product to dry in the open.air or in a warm place, for example, on a radiator. Of course, it will take some time. But after the coating hardens, the master can paint the toy, cover it with paint, paint the product with silver or gold paint, causing a beautiful ornament.

If the decor will be made withplasticine, that is, the ability to make a crossbow as close as possible to the real one. However, the decor of the finished product will then not be so stable, and if not properly handled, it may be subjected to some damage.

Crossbow from rulers, sticks, old toy bow

Not always at hand the master may befour pencils at once. Then there are other options. For example, ordinary school rulers can serve as a good replacement for pencils. You can bond them together with glue or even pull them together with a screw and nut.

Difficulty can cause fixing gum to start the boom. The master will need to make cuts at the ends of the ruler, for which the elastic bands will be attached.

If it is decided to use forstart sewing gum, then at the ends of the transverse ruler need to drill holes. In plastic rulers, making holes is easy with a heated needle, awl, or knitting needles.

So how to make a home crossbow can not onlyfrom pencils or rulers, it is impossible not to recall other materials. For example, an old bow can also be reincarnated into a new toy. It is enough to attach a school ruler or double pencils perpendicularly to the middle of the bow. Next, the crossbow manufacturing algorithm repeats the one described above: a tubule is attached, and the starting elastic is attached to the ends of the bow.

If to make a crossbow falls onnature, where there are neither old toys, nor rulers, nor pencils, then even sticks, carved from twigs, can serve as a material for a toy. The manufacturing algorithm exactly repeats the master class that describes the work on a crossbow made of pencils and rubber bands.

Safety precautions

Особое внимание следует уделить стрелам для crossbow. Best of all, ready-made arrows with rubber tips from toy bows are suitable for this purpose. Although you can use the used rods from the balls of pens. The main thing is to ensure that children do not take sharp objects for use as arrows.

You also need to explain to the guys that you can nevershoot at people and animals so as not to injure them, even if non-sharp objects are used as arrows: getting into the eye or temple can be fraught with major troubles.

Moreover, it should be explained to the children and the fact thatIt is impossible not only to shoot at living creatures, but also just to aim at them from any type of weapon. There is always a chance that the hand will falter and a shot will occur besides the desire of the shooter.

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