/ / How to make a crossbow out of paper? Paper Crossbow DIY

How to make a crossbow out of paper? Paper Crossbow DIY

Modern children most of the free timespend at the computer, tablet or smartphone. They no longer play on the street, as before, do not include their imagination, do not invent something unusual. Naturally, the times are changing, the generations too, so do not be very upset, because this is a natural process.

How to make a crossbow of paper?
Но у вас есть шанс предоставить вашему ребенку the opportunity to learn to do something with their own hands, while providing it with new toys. For example, you can show him how to make a crossbow out of paper.

The benefits of classes for the child

Many parents can be indignant, because tinkeringsomething with their own hands is already irrelevant, it will only take the child’s time, and also takes precious moments from the parents, because such an activity still needs to be taught, helped, and evaluated. But you can not worry - naturally, there are crafts that can take hours or even days to make, but no one forces you to choose them. In order to teach a son or daughter how to make a crossbow out of paper, you will need a maximum of half an hour, but then the child will have a full-fledged toy and a sea of ​​joy from the knowledge that he made it himself. You will be able to use it when you want to take some time off from the baby, who constantly demands your attention - provide him with the material, and he will selflessly plunge into the manufacturing process so that he can come running to you with a shining face, demonstrating the result. So do not underestimate the benefits of such an activity - in any case, no one bothers you to try.

Paper and pencil crossbow
And for the test is ideal for creating a crossbow.

What do you need?

If you are interested in how to make a crossbowfrom paper, then first of all you need to decide on what you need to make it. Naturally, the main component is paper, you will need at least 10 sheets of it, preferably A4 format, since it will be much easier to make a crossbow out of them. They are also the most accessible, so you should not have problems with finding this material. But how to make a crossbow out of paper, without fastening it? For the implementation of fasteners you will need the usual tape, which is also very easy to get. Another essential element is a pencil, which will play the role of an arrow being loaded into a crossbow. As a bowstring you will need to use a thread, but at the same time you need to make sure that it is rather thick and strong. To give the details the desired shape, you will need scissors, and to make the process more fun, you should get an ice cream. But when you eat it, do not rush to throw out the remaining wooden sticks - they will be useful to create a full-fledged crossbow of paper and pencil.

Paper crossbow
That's all the components that you need - as you can see, there is nothing supernatural, all the components can be found either at home or bought in the nearest store.

Shoulder Crossbow Creation

To make a crossbow with your own handspaper, you will need to go through three stages, and the first one is the manufacture of shoulders. To begin, you will need four sheets of paper that you need to fold in half lengthwise and cut, adhering to the fold line. After that, take the resulting small sheets and wind them into a tube, if necessary, using a pencil. Once the tube is ready, secure it with tape to avoid unwinding, then repeat the procedure with the remaining half of the small sheets. But this is only the beginning - in order to give strength to the shoulders of the crossbow, you will need to put ice cream sticks into paper tubes. On one side, measure four centimeters on the tube and on the stick, insert the stick to the mark and break it so that it stays inside the tube. After that, bend the tube and at the other end, insert another stick, and then repeat the procedure with the other shoulder. To make a crossbow of paper and pencil more reliable, secure all the result with scotch tape.

The second stage: create the foundation

After the shoulders are ready, you can proceed to creating the base of the crossbow, which is also called the bed, as there are arrows.

How to make a paper crossbow?
To do this, you need five sheets of paper,which you fold again, using a pencil for a better effect, and fasten with scotch tape. From that edge where shoulders will fasten, this tubule needs to be made flat - they will also adjoin to these flattening. And again, attach everything very securely, using scotch to keep your crossbow from falling apart, but to serve for a long time and be reliable. Here you can also make a small tube-sight, which will be slightly larger in diameter than a pencil — from the remaining sheet — an arrow will pass through it when released. Use the remaining paper to make two small tubes at the base of the crossbow - an arrow will go there.

Trigger Installation

Но арбалет отличается от лука тем, что у него there is a trigger that automatically releases the string and sends an arrow into free flight. To make it, you first need to attach a thread to the edges of the arms of the crossbow. Then pull it all the way down and in a place that is in contact with the base of the crossbow, make a small hole, and from the bottom it should be a little wider than the top. Here will be located the trigger, which you can make from the unused residue of ice cream sticks.

Paper crossbow
The result is quite working triggermechanism that can be used to launch arrows. Before completing the work, check all the elements of the crossbow for reliable fastening, and if something seems to be shaky somewhere - do not take the scotch to fix this part properly.

Safety first

So, you learned how to make papercrossbow that can produce pencil shots. Of course, this is not a real weapon, but if handled carelessly, it can also cause harm to the health of your child, as well as damage to your property. Therefore, the baby should be taught not only how to make a crossbow, but also how to handle it. Show him everything clearly, mark the area where he can play with a crossbow, and then he will be absolutely safe.

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