Someone bites you at home, but to see this someonedoes not work? How to detect a pest? Understand that these fleas will help the sheets of white paper. They just need to be spread out on the carpet, on the couch, in general, where they most often bite, and watch for about 15 minutes. Then the disappearing little dots on paper are uninvited guests - fleas. Traces from the bites of bloodsuckers can be observed on the open parts of the body, often at the bottom of the legs. They are strongly itchy and can burn. Bites are most often a path.
How do fleas get into the house?
Insects enter the dwelling from the carrier,which can be a person or an animal. And they can come to "stay", they can from neighbors, from the basement, from the entrance. In an apartment fleas settle at a height of one meter. They find shelter in crevices, in clothes, in soft toys, in furniture, in carpets and carpets. With great pleasure they will settle in the coat of your favorite pussy or dog. Of course, to wash with a shampoo from a pet's fleas will not hurt, but it does not help much. The parasite will have to be brought out in the whole apartment, and as soon as possible, because in one day a female lays up to 50 eggs in the litter of the dog, from which new insects will hatch in the next couple of weeks.
Destruction of fleas
On the domestic animal lives only 5% of thefamilies, the remaining 95% of members of a large flea family nest comfortably in different corners of your apartment. Therefore, we assign a general cleaning day and mine everything, preferably with bleach. The palace can be shaken out and, if it's winter outside, leave it in the frost for a couple of days. Destruction of fleas is made with a vacuum cleaner, and we eliminate dust not only from the floor, but also from upholstered furniture. Be sure to shake out the filter, otherwise fleas will split up. Overwine curtains, soft toys, etc.
From top to bottom we spray the walls and floorspecial drugs, do not miss a single centimeter. Spray should be every square meter, not skipping and upholstered furniture. Carpets and carpets should be treated particularly well.
Means for the destruction of fleas "Sinuzan"
Against fleas is taken 0.25% aqueous emulsionpreparation. To process it is necessary, as already mentioned above, the walls (not less than 1 m from the floor), the floor, any slit, under the skirting boards. Normally, the consumption of the product is 50 ml per m2. It is possible to re-treat after some time, if not all insects have died.
Destruction of fleas in the premises by people's methods
To combat fleas, you can use tansy,wormwood, eucalyptus. Plants need to brew in boiling water, insist a couple of hours and rub in the floor, in the cracks, under the plinth, etc. Especially good is a remedy for prevention. But if the fleas are many, the method is ineffective.
A good tool is pine sawdust. Fleas will leave the fur of a cat, which sleeps on a mattress with such a filler.
These parasites do not like frost. As a rule, they disappear in the winter, but only until the spring.
Destruction of fleas can be entrusted to the usual foodsoda. Mix it with salt in equal doses, spray, legs or a broom rub the powder into the palatal so that it is not visible. Next day, thoroughly vacuum. Do not forget to shake the filter out of the vacuum cleaner. So you will destroy the adults.
Destruction of fleas with the help of grasses, we have described above. You can not brew them, but simply spread out across the apartment bunches of wormwood or tansy.