/ / Modern arrangement of furniture

Modern furniture arrangement

Furniture for any dwellingFirst of all, be practical and convenient. Comfort and safety are two criteria that need to be remembered when drawing a room plan, especially for families with children. Considering the options and figuring out what kind of furniture arrangement should be, you first need to understand how the room should be, whether the furniture that is available is suitable for its image, or it must be purchased.

First of all, you need to remember the functions that this or that room performs. For example, the arrangement of furniture in the kitchen assumes the availability of free spacearound the dinner table. So, the table must be set so that because of it you can stand up freely. It is recommended to place it at a distance of seventy-five centimeters from the walls, plus add another fifty centimeters to the chairs.

It must be said that to date, largepopularity has been gained by built-in furniture, which will fit organically into the layout of the kitchen, as well as combined or sectional, various sets that will enable you to decorate the room in one style. And if you put a small number of bright objects in the kitchen, an ornamental plant, the room will look elegant and cozy.

It is best to decorate the living room so thatThe arrangement of furniture went along the walls, making an exception only for a coffee table. However, if the room is spacious enough, it can be divided into functional areas. In this case, the sofa does not have to stand along the wall, it can be moved to the middle of the room. Or instead, you can put a chair-bed of small size. In any case, near the couch, armchair or sofa should be free passages of at least fifty centimeters. It is best to have a pass on three sides. Of course, this is not a strict dogma, the main thing to remember is that households should be comfortable.

Quite neatly in the living room will lookbuilt-in wardrobes and wall shelves for books. It should be said that the furniture that divides the space into zones should attract attention (have a bright accent).

Arrangement of furniture in the corridor should take place in such a way that cabinets, pedestals for shoes, etc., do not interfere freely with it.

The bedroom has a bed that usually takes up a lot ofplaces, today often replace a couch or a sofa bed with a box for laundry. The drawers are very popular, they can be pushed into the closet by day. There is another design for them, when the mattress can be turned on the axis, which is built into the wooden frame, and pull it down with a curtain.

Dressing table is also undesirable in the bedroom(Of course, this is true for small rooms and medium-sized rooms). In this case, the toilet (dressing table) is moved inside the cabinet: the mirror is fixed to the wall of the door, and below it is a shelf for small items.

In fact, you can choose a large number of different designs by yourself. After all, today furniture is often made according to the customer's drawing.

Thus, the arrangement of furniture affectsthe appearance of the room. Therefore, the latter can seem both spacious and cramped. The style can also vary from the classical to the so-called bohemian style. Therefore, when building a residential plan, it is necessary to achieve the main thing - to make the situation not only comfortable, but also original.

It is often enough to arrange furniture for feng shui. There are many rules, as a result of which the house is filled with happiness, luck and love.

But in any case, no matter howthe arrangement of furniture, the dwelling should remain cozy, spacious and beautiful. The main thing is to remember that everything depends on the preferences and ingenuity of the owners, as well as the size of the rooms and utility rooms.

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