/ / How to check the motor with a multimeter: step by step instructions and recommendations

How to check the motor with a multimeter: step by step instructions and recommendations

Часто возникает вопрос, как проверить the electric motor after failure, and also after repair if it does not turn. To do this, there are several ways: external examination, a special stand, “dial” windings with a multimeter. The latter method is the most economical and universal, but it does not always give correct results. The majority of the constant winding resistance is almost zero. Therefore, an additional measurement scheme is required.

Motor design

To quickly master how to checkmotor, you need to be clear about the structure of the main parts. At the heart of all the motors are two parts of the structure: the rotor and the stator. The first component always rotates under the action of the electromagnetic field, the second stationary and just creates this vortex flow.

how to check motor

To understand how to test a motor,need at least once to disassemble it with his own hands. The constructive of different manufacturers differs, but the principle of diagnostics of the electrical part still remains unchanged. Between the rotor and the stator there is a gap in which small metal chips can accumulate when the housing is depressurized.

Bearings may give excessive wear.current performance, resulting in protection will knock out. Deal with the question of how to check the motor, do not forget about mechanical damage to moving parts and where the contacts are.

Diagnostic Difficulties

Before you check the motorWith a multimeter, an external inspection of the casing, the cooling impeller should be carried out, and the temperature should be checked by touching the metal surfaces. The heated case indicates an excessive current due to problems with the mechanical part.

how to check the motor with a multimeter

Analyze need stateinternals boro, check the tightness of the bolts or nuts. In case of unreliable connection of live parts, failure of the windings can occur at any time. The surface of the engine must be cleaned from dirt, and inside there is no moisture.

If we consider the question of how to check the motor with a multimeter, then we need to take into account several nuances:

  • In addition to the multimeter, you will need tongs for contactless measurement of the current passing through the wire.
  • With a multimeter you can measure only marginally high resistances. To check the state of the insulation (where the resistance is from kΩ to MΩ), a megohm meter is used.
  • To draw conclusions about the suitability of the motor, you need to disconnect the mechanical components (gearbox, pump and others), or you need to be sure that these components are fully operational.

Switching equipment

Для пуска вращения обмоток используется плата or relay. To begin to deal with the question of how to check the winding of an electric motor, you need to disconnect the feed circuit. The elements of the control board can “ring” through it, which will introduce an error in the measurements. When the wires are folded back, you can measure the incoming voltage to be sure that the electronic circuit is working.

 how to check motor winding

In engines of household appliances often useddesign with starting winding, the resistance of which exceeds the value of the working inductance. When measuring take into account the fact that there may be current-collecting brushes. In the place of contact with the rotor, carbon deposits often appear; after cleaning it, it is necessary to restore the reliability of the fit of the brushes during rotation.

In the washing machines used compactengines with one working winding. The whole essence of the diagnosis is reduced to measuring its resistance. The current is measured less often, but to remove the characteristics at different speeds, conclusions can be drawn about the health of the motor.

Details of the diagnosis of the electrical part

Consider how to check the healthelectric motor. Primarily inspect contact connections. If there are no visible damages in them, then they open the junction of the wires with the engine and disconnect them. It is advisable to determine the type of motor. If it is a collector, then there are lamellae or sections in the place where the brushes fit.

how to check motor anchor

Требуется измерить омметром сопротивление между each adjacent lamellae. It must be the same in all cases. If there are short-circuited sections or their breakage, then the motor tachometer must be replaced. If the “ringing” of the rotor coil itself, then a 12 V multimeter may not be enough. To accurately assess the condition of the winding, an external power supply is required. It can be a PC or battery pack.

Для измерения малых значений сопротивления In series with the measured winding, a resistor is installed with a known rating. Just select a resistance of about 20 ohms. After energizing from an external source, the voltage drop across the coil and the resistor is measured. The resulting value is obtained from the formula R1 = U1 * R2 / U2, where R2 is the resistor, U2 is the voltage drop across it.

Diagnostics of asynchronous motors

На промышленных стиральных машинах могут used powerful three-phase electric motors. The rotor is more often performed in the form of type-setting plates with a magnetic core. Phase windings are often stationary and located in the stator.

 how to check the health of the motor
With a multimeter this motor is much easier to checkOhmmeter need to ring the resistance of each winding. It should be the same. Do not forget to check the breakdown on the body by measuring the resistance to the body. However, the insulation is more reliable to check with a megohm meter.

Отвечая на вопрос, как проверить обмотки motor tester, it should be noted that the "phase skew" in an asynchronous motor is not allowed. The resistance difference should not exceed one ohm. Otherwise, the current on a smaller inductance increases, which leads to a burning of the winding.

If the DC motor

These motors have a very high winding resistance.few and measurements are carried out using two instruments. At the same time take readings from the ammeter and voltmeter. The source is a battery with a voltage of 4-6 V. The resulting value is determined by the formula R = U / I.

Check all available winding resistances.anchors, measure the values ​​between the collector plates. All indicators of a multimeter should be equal. By this comparison, we can draw conclusions on how to check the anchor of the electric motor.

The difference in resistance readings betweenadjacent collector plates are allowed no more than 10%. When the equalization winding is provided in the construction, the motor will work normally with a difference of 30%. The readings of the multimeter do not always give an accurate forecast of the state of the engine of the washing machine. In addition, an analysis of the operation of the motor on a testing bench is often required.

Direct Drive Motor Check

If we consider the question of how to checkelectric motor of the washing machine, then you should consider the type of connection of the drum to the shaft. The type of construction of the electrical part depends on it. A multimeter ringing windings and draw conclusions about their integrity.

how to check the motor of a washing machine

Performance checks are carried out afterreplacement of the Hall sensor. It is he who fails in most cases. After continuity of windings with their integrity, experienced craftsmen recommend connecting the motor directly to the 220 V network. As a result, they observe a uniform rotation, to change its direction, you can turn the plug into the outlet, turning it with other contacts.

This simple method helps to identify a common fault. However, the presence of rotation does not guarantee normal operation in all modes that differ during spinning and rinsing.

Diagnostic sequence

First of all it is recommended to immediately payattention to the condition of the brushes, wiring. Nagar on live parts speaks about abnormal operating conditions of the engine. The current collectors themselves should be smooth, without chips and cracks. Scratches also lead to sparking, which is detrimental to motor windings.

How to check the motor winding with a multimeter

Washing machines often rotate the rotor,This causes chipping or lamella breakage. The control board constantly monitors the position of the rotor through a Hall sensor or tachogenerator, adding or reducing the voltage applied to the working winding. From here there is a strong noise at rotation, sparking, violation of operating modes during the spin cycle.

This phenomenon can be seen only during the spin cycle.washing mode is stable. Diagnostics of the machine does not always go through the analysis of the state of the electrical part. Mechanics can cause improper operation. Without load, the engine can spin quite evenly and steadily to gain momentum.

If still knocks protection?

After the measurements made while floatingmalfunctions are not recommended to connect to the network for verification. You can disable the engine permanently, unaware of the problem. How to check the motor winding with a multimeter, the master of the service center will tell you by phone. Under his leadership, it will be easier to determine the type of construction and the diagnostic procedure for a defective washing machine.

However, often experienced masters do not cope withrepair of difficult cases when malfunction floating. To check the service requires the use of a washing machine, mechanical components are crucial. Motor shaft misalignment is a special case of problems with the rotation of the drum.

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