/ / Stained Glass: Types, Pros and Cons

Stained Glass: Types, Pros and Cons

Stained glass in most casesIt is used in public buildings, such as shopping centers or hotels. This type of glazing provides a more modern view of the building, and therefore in the past few years, it has sharply increased demand.

The convenience of the design of stained glasshelps him to gradually begin to replace all the familiar plastic windows, which, as it seemed a few years ago, are an indispensable and optimal option.


Витражное остекление наиболее актуально в тех cases where the installation of conventional windows is not possible. In this case, the building can be given any architectural form and even make of it a whole work of art.

stained glass facades

The following materials can be used in the design process:

  • Plastic.
  • Steel.
  • Polycarbonate.
  • Aluminum.
  • Tree.

Regardless of whether the planar, structuralthis is glazed, frameless or frame, the result of the work should be a single glass building. Outwardly it looks rather modern, unusual, stylish and attractive.

stained glass glazing construction


Undoubtedly, this design has both pluses and minuses. But it's worth starting with a positive side. The pros of stained glass glazes include:

  • Economical. This type of coverage is very economical in all itsmanifestations. In offices where such windows are located, much less money is spent on electricity, because the premises are already well illuminated. In addition, with regard to materials and financial costs of installation, stained glass glazing is one of the cheapest options.
  • Durability. Manufacturers guarantee a service life of at least fifty years. Glazing can not be exposed to weathering or corrosion.
  • Strength. If you look at the photo of stained glass windows,you can decide that the design is as fragile as possible. But this is not so. It is capable of withstanding impacts of up to 80 kilograms, and in most constructions armored glass is used, which is almost impossible to damage.
  • Light transmittance. Regardless of whether the construction is transparent or not, the rays of light will still penetrate into the room and thereby make the stay in it more comfortable and cozy.
  • Simplicity in repair. If one of the panel blocks is damaged, you do not need to completely change the entire facade. It is enough only to replace one panel, and the design will not change its form.
  • Environmental Safety. Any design of this kind is equally safe for both the environment and people. Including allergic reaction will not occur in children, nor in allergic people.
  • Thermal insulation. Stained glass glazed facades due to its design allows you to simultaneously keep the heat in the room and not to start the frost inside.
  • Soundproofing. This type of glazing is absolutely hermetic, and therefore even the loudest sounds from outside will not be heard indoors.
  • Fire safety. The materials used to install these systems are highly fireproof. They are not prone to fire or smoke.
  • Lightness and flexibility. This type of facade can be installed even on dilapidated or reconstructed buildings due to its light weight.
  • Variety of types of structures. Facades are not limited in their form, they can be completely different types - large or flat. It all depends solely on the desire of the buyer.
  • Variety of colors. The variety of stained glass windows knows no bounds. And even if the material chosen by you is not the right color, it can easily be corrected with the help of powder paint, which is applied to the glass.
  • Attractiveness. Как уже упоминалось, при помощи таких конструкций you can give a modern look to the building. It is believed that it is with the help of stained glass that modern buildings and even entire cities should be formed.
    stained glass glazing


But with a huge number of positive qualities of this design, one should not forget about its undeniable shortcomings:

  • This design is strictly not recommended if a high seismic activity is observed in the region.
  • Stained glass glazing is unstable to a significant wind load.
  • The effect of "transparent walls" will not be pleasant to everyone. Especially it can affect people who are afraid of heights, and cause them anxiety.
  • The cleaning of windows has to be spent to the owners of the building, and without this it will no longer look so expensive and will lose all its external charm.
  • Some types of glazing have sufficient low characteristics when it comes to heat savings.

Varieties of systems

Depending on the type of attachment, the stained glass systems are divided into:

  • Structural.
  • Semistructured.
  • Planar.
  • False-glazing.
  • Column and transom glazing.
aluminum stained glass windows

What designs are used in Russia most often?The most common is rack-mount and transom glazing (due to the fact that it is the cheapest option). In this embodiment, a profile is used that is clearly visible through the glass.


Such structures are often used formonumental buildings, because this cover helps give lightness to the whole building. Here the profiles are no longer so strongly visible, but they can still be viewed.

Structural glazing

What are its features?In this type of construction, profiles are not visible at all. This is due to the fact that the end fixation is carried out, and the hollow parts of the seams are carefully hidden by pouring with sealant. This species is considered one of the most expensive. Also during construction of the structure, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the gaps, which will help the glass to cope with large temperature fluctuations.

Planar glazing

Это вид безрамного остекления жилых и офисных premises, which is carried out using the so-called spiders. This type is one of the newest, but already rapidly gaining fans.

Counterfeit, or hinged

This is a glazing method designed exclusively to hide any defects in the wall. Used rarely enough.

stained glass

There is also another classification of glazing. So, by design, the following constructions are distinguished:

  • Colored.
  • Transparent.

In this case, color designs haveindisputable advantage. They are highly resistant to UV rays, high mechanical strength. Mostly this type of construction is used for glass roofs or dome structures.

Requirements for stained glass facades

Are there any special requirements for it? Aluminum stained glass glazing is no different from any other types of facade. According to regulatory documents and fire prevention measures, the requirements remain the same.

Glazing of balconies and loggias

What is it done for?Stained glass loggia helps visually increase its area, as well as balconies. Such a design of the loggias can increase the level of light in the room that adjoins it.

stained glass photo

Stained glass also helps to embodyReality any design idea, even the most insane. With this design, you can visually select a balcony or loggia among hundreds of others. Due to the large glass area, it is quite easy to give it an individual design and make the loggia more comfortable.

How to warm?

Insulation of stained glass especiallynecessary if the owner of an apartment or house decided to turn his own balcony into a separate room or create an office out of it. Thus, with the onset of cold weather, the landlord will certainly think about warming the room.

glazing photo

Stained glass balcony has not too good thermal insulation. Therefore, you may need to use additional resources for insulation.

Warming options

Basically, there are two types of insulation options:when the glazing is already installed and when it is only planned. The second option is more advantageous, because then it will be possible to insulate the glazing itself.

In the case when the glazing is already installed, you need to understand that now you can try to insulate only the walls, ceiling and floor. In this case, the heat loss will be much higher.

Types of insulation

The types of insulation include the following procedures:

  1. It is necessary to close up all existing and even unobtrusive holes that are in the joints of the frame and the glass itself. Even regular mounting foam will be suitable for this procedure.
  2. Establishment of hydroheat insulation.In recent years, the deposition of thermal insulation, which already includes waterproofing, has gained particular popularity. Penofol should also be attached over the spraying layer, and the seams should be additionally treated with aluminum tape. Thus it is possible to extend the life of the heater.
  3. If it is planned that the balcony will be used all year round, you must also take care of the heating of the room.

Below we consider the main types of heating. This information will be useful to anyone who plans to install stained glass windows on the balcony.

Types of heating

Due to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to make heating radiators on the balcony, it is necessary to consider other ways of heating the room. Consider them in more detail:

  1. The outer side of the parapet can be insulated.different ways. To do this, it is necessary to plaster, sheathe clapboard or polystyrene foam. Having taken care of the warmth of the walls and ceiling, you need not forget about the floor, because it can be the main heat loss.
  2. The system "warm floor".This option is the most effective. But when using it, it is better to choose an infrared film. It is convenient in that it can be mounted not only on the floor, but also on the walls, and even on the ceiling.
glazing construction


So, we found out what the benefits anddisadvantages of such structures. Despite the fact that the panoramic glazing looks quite expensive and helps to create a feeling of a modern home, it also has a number of drawbacks that must be considered when choosing this design.

The main disadvantage is that installstained glass windows themselves, without the help of specialists, is an unrealistic task. Indeed, in this case, it will be necessary to fully consider the technology, adhere to all established parameters and comply with all recommendations.

It's quite difficult to do on your own,After all, any error in the method of establishing glazing can lead to serious errors, which include the lack of heat and sound insulation. These two qualities are as important as possible when it comes to both the office and the living space.

Despite the presence of deficiencies, it is impossible to challengethe fact that the panoramic glazing is quite simple to use. In addition, its low cost and fast installation can not fail to attract buyers. And because such designs are gaining special popularity in the past few years. It is worth using stained glass or better do without it, it's up to you to decide.

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