/ Electric switchboard. Assembly and installation

Electrical switchboard for cottages. Assembly and installation

Including light, using electrical appliances, we do notwe are thinking about the beginning of electricity supply in our house. And it begins in any building, even in a small dacha building, with an electric flap.

Electric switchboard for summer residence


The switchboard is the location of the instrumentsaccounting and distribution of electricity, protection of the power grid, communication media. The installation of this complex device is a responsible business that requires special knowledge of electrical engineering. But, having basic information, you can install an electrical switchboard for the dacha on your own.

You need to start by choosing one of the two existingoptions for shields - internal (concealed installation) or overhead (outdoor installation). The first looks more aesthetically pleasing, but requires additional preparatory work. However, if it is planned to install a street electric switchboard for a summer residence on the outer wall or to put a shield inside the house so that it does not come to your eyes, it is quite possible to do with an overhead box.

Setting the base

To install an internal switchboard, you needprepare a special niche in the wall, corresponding to its dimensions. It is clear that the thickness of the wall should be such that it can be "drowned" in it the whole device at the required depth. The overhead switchboard for a summer residence does not need such preparation, it is enough to fix it on the wall with the help of any suitable fasteners.

Scope Assembly

Electrical switchboard for summer cottages
Ideal option would be to purchasean electric switchboard for a summer residence in gathering, instead of to collect it in parts because sometimes it is difficult enough to find all details which would be successfully placed in a board and there were reliably fixed.

When selecting the size of the switchboard,proceed from the number of protection devices and circuit breakers, and also take into account the reserve in case of connection, if required in the future, additional objects of electricity consumption. Everyone knows that the construction of a dacha is an endless process.

A standard electric switchboard for a dacha usually consists of a meter, a two-pole circuit breaker, circuit breakers for consumer groups and a residual current device.

Outdoor electric switchboard for summer residence

In addition, for the installation of RCD and A3DIN rail, ground bus (if there is a circuit), box for sealing the input AZ, connecting bus, connecting wires with cross section corresponding to the load, for double insulation of wires.

Installation of devices

Usually the electricity supply of the house consists ofseveral groups: lighting, outlet, power and others. Each group must be connected through a separate protection device. Any device of high power (washing machine, air conditioning, water heater, oven, etc.) is recommended for safety reasons to be provided with a separate circuit-breaker.

In the conditions of giving it would be very prudentto install an RCD for a line of street outlets that serve to include garden tools and power tools, as well as to a bath line where there is an increased risk of electric shock. RCD - the device is expensive, so the desire of consumers to save on their installation is quite understandable. In a small country house, you can limit the number of protective devices or put one common RCD at the input.

Sometimes due to lack of space in theuse differential protection automata - AZ and RCD "in one bottle". Such combined devices are very expensive, in part and therefore not worth saving on the size of the shield.

Automation, filling the switchboard for the dacha, should be purchased only from reliable manufacturers, because the quality of these devices depends on the safety of people.

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