/ / We make household blocks for the dacha with our own hands

We make household blocks for the dacha with our own hands

Live in a country house without a normal economicthe room is not too comfortable. If you make household blocks for a dacha with your own hands, then they can act as not only banal barns for garden implements and other things, but also the soul. If you decide to do the construction yourself, you should consider several important factors. First, your project should not only be convenient, but also practical in use.

household appliance for self-catering
Materials for its erection should beas cheap as otherwise the cost of the household block is at risk of being equal to that of a five-star hotel. Of course, the work itself should be carried out in a short time. Thus, household units for dachas are not the most simple construction objects.

It is worth mentioning also that all the buildings on thesite should harmoniously fit into its overall shape, without causing dissonance and a sense of alienity. To meet such requirements, it will not hurt even before the work starts to determine the binding of the barn to the terrain, to sketch on paper its approximate appearance and make a plan.

Once again we remind you of the building materials:it is necessary not only to calculate the required number of them, but also to visit all existing building bases in your region, selecting the most optimal options from the financial point of view. Unfortunately, even the self-propelled gobblers for their own homes because of the cost of the material are not available in our time.

hozblok for cheap houses

You will need tools:

• shovels;

• chain Saw;

• Screwdriver;

• manual or electric hacksaw;

• manual or electric plane;

• electric drill.

We begin the work with the erection of the foundation.Of course, there is no need to pour a monolithic slab, but it's not worth making a toy base: it's quite possible that you will decide to expand your shed, so the safety factor will not hurt. For a cheaper, a columnar or even a pile foundation is quite suitable, but a shallow ribbon version is quite necessary to the court. With it, you will build a hozblok for a cheap villa.

To build it better on a skeleton principle,using for a basis a beam or logs up to 11 cm in diameter. It is recommended to fix the bottom crown with iron reinforcement, as otherwise the rigidity of the structure may be unsatisfactory. Especially carefully and accurately you need to put the beams for the strapping and the rafter system, since from them depends not only the aesthetic appearance of the structure, but also its strength. Remember that the construction of farmhouses for dachas is a process in some respects as responsible as building an apartment building, so it is necessary to perform the work at all stages as accurately as possible.

 construction of farmhouses for cottages

Walls can be made from OSB-plates.On the rafters is attached a light crate, on which it is best to install professional flooring or other material that does not differ in excessive weight. On the floors, you should save on: it's best to make them out of normal thick boards. Of course, they need to be laid on appropriately treated lags, which will prevent decay and quick exit of the floor.

As you can see, it is quite realistic to use the self-propelled gates for the dacha with their own hands!

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