/ / Alstroemeria flowers - decoration for your garden

Alstroemeria flowers - decoration for your garden

Alstroemeria flowers attract attention with theirbright unusual brushes, which have a variety of shades. This plant is a herbaceous perennial, home to which are tropical forests in South America. In height, the plant can reach 1 meter. Attention of almost all the flower growers attracts the flower with its unusual flowering: its flowers are collected in a brush - an umbrella (on one of them can be from 10 to 30 flowers). Their colors - the most diverse: yellow, red, pink, orange, white. Such flowers are ideal for cutting, they can be used as an additional decoration for the main bouquet, and in themselves they will look just great.

flowers alstroemerias
The plant is ideal for beginnersflower growers, because it is absolutely unpretentious, the only condition - alstroemeria must be carefully covered for the winter. Blossom alstroemeria, beginning in June, and the flowering period is about to end in the middle of September.

Alstroemeria flower: cultivation, care

The plant perfectly feels in the lighted places, but on especially hot sunny days, the alstroemeria needs to be sheltered to provide a light penumbra.

With its watering, flower growers should be extremelycautious, it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. In this condition, roots can begin to rot, and if high humidity in the ground is present in autumn, then in winter the plant may simply die - to freeze.

photo flowers alstroemeria
Alstroemeria flowers before the budding period beginsit is necessary to feed about 4 times a month with mineral fertilizers containing potassium. When the first buds begin to appear, it is necessary to exclude nitrogen from the feeding.

The plant multiplies by seeds and divides the bush.Grown from the seeds of flowers, alstroemerias bloom only in the second year. In order for the flower to survive well the winter, the young seedlings must be strong enough, so the seeds begin to be sown in early February.

Seeds are sown in a moist soil, tryobserve the temperature around 25 degrees. After 3 weeks they are removed to the refrigerator, thus ensuring the temperature difference necessary for seed germination. In a cool place, future flowers hold about a month. Then the temperature is increased to 20 degrees, naturally, the plants are taken out of the refrigerator. And then it remains only to wait for the first shoots, well, and periodically watered, of course. The first sprouts should appear for a month.

If you decide to transplant the plant in another place, you must necessarily build a good drainage. Such flowers do not like soil with high acidity, but this can be corrected by neutralizing it with chalk.

Experienced gardeners are advised to dig for the winterflower and, without shaking the ground, to clean the plant in a cool place (cellar or cellar), and in the spring to put the same lump. So you can protect the young plant from freezing. More adult flowers are not excavated, but carefully covered using special materials.

The most common species is the blooming orange flowers (see above photo of flowers) alstroemeria. Very popular are undersized varieties.

flower alstroemeria rearing
Alstroemeria flowers with proper care are almost not exposed to the effects of various diseases, and they are not disturbed by attacks of harmful insects.

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