/ / Glue for polypropylene and polyethylene

Glue for polypropylene and polyethylene

Polypropylene and polyethylene are materials,which are quite difficult to glue. If you do not use welding, then the process of joining the two elements will be problematic. Among other things, surfaces need preliminary preliminary training. Alternatively, an adhesive for polypropylene can be used.

Main types of adhesives

If you need glue for plastic, thenshould be aware that it has two varieties: thermosetting and thermoplastic composition. The epoxy, thermosetting and polyester resins serve as the basis for the first. The second category of glues can be divided into two directions, the first one is made on the basis of rubbers, while the second one is based on resins.

adhesive for polypropylene

Thermoplastic compositions soften materials anddissolve under the influence of temperature. If compared to thermosetting, they do not change their chemical structure when bonded, which is an important plus. The adhesive for polypropylene can also be divided in terms of the number of constituents, such mixtures can be single- or two-component. The first are presented in ready form in one package. This includes the adhesive "Moment" for polypropylene. And the second is packaged in two packages, each containing ingredients for mixing. As an example of a single-component formulation, Cosmoplast 500 can be considered, which is used to join profiles in window manufacturing. If you need a two-component formulation, you can use epoxy adhesive for plastic, which is made on the basis of hardener and epoxy resin. Two-component adhesive has an advantage, which is expressed in a long shelf life. The reason is that before the compound, the ingredients do not come into contact and solidification does not occur.

The main characteristics of the Cosmoplast 500 glue

The above-mentioned polypropylene adhesive acts inas a single-component composition, which can be used in industry and everyday life. It can be used for gluing joints at an angle of 45 °. This mixture is superior to its analogues for a shorter drying time. The composition is resistant to water, cold and heat. The approximate drying time is 3 seconds, and the final curing time at 20 ° C is 16 hours.

adhesive sealant for polypropylene

Operating instructions Cosmoplast 500

If you decide to use the above adhesivefor polypropylene, you should first familiarize yourself with the features of its use. Use the mixture from a measuring container or in conjunction with Cosmoplast CA, which is a measuring device. The application should be carried out on one side of the surface, which must first be cleaned of dirt and dust, and dried. Cleaning can be done with the help of special tools such as "Kosmofen 60". Surfaces must be connected and subjected to pressure for a certain time before drying in the open air. Due to the low viscosity, the composition described can not withstand the tension of the adhesive gap. If there is a need to connect large gaps, then at will, Cosmoplast 564 can be used.

adhesive for bonding polypropylene

Cleaning the glue

Adhesive for gluing polypropylene can bePurified in still not dried up form with the help of preparation "Kosmoplast 597". Washing of the measuring container from the non-dried glue is carried out with the help of the same means. If the glue has already dried, then you can clean it manually. When the surfaces contain a solvent, the already dried adhesive can be completely removed.

adhesive for polypropylene transparent

Characteristics of glue-sealant brand Dow Corning 7091

This adhesive is a sealant for polypropyleneis a viscous fluid that is used to seal joints and protect various surfaces. The composition can be used for gluing homogeneous materials among themselves. Among the main characteristics of this glue can be identified such as:

  • the ability to seal and glue various materials;
  • heat resistance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • durability;
  • high adhesion with different materials;
  • high elasticity of the seam.

adhesive for polypropylene and polyethylene

It should be remembered that the sealant cancharacterized by an acidic type of curing, this indicates that the composition has the ability to release a certain amount of acetic acid during the curing process. This can cause the destruction of non-ferrous metals and their corrosion. Marble and some other materials should also be included here. This glue is universal, it is convenient and easy to use, has the qualities of water resistance and resistance to chemicals and vibration. It can be operated at a temperature of -55 to +180 ° C. This adhesive for polypropylene cures at room temperature, it has good adhesion without additional priming with conventional materials. The composition is able to serve as a glue with a layer thickness of up to 5 mm, it can be used as a sealant if a layer of up to 25 mm is formed. When applied, it is a paste-like, non-sticky consistency. After the hardening step, the consistency resembles an elastic rubber. Among the qualities it is necessary to single out the ability to seal homogeneous materials and those that have a different coefficient of thermal expansion.

Why choose a Dow Corning 7091 glue sealant

The above adhesive for polypropylene andpolyethylene has qualities of oil resistance, resistance to moisture, high elasticity and strength. It is easy to apply, among other things, it is able to undergo temperatures from -55 to +180 ° C.

adhesive moment for polypropylene

Features of application

Sealing surfaces must bedegreased, cleaned and dried. Degreasing is possible with solvents such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol. The correct amount of sealant should be applied to one of the surfaces, and then connect the two bases. Correction of the relative position of the parts can be done within 15 minutes after application, until a film forms on the surface of the adhesive. If the conditions of room temperature and relative humidity of 50% are satisfied, the vulcanization rate will be 2 m per day. If the humidity is reduced, the pour time will increase.

Characteristics of the two-component adhesive WEICON Easy-Mix PE-PP

This composition is a two-component mixture forgluing polypropylene and polyethylene. It is made on the basis of acrylate and has a high adhesion strength of low-energy plastics and plastics. It is noteworthy that preliminary processing of the surface is not necessary. This composition is universal, so it can be used for gluing polyamide, polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate, polymethyl methacrylate, as well as glass fibers and other materials.


If using one of the above formulationsyou plan to glue polypropylene pipes, then the temperature in the room should be in the range from +5 to +35 ° C. It is important to have a glue gun, a brush made of natural bristles, and a pipe cutter. Before applying the adhesive composition, the edges of the sections should be cleaned, only in this way will it be possible to obtain high reliability of the joint.

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