/ / Yogurtnica reviews: important in the household

Yogurtnica reviews: important in the household

A homemade yogurt is an amazing subject.If you do not have it in your house, you will not even notice the absence. If you have - you will never stare at the shop products again. This is a very simple device, useful and practically indispensable. Modern manufacturers of household appliances offer housewives the widest choice of yogurt women, each of which is different in size, shape and functionality, for every taste and solvency.

You can prepare yogurt and kefir inyogurttnitsa, healthy food for children and many other tasty things - and even if the finished product was not eaten completely, all the same containers in which it was created will come to the rescue. Yogurt jars are usually made of strong materials, with sealed lids, they are easy to clean and recommended for use even in children's institutions. By the way, it is by the number of such containers, the material from which they are made and the overall design and these items of household appliances differ.

Yogurtnica reviews generally receive approving,although there are some flaws, which will be discussed in more detail in the description of specific models. It can be noted that such a convenient technique is usually purchased as a gift, but after trying, they decide to buy it in their own farm. The device is all the more useful because it consumes a minimum of electricity, but is used simply elementary. You can be sure - the home yogurt girl reviews that are found on every Internet page, there will be no standing on the shelf.

The greatest popularity, according to the poll atsome sites devoted to kitchen appliances, use the model of yogurtnitsa "MOULINEX DJC 1", with a power consumption of 12 watts. and the number of containers up to 7 pieces (depending on the equipment). The height of such a device is 18 cm, in width and depth - 27 cm. The approximate cost of a yogurt from "MOULINEX" is 1500 rubles. For this amount, the buyer receives wonderful cups placed in a special shaped lid and do not collide with each other when storage and movement of the device.

In addition to the strong fixing of cups, dignityThis subject of household appliances is a well thought-out and competently executed system of work. Such yogurttnitsa negative reviews did not work, although many buyers complain about its not too compact dimensions.

The second in terms of sales and positiveestimates in the improvised rating became a technique from the company "TEFAL" - the model "TEFAL 8872 41". With a small size (14x25x20), the yoghurt maker is able to cook a delicious product both clean and with pieces of fruit or with squeezed juice. The package includes 8 compact cups with hermetic lids, in which cooked yogurt can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. Positive moments - compactness, "staffing" with a large number of recipes and a built-in timer. Negative - frequent problems with overheating of the product, which leads, in the opinion of experienced owners, to the death of useful trace elements of yogurt. In principle, it is because of this and because of the high cost (more than 2000 rubles.) Yogurttnika reviews collected not too good and was on the second place in the ranking.

Honorable third place buyers of kitchendevices gave the device «Vinis VY-1600W» - cute, decorated with bright inserts and a transparent ball-shaped lid. Together with this yogurttnika, six convenient cups of cans of triangular shape are purchased. A huge advantage of this device in front of the two above described is its additional ability to make homemade cottage cheese. As for negative reviews, many buyers note minor violations, for example, uneven display or mismatch with the holes of the installed light indicators.

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