/ / Smokehouses with their own hands, for the joy of family and friends

Smokehouse with their own hands, for the joy of family and friends

What genuine pleasure is delivered to ussmoked products. Salo, sausages and golden fish, cooked in this way, just melt in the mouth. The cost of ready delicacies is high enough, but you can not give up your favorite treats, but just start making a smokehouse yourself.

If you have your own villa site, thisa great opportunity to think about a thorough construction and combine it with a grill and barbecue grill. But if you do not particularly want to tinker with the construction, but you still want smoked products, then any metal container with a lid, but without a bottom, is perfect for making a smokehouse with your own hands. Special skills and assembly process from you will not require.

Consider the option of making a smokehousehands from a metal barrel. First, we choose a permanent place on the site and select a piece of land equal to the diameter of our barrel. We shoot on this section of the turf and dig a hole depth of about 40-50 centimeters. We spread the bottom and walls with bricks or a flat stone.

We remove from the barrel the bottom on both sides tothe metal pipe turned out. Ideal option will be the manufacture in the side wall of a small door. Through it we will put chips and regulate the combustion process. But if the door is problematic for you, then when preparing the pit, we increase its size slightly on the one hand.

The next stage of making a smokehousehands - this is an internal grille. You can use two or four metal bars, which are installed inside the barrel, in the form of struts forming two parallel lines or a lattice. To them we will hang our fish or meat with hooks.

Close the barrel with a metal sheet in advanceholes. Prepared pieces of bacon are put on hooks and hung on rods. We close the barrel with a sheet. In the pit, we light a small fire, and when it is burned, pour out the dried chips from birch, alder, juniper or oak. Having started to smolder under the influence of coals, the chips will start to emit a large amount of hot smoke, which will rise up and exit through the holes in the lid.

With the help of smoke, the temperature in the barrel will beKeep at a level of 120 degrees, and our fat is not only quickly prepared, but also thoroughly proydimitsya. In this way, a smokehouse of hot smoked fish is collected by hand. The products prepared in this way have a short shelf life, and they do not have time to lie in the refrigerator.

You can smoke foods with cold smoke, but thisit will take about 4-5 days. Finished delicacies will have a slightly dried out look, but the shelf life will double. In order to prepare lard or a fish of cold smoking, it will be necessary to add to the proposed construction a long trench (about 10 meters), which will act as a chimney. In this design, the furnace is not located under the barrel, but at the very beginning of the chimney. Hot smoke manages to cool down to 40 degrees, until it passes all the way to the suspended products.

If these designs seem to be complex to you, thenthe best option is a mini smokehouse with your own hands, made from an ordinary bucket with a lid and several bricks. We take an old waste bucket and remove its bottom. In the lid make a few holes for the exit of smoke. On the ground we add a small well into two bricks, in which we will light a fire. You can do without bricks and kindle a fire right on the ground, afterwards, after installing our bucket on the coals. In it we insert a round lattice from a grill or, having made some apertures in lateral walls, we thrust some twigs. Our smokehouse is ready in a miniature.

Using any of the suggested methodsmaking smokehouse with your own hands, you can please relatives and friends with delicious delicacies. It is worth remembering that before you put food in the smokehouse, they should be pre-salted or marinated.

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